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SSE & NEON code for finding the minimum & maximum vertex indices in a GPU index buffer
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstdio>
#include <limits>
#include <utility>
using u8 = uint8_t;
using u16 = uint16_t;
using u32 = uint32_t;
#if defined(_M_AMD64) || defined(__x86_64__)
#define PICA_SIMD_X64
#include <immintrin.h>
#elif defined(_M_ARM64) || defined(__aarch64__)
#define PICA_SIMD_ARM64
#include <arm_neon.h>
namespace PICA::IndexBuffer {
// Non-SIMD, portable algorithm
template <bool useShortIndices>
std::pair<u16, u16> analyzePortable(u8 *indexBuffer, u32 vertexCount) {
u16 minimumIndex = std::numeric_limits<u16>::max();
u16 maximumIndex = 0;
// Calculate the minimum and maximum indices used in the index buffer, so
// we'll only upload them
if constexpr (useShortIndices) {
u16 *indexBuffer16 = reinterpret_cast<u16 *>(indexBuffer);
for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++) {
u16 index = indexBuffer16[i];
minimumIndex = std::min(minimumIndex, index);
maximumIndex = std::max(maximumIndex, index);
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++) {
u16 index = u16(indexBuffer[i]);
minimumIndex = std::min(minimumIndex, index);
maximumIndex = std::max(maximumIndex, index);
return {minimumIndex, maximumIndex};
#ifdef PICA_SIMD_ARM64
template <bool useShortIndices>
std::pair<u16, u16> analyzeNEON(u8 *indexBuffer, u32 vertexCount) {
// We process 16 bytes per iteration, which is 8 vertices if we're using u16
// indices or 16 vertices if we're using u8 indices
constexpr u32 vertsPerLoop = (useShortIndices) ? 8 : 16;
if (vertexCount < vertsPerLoop) {
return analyzePortable<useShortIndices>(indexBuffer, vertexCount);
u16 minimumIndex, maximumIndex;
if constexpr (useShortIndices) {
// 16-bit indices
uint16x8_t minima = vdupq_n_u16(0xffff);
uint16x8_t maxima = vdupq_n_u16(0);
while (vertexCount >= vertsPerLoop) {
const uint16x8_t data = vld1q_u16(reinterpret_cast<u16 *>(indexBuffer));
minima = vminq_u16(data, minima);
maxima = vmaxq_u16(data, maxima);
indexBuffer += 16;
vertexCount -= vertsPerLoop;
// Do horizontal min/max operations to get the actual minimum and maximum
// from all the vertices we processed with SIMD We want to gather the actual
// minimum and maximum in the line bottom lane of the minima/maxima vectors
uint16x8_t foldedMinima1 = vpminq_u16(minima, minima);
uint16x8_t foldedMinima2 = vpminq_u16(foldedMinima1, foldedMinima1);
uint16x8_t foldedMinima3 = vpminq_u16(foldedMinima2, foldedMinima2);
uint16x8_t foldedMaxima1 = vpmaxq_u16(maxima, maxima);
uint16x8_t foldedMaxima2 = vpmaxq_u16(foldedMaxima1, foldedMaxima1);
uint16x8_t foldedMaxima3 = vpmaxq_u16(foldedMaxima2, foldedMaxima2);
minimumIndex = vgetq_lane_u16(foldedMinima3, 0);
maximumIndex = vgetq_lane_u16(foldedMaxima3, 0);
} else {
// 8-bit indices
uint8x16_t minima = vdupq_n_u8(0xff);
uint8x16_t maxima = vdupq_n_u8(0);
while (vertexCount >= vertsPerLoop) {
uint8x16_t data = vld1q_u8(indexBuffer);
minima = vminq_u8(data, minima);
maxima = vmaxq_u8(data, maxima);
indexBuffer += 16;
vertexCount -= vertsPerLoop;
// Do a similar horizontal min/max as in the u16 case, except now we're
