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Last active December 20, 2019 12:15
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This gist is a draft of a module that would wrap duct configuration for ragtime migrations. I get a feeling that writing it by hand takes way too much space in config. Of course there are still some loose ends. For one, it could be more explicit about the ordering of migrations.
{;;... ...
:duct.migrator/ragtime {:database #ig/ref :duct.database/sql
:logger #ig/ref :duct/logger
:strategy :raise-error
:migrations-paths ["myproject/migrations/001-create-initial-schema"
;;... ...}
{:migrations-paths ["myproject/dev_migrations/dev001-mock-data"]}}
(require '[integrant.core :as ig]
'[duct.core :as core]
'[clojure.string :as str])
(defn- migration-name [migration-path]
(last (str/split migration-path #"/")))
(defn- migration-keyword [migration-name]
(str "_" migration-name)))
(defn- migrations-refs [migration-names]
(mapv #(ig/ref (migration-keyword %)) migration-names))
(defmethod ig/init-key :hydrogen.module/ragtime-migrations [_ _]
(fn [config]
(when-let [migrations-paths (get-in config [:duct.migrator/ragtime :migrations-paths])]
(let [migrations (into {} (map #(vector (migration-name %) %) migrations-paths))]
(into {}
(fn [[m-name m-path]]
[[:duct.migrator.ragtime/sql (migration-keyword m-name)]
{:up [(core/resource (str m-path ".up.sql"))]
:down [(core/resource (str m-path ".down.sql"))]}])
(assoc-in [:duct.migrator/ragtime :migrations]
(migrations-refs (keys migrations)))))))))
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