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Last active March 3, 2021 11:39
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monta ida output
; this is the caller function
BIOSCODE:BFC06EC4 # =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
BIOSCODE:BFC06EC4 sub_BFC06EC4: # CODE XREF: start+418↑j
BIOSCODE:BFC06EC4 var_s0 = 0
BIOSCODE:BFC06EC4 addiu $sp, -0x18
BIOSCODE:BFC06EC8 sw $ra, 0x14+var_s0($sp) ; back up $ra in stack
BIOSCODE:BFC06ECC jal sub_BFC01A60 ; this is the function call
; this is the function that gets called
BIOSCODE:BFC01A60 # =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
BIOSCODE:BFC01A60 sub_BFC01A60: # CODE XREF: sub_BFC067E8+10↓p
BIOSCODE:BFC01A60 # sub_BFC067E8+44↓p ...
BIOSCODE:BFC01A60 var_s0 = 0
BIOSCODE:BFC01A64 sw $ra, 0x14+var_s0($sp) ; backup $ra in stack again (because we'll jal later and want to preserve the return address)
BIOSCODE:BFC01A68 andi $a0, 0xFF
BIOSCODE:BFC01A60 addiu $sp, -0x18
BIOSCODE:BFC01A6C lui $t6, 0x1F80
BIOSCODE:BFC01A70 jal sub_BFC03990 ; nested function call
BIOSCODE:BFC01A74 sb $a0, 0x1F802041
BIOSCODE:BFC01A78 lw $ra, 0x14+var_s0($sp) ; restore $ra
BIOSCODE:BFC01A7C addiu $sp, 0x18
BIOSCODE:BFC01A80 jr $ra ; this is the return
BIOSCODE:BFC01A84 # End of function sub_BFC01A60
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