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Last active March 27, 2023 16:47
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parseUrlParams() - Parses URL parameters.
* @param {string} url
* A URL or a query string starting with a question mark that will be parsed.
* @return {{
* first: {[k: string]: (boolean|number|string|undefined)};
* multi: {[k: string]: (boolean|number|string|undefined)[]};
* last: {[k: string]: (boolean|number|string|undefined)};
* }}
* An object containing the URL parameters. The `first` property will be an
* object where a key corresponds to a URL parameter name and the value
* corresponds to the first value for that key. The `multi` property will be
* an object where a key corresponds to a URL parameter name and the value is
* an array containing all of the values for that key. The `last` property
* will be an object where a key corresponds to a URL parameter name and the
* value corresponds to the last value for that key. The values `"on"`,
* `"yes"` and `"true"` will be interpreted as `true`. The values `"off"`,
* `"no"` and `"false"` will be interpreted as `false`. Values that look like
* numbers will be interpreted as numbers.
function parseUrlParams(url) {
const result = {first: {}, multi: {}, last: {}};
url = url.replace(/\+/g, ' ').replace(/^[^?#]*(\?)|#[^]*$/g, '$1');
const rgxIter = /\?[^?]*/.exec(url)?.[0]?.matchAll(/[?&]([^=&]+)(?:=([^&]*))?/g);
for (let [_, key, value] of rgxIter) {
// Decodes the key and the value.
key = decodeURIComponent(key);
value = value && decodeURIComponent(value);
// Test if the value is a boolean.
const m = /^(?:(on|yes|true)|off|no|false)$/.exec(value);
if (m) {
value = !!m[1];
// Test if the value is a number.
else if (/^-?(?:(?:(?:\d+|\d+\.\d+|\.\d+)(?:e-?\d+)?)|Infinity)$/.test(value)) {
let num = +value;
// If value was turned into a number other than NaN use it as the value.
if (num === num) value = num;
// If the key has not yet been seen go ahead and define it for `first` and
// start an array for `multi`.
if (!, key)) {
result.first[key] = value;
result.multi[key] = [];
result.last[key] = value;
return result;
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