// working uint8x16 instead of uint16x4 so we need 4 folds
uint8x16_t foldedMinima1 = vpminq_u8(minima, minima);
uint8x16_t foldedMinima2 = vpminq_u8(foldedMinima1, foldedMinima1);
uint8x16_t foldedMinima3 = vpminq_u8(foldedMinima2, foldedMinima2);
uint8x16_t foldedMinima4 = vpminq_u8(foldedMinima3, foldedMinima3);
uint8x16_t foldedMaxima1 = vpmaxq_u8(maxima, maxima);
uint8x16_t foldedMaxima2 = vpmaxq_u8(foldedMaxima1, foldedMaxima1);
uint8x16_t foldedMaxima3 = vpmaxq_u8(foldedMaxima2, foldedMaxima2);
uint8x16_t foldedMaxima4 = vpmaxq_u8(foldedMaxima3, foldedMaxima3);
minimumIndex = u16(vgetq_lane_u8(foldedMinima4, 0));
maximumIndex = u16(vgetq_lane_u8(foldedMaxima4, 0));
// If any indices could not be processed cause the buffer size
// is not 16-byte aligned, process them the naive way
// Calculate the minimum and maximum indices used in the index
// buffer, so we'll only upload them
while (vertexCount > 0) {
if constexpr (useShortIndices) {
u16 index = *reinterpret_cast<u16 *>(indexBuffer);
minimumIndex = std::min(minimumIndex, index);
maximumIndex = std::max(maximumIndex, index);
indexBuffer += 2;
} else {
u16 index = u16(*indexBuffer++);
minimumIndex = std::min(minimumIndex, index);
maximumIndex = std::max(maximumIndex, index);
vertexCount -= 1;
return {minimumIndex, maximumIndex};
#if defined(PICA_SIMD_X64) && defined(__SSE4_1__)
template <bool useShortIndices>
std::pair<u16, u16> analyzeSSE4_1(u8 *indexBuffer, u32 vertexCount) {
// We process 16 bytes per iteration, which is 8 vertices if we're using u16
// indices or 16 vertices if we're using u8 indices
constexpr u32 vertsPerLoop = (useShortIndices) ? 8 : 16;
if (vertexCount < vertsPerLoop) {
return analyzePortable<useShortIndices>(indexBuffer, vertexCount);
u16 minimumIndex, maximumIndex;
if constexpr (useShortIndices) {
// Calculate the horizontal minimum/maximum value across an SSE vector of 16-bit unsigned integers.
// Based on
auto horizontalMin16 = [](__m128i vector) -> u16 { return u16(_mm_cvtsi128_si32(_mm_minpos_epu16(vector))); };
auto horizontalMax16 = [](__m128i vector) -> u16 {
// We have an instruction to compute horizontal minimum but not maximum, so we use it.
// To use it, we have to subtract each value from 0xFFFF (which we do with an xor), then execute a horizontal minimum
__m128i flipped = _mm_xor_si128(vector, _mm_set_epi32(0xffffffffu, 0xffffffffu, 0xffffffffu, 0xffffffffu));
u16 min = u16(_mm_cvtsi128_si32(_mm_minpos_epu16(flipped)));
return u16(min ^ 0xffff);
// 16-bit indices
// Initialize the minima vector to all FFs (So 0xFFFF for each 16-bit lane)
// And the maxima vector to all 0s (0 for each 16-bit lane)
__m128i minima = _mm_set_epi32(0xffffffffu, 0xffffffffu, 0xffffffffu, 0xffffffffu);
__m128i maxima = _mm_set_epi32(0, 0, 0, 0);
while (vertexCount >= vertsPerLoop) {
const __m128i data = _mm_loadu_si128(reinterpret_cast<const __m128i *>(indexBuffer));
minima = _mm_min_epu16(data, minima);
maxima = _mm_max_epu16(data, maxima);
indexBuffer += 16;
vertexCount -= vertsPerLoop;
minimumIndex = u16(horizontalMin16(minima));
maximumIndex = u16(horizontalMax16(maxima));
} else {
// Calculate the horizontal minimum/maximum value across an SSE vector of 8-bit unsigned integers.
