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Created September 23, 2016 05:12
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private static load_string ='clojure.core', 'load-string')
private static localization = load_string.invoke('''
(require '[ :as io])
(defn cljs-resource [path] ;does this work in production?
(io/resource (str "META-INF/assets/taipan_reagent/src/" path)))
(defn needed-messages [path]
(distinct (map second (re-seq #"\\(messages \\"(\\w+?)\\"\\)" (slurp (cljs-resource path))))))
(fn [request application-context path]
(let [locale ( request)]
(into {} (map #(vector % (.getMessage application-context (str "my.localized." %) nil locale)) (needed-messages path))))))
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