'use strict'; |
{ // INIT |
var windowWidth = window.innerWidth, |
windowHeight = window.innerHeight; |
var width = windowWidth - 258, |
height = windowHeight - 10; |
var color = d3.scaleOrdinal(d3.schemeCategory10); |
var svg = d3.select('body').append('svg') |
.attr('width', width) |
.attr('height', height); |
var world = svg.append('g') |
.attr('id', 'world') |
.attr('transform', 'translate('+width/2+','+height/2+')'); |
svg |
.call(d3.zoom() |
.scaleExtent([1/8, 2]) |
.on('zoom', zoomed)) |
.call(d3.zoom().transform, d3.zoomIdentity.translate(width/2, height/2)) |
.on('dblclick.zoom', null); |
// from http://bl.ocks.org/rkirsling/5001347 |
// define arrow markers for graph links |
svg.append('svg:defs').append('svg:marker') |
.attr('id', 'end-arrow') |
.attr('viewBox', '0 -5 15 10') |
.attr('refX', 7.5) |
.attr('markerWidth', 7.5) |
.attr('markerHeight', 5) |
.attr('orient', 'auto') |
.append('svg:path') |
.attr('d', 'M 0 -5 L 10 0 L 0 5') |
.attr('style', 'fill: #000; stroke: none'); |
var buildings = world.selectAll('g'); |
var lines = world.selectAll('g'); |
var linePreview = world |
.append('path'); |
var inspector = {}; |
inspector.body = d3.select('body').append('div') |
.attr('id', 'inspector'); |
inspector.title = inspector.body.append('input') |
.on('change', function () { |
if (this.value == '') { |
this.value = selected.title; |
} else { |
selected ? selected.title = this.value : null; |
updateInspector(selected); |
update(); |
} |
}); |
inspector.type = inspector.body.append('input') |
.on('change', function () { |
selected ? selected.type = this.value : null; |
update(); |
}); |
inspector.from = inspector.body.append('div').classed('from', true); |
inspector.to = inspector.body.append('div').classed('to', true); |
inspector.focus = function () { |
d3.event.stopPropagation(); |
inspector.title.node().select(); |
}; |
var vertices = []; |
var edges = []; |
d3.text('industries.json').then(function(g){ |
importGraph(g); |
}); |
var source = null, |
target = null, |
selected = null, |
line = null; // rename this (represents an edge) |
var dragging = true; |
var ctrlPressed = false; |
window.addEventListener("resize", resize); |
svg.on('dblclick', newVertexAtMouse); |
svg.on('click', selectObj); |
d3.select(window) |
.on('keydown', windowKeydown) |
.on('keyup', windowKeyup); |
var simulation = d3.forceSimulation() |
.force('x', d3.forceX(0)) |
.force('y', d3.forceY(0)) |
.force('link', d3.forceLink().id(function(d) {return d.id;})) |
.force('charge', d3.forceManyBody().strength(-200)) |
.on('tick', tick); |
simulation.force('x').strength(0.02); |
simulation.force('y').strength(0.03); |
update(); |
} |
function update() { |
lines = lines.data(edges, function(d) { |
return d.index; |
}); |
lines.exit().remove(); |
var enter = lines.enter().append('g') |
.on('click', selectObj) |
.on('mouseover', lineHover) |
.on('mouseout', lineUnHover); |
enter.append('path') |
.style('marker-end', 'url(#end-arrow)'); |
lines = lines.merge(enter); |
buildings = buildings.data(vertices, function(d) { |
return d.id; |
}); |
buildings.exit().remove(); |
enter = buildings.enter().append('g') |
.on('click', selectObj) |
.on('dblclick', inspector.focus) |
.on('mouseover', bldgHover) |
.on('mouseout', bldgUnHover) |
.call(d3.drag() |
.on('start', bldgDragStart) |
.on('drag', bldgDragProgress) |
.on('end', bldgDragEnd) |
); |
enter.append('text'); |
enter.append('rect'); |
buildings = buildings.merge(enter); |
buildings.classed('selected', function (d) { |
return d.selected; |
}); |
lines.classed('selected', function (d) { |
return d.selected; |
}); |
buildings.selectAll('text') |
.text(function(d) {return d.title;}) |
.attr('height', 10) |
.attr('transform', function() { |
var b = this.getBBox(); |
return 'translate(-'+ b.width/2 +','+ 10/2 +')'; |
}); |
buildings.selectAll('rect') |
.each(function(d) { |