// Based on
auto horizontalMin8 = [](__m128i vector) -> u8 {
vector = _mm_min_epu8(vector, _mm_shuffle_epi32(vector, _MM_SHUFFLE(3, 2, 3, 2)));
vector = _mm_min_epu8(vector, _mm_shuffle_epi32(vector, _MM_SHUFFLE(1, 1, 1, 1)));
vector = _mm_min_epu8(vector, _mm_shufflelo_epi16(vector, _MM_SHUFFLE(1, 1, 1, 1)));
vector = _mm_min_epu8(vector, _mm_srli_epi16(vector, 8));
return u8(_mm_cvtsi128_si32(vector));
auto horizontalMax8 = [](__m128i vector) -> u8 {
vector = _mm_max_epu8(vector, _mm_shuffle_epi32(vector, _MM_SHUFFLE(3, 2, 3, 2)));
vector = _mm_max_epu8(vector, _mm_shuffle_epi32(vector, _MM_SHUFFLE(1, 1, 1, 1)));
vector = _mm_max_epu8(vector, _mm_shufflelo_epi16(vector, _MM_SHUFFLE(1, 1, 1, 1)));
vector = _mm_max_epu8(vector, _mm_srli_epi16(vector, 8));
return u8(_mm_cvtsi128_si32(vector));
// 8-bit indices
// Initialize the minima vector to all FFs (So 0xFF for each 8-bit lane)
// And the maxima vector to all 0s (0 for each 8-bit lane)
__m128i minima = _mm_set_epi32(0xffffffffu, 0xffffffffu, 0xffffffffu, 0xffffffffu);
__m128i maxima = _mm_set_epi32(0, 0, 0, 0);
while (vertexCount >= vertsPerLoop) {
const __m128i data = _mm_loadu_si128(reinterpret_cast<const __m128i *>(indexBuffer));
minima = _mm_min_epu8(data, minima);
maxima = _mm_max_epu8(data, maxima);
indexBuffer += 16;
vertexCount -= vertsPerLoop;
minimumIndex = u16(horizontalMin8(minima));
maximumIndex = u16(horizontalMax8(maxima));
// If any indices could not be processed cause the buffer size
// is not 16-byte aligned, process them the naive way
// Calculate the minimum and maximum indices used in the index
// buffer, so we'll only upload them
while (vertexCount > 0) {
if constexpr (useShortIndices) {
u16 index = *reinterpret_cast<u16 *>(indexBuffer);
minimumIndex = std::min(minimumIndex, index);
maximumIndex = std::max(maximumIndex, index);
indexBuffer += 2;
} else {
u16 index = u16(*indexBuffer++);
minimumIndex = std::min(minimumIndex, index);
maximumIndex = std::max(maximumIndex, index);
vertexCount -= 1;
return {minimumIndex, maximumIndex};
// Analyzes a PICA index buffer to get the minimum and maximum indices in the
// buffer, and returns them in a pair in the form [min, max] Takes a template
// parameter to decide whether the indices in the buffer are in u8 or u16
// format.
template <bool useShortIndices>
std::pair<u16, u16> analyze(u8 *indexBuffer, u32 vertexCount) {
#if defined(PICA_SIMD_ARM64)
return analyzeNEON<useShortIndices>(indexBuffer, vertexCount);
#elif defined(PICA_SIMD_X64) && defined(__SSE4_1__)
return analyzeSSE4_1<useShortIndices>(indexBuffer, vertexCount);
return analyzePortable<useShortIndices>(indexBuffer, vertexCount);
} // namespace PICA::IndexBuffer
auto func(u8 *buff, u32 vert) { return PICA::IndexBuffer::analyze<true>(buff, vert); }
int main() {
u16 buffer[16] = {
79, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 37, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15,
auto [min, max] = PICA::IndexBuffer::analyze<true>((u8 *)buffer, 16);
printf("Minimum: %d, maximum: %d\n", min, max);
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