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Created April 11, 2014 18:19
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(* Derived from code by: Barbara Lepage <>,
originally found at:,
and licensed under Apache 2.0. *)
(** Type of pathnames: [real, lst, str]. [real] indicates whether the path
is absolute. [lst] contains path components in reverse order. [str]
contains string representation of path. *)
type t = (bool * string list * string)
let sep =
let empty =
(false, [], "")
let string_of_list r lst =
let str = String.concat sep lst in
if r then sep ^ str else str
let of_string str =
let r = if (String.length str) = 0 then false else str.[0] = sep.[0] in
let lst =
let rec split pos rest =
let index = String.index_from str pos sep.[0] in
split (index + 1) ((String.sub str pos (index - pos)) :: rest)
with Not_found ->
String.sub str pos ((String.length str) - pos) :: rest
split 0 []
(r, lst, string_of_list r lst)
let of_list ?is_real:(r=false) lst =
(r, List.rev lst, string_of_list r lst)
let concat (r, l1, s1) (_, l2, s2) =
if l1 = []
then (r, l2, s2)
else (r, (l2 @ l1), (s1 ^ sep ^ s2))
let extend path extdir =
concat path (of_string extdir)
let to_string (r, l, s) =
let to_list (_, l, s) =
List.rev l
let filename (_, l, _) =
if l = [] then invalid_arg "Pathname.filename";
List.hd l
let basename (r, l, s) =
if l = [] then invalid_arg "Pathname.basename";
r, l, string_of_list r (List.rev ( l))
let parent (r, l, _) =
let new_list =
match l with
| h::t -> t
| [] -> []
(r, new_list, string_of_list r (List.rev new_list))
let extension path =
let f = filename path in
let start = (String.rindex f '.') + 