const b = this.parentNode.querySelector('text').getBBox(); |
d.width = b.width + 5; |
d.height = 20; |
d3.select(this) |
.attr('width', d.width) |
.attr('height', d.height) |
.attr('transform', 'translate(-'+ d.width / 2 +','+ -10 +')') |
.attr('stroke', color(d.type)) |
.attr('rx', 5) |
.attr('ry', 5); |
}); |
lines.lower(); |
d3.selectAll('text').raise(); |
simulation.nodes(vertices); |
simulation.force('link') |
.links(edges) |
.distance(100) |
.strength(0.2); |
} |
function tick() { |
lines.each(drawPath); |
buildings.attr('transform', function(d) { |
return 'translate(' + d.x + ',' + d.y + ')'; |
}); |
} |
function drawPath(d) { |
let path; |
if (this.children) { |
path = this.children[0]; |
} else { |
path = this.node(); |
} |
const x1 = d.source.x; |
const y1 = d.source.y; |
const y2 = d.target.y; |
const x2 = d.target.x; |
const w2 = d.target.width/2 + 3; |
const h2 = d.target.height/2 + 3; |
const dx = x1 - x2; |
const dy = y1 - y2; |
const m12 = dy / dx; |
const m2 = h2 / w2; |
let x2a; |
let y2a; |
if ( Math.abs(m12) > Math.abs(m2) ) { |
// if slope of line is greater than aspect ratio of box |
// line exits out the bottom |
x2a = x2 + dy/Math.abs(dy) * h2 / m12; |
y2a = y2 + dy/Math.abs(dy) * h2; |
} else { |
// line exits out the side |
x2a = x2 + dx/Math.abs(dx) * w2; |
y2a = y2 + dx/Math.abs(dx) * w2 * m12; |
} |
d3.select(path) |
.attr('d', ` |
M ${x1} ${y1} |
L ${x2a} ${y2a} |
`); |
} |
function newVertexAtMouse() { |
var x = d3.mouse(world.node())[0]; |
var y = d3.mouse(world.node())[1]; |
newVertex(x, y); |
} |
function newVertex(x = 0, y = 0) { |
var lastVertexId = 0; |
vertices.forEach(function(vertex){ |
if (vertex.id > lastVertexId) { |
lastVertexId = vertex.id; |
} |
}); |
var vertex = {id: ++lastVertexId, title: 'New', type: '', x: x, y: y}; |
vertices.push(vertex); |
selectObj(vertex); |
inspector.focus(); |
update(); |
simulation.alpha(0.3).restart(); |
return vertex; |
} |
function deleteObj(obj) { |
if (vertices.indexOf(obj) !== -1) { |
vertices.splice(vertices.indexOf(obj), 1); |
edges = edges.filter(function (edge) { |
return (edge.source !== obj && edge.target !== obj); |
}); |
} |
if (edges.indexOf(obj) !== -1) { |
edges.splice(edges.indexOf(obj), 1); |
} |
update(); |
simulation.alpha(0.3).restart(); |
} |
function bldgDragStart(d) { |
source = d; |
if (!ctrlPressed) { |
dragging = true; // dragging the bldg |
} else { |
dragging = false; // drawing new edge |
} |
} |
function bldgDragProgress(d) { |
var tx, ty; |
if (dragging) { |
source.fx = d3.event.x; |
source.fy = d3.event.y; |
} else { |
if (target && target !== source) { |
drawPath.call(linePreview, {source, target}); |
} else { |
tx = d3.mouse(world.node())[0]; |
ty = d3.mouse(world.node())[1]; |
linePreview |
.style('display', 'inline') |
.style('marker-end', 'url(#end-arrow)') |
.attr('d', function(d) { |
return `M ${source.x} ${source.y} L ${tx} ${ty}` |
}); |
} |
} |
simulation.alpha(0.3).restart(); |
} |
function bldgDragEnd(d) { |
linePreview |
.style('display', 'none'); |
if (dragging) { |
if (!d.fixed) { |
source.fx = null; |
source.fy = null; |
} |
} else { |
if (target) { |
if (source !== target && !edgeExists(source, target)) { |
edges.push({source: source, target: target}); |
updateInspector(selected); |
} |
} |
} |
update(); |
} |
function bldgHover(d) { |
target = d; |
d3.select(this).classed('hover', true); |
} |
function bldgUnHover(d) { |
target = null; |
d3.select(this).classed('hover', false); |
} |
function lineHover(d) { |
line = d; |
} |
function lineUnHover(d) { |
line = null; |
} |
function selectObj(subject) { |
if (d3.event) { |
d3.event.stopPropagation(); |
} |
if (subject === selected) { |
// TODO: re-implement for multi-select |
// do not interfere with dblclick |
// subject = null; |
} |
selected = subject; |
edges.forEach(function(edge) { |
edge.selected = false; |
}); |
vertices.forEach(function(vertex) { |
vertex.selected = false; |
}); |
updateInspector(selected); |
update(); |
} |
function updateInspector(subject) { |
inspector.title.node().value = ''; |
inspector.type.node().value = ''; |
inspector.to.node().innerText = ''; |
inspector.from.node().innerText = ''; |
if (subject && subject.title !== '') { |
subject.selected = true; |
inspector.title.node().value = subject.title; |
inspector.type.node().value = subject.type; |
var from = inspector.from |
.append('ul'); |
edges.forEach(function(edge) { |
if (edge.target === subject) { |
let li = from.append('li'); |
li.append('a') |
.text(edge.source.title) |
.on('click', function() { |
selectObj(edge.source); |
}); |
li.append('a') |
.text('×') |
.on('click', function() { |
deleteObj(edge); |
updateInspector(subject); |
}); |
} |
}); |
from.append('li') |
.text('+') |
.on('click', function() { |
var vertex = newVertex(); |
edges.push({source: vertex, target: subject}); |
updateInspector(vertex); |
update(); |
}); |
var to = inspector.to |
.append('ul'); |
edges.forEach(function(edge) { |
if (edge.source === subject) { |
let li = to.append('li'); |
li.append('a') |
.text(edge.target.title) |
.on('click', function() { |
selectObj(edge.target); |
}); |
li.append('a') |
.text('×') |
.on('click', function() { |
deleteObj(edge); |
updateInspector(subject); |
}); |
} |
}); |
to.append('li') |
.text('+') |
.on('click', function() { |
var vertex = newVertex(); |
edges.push({source: subject, target: vertex}); |
updateInspector(vertex); |
update(); |
}); |
} else { |
if (subject && subject.title === '') { |
deleteObj(subject); |
} |
} |
} |
function fixBldg(subject) { |
if (subject && subject.fixed) { |
d3.select(this).classed('fixed', false); |
subject.fixed = false; |
subject.fx = null; |
subject.fy = null; |
simulation.alpha(0.3).restart(); |
} else if (subject) { |
d3.select(this).classed('fixed', true); |
subject.fixed = true; |
subject.fx = subject.x; |
subject.fy = subject.y; |
} |
} |
function edgeExists(source, target) { |
for (var i = 0; i < edges.length; i++) { |
if (source === edges[i].source && target === edges[i].target) { |
return true; |
} |
} |
} |
function exportGraph() { |
var cleanEdges = edges.map(function(edge) { |
var cleanEdge = Object.assign({}, edge); |
cleanEdge.source = cleanEdge.source.id; |
cleanEdge.target = cleanEdge.target.id; |
return cleanEdge; |
}); |
var cleanGraph = {vertices: vertices, edges: cleanEdges}; |
return JSON.stringify(cleanGraph); |
} |
function importGraph(dirtyGraph) { |
// TODO: check for duplicate IDs |
var graph = JSON.parse(dirtyGraph); |
vertices = []; |
edges = []; |
vertices = graph.vertices; |
edges = graph.edges; |
update(); |
simulation.alpha(1).restart(); |
} |
function windowKeydown(d) { |
if (d3.event.target.type !== "text") { |
switch(d3.event.keyCode) { |
case 16: // shift |
case 17: // ctrl |
case 18: // alt |
case 91: // cmd |
ctrlPressed = true; |
svg.attr('style', 'cursor: pointer'); |
break; |
case 8: // backspace |
case 46: // delete |
case 68: // d |
d3.event.preventDefault(); |
world.selectAll('.selected').each(deleteObj); |
target = null; |
break; |
case 80: // p |
world.selectAll('.selected').each(fixBldg); |
break; |
case 27: // esc |
selectObj(null); |
break; |
default: |
break; |
} |
} |
} |
function windowKeyup() { |
switch(d3.event.keyCode) { |
case 16: // shift |
case 17: // ctrl |
case 18: // alt |
case 91: // cmd |
ctrlPressed = false; |
svg.attr('style', 'cursor: default'); |
break; |
default: |
break; |
} |
} |
function resize() { |
var windowWidth = window.innerWidth, |
windowHeight = window.innerHeight; |
width = windowWidth - 258, |
height = windowHeight - 10; |
svg |
.attr('width', width) |
.attr('height', height); |
simulation |
.alpha(0.3).restart(); |
} |
function zoomed() { |
world.attr('transform', d3.event.transform); |
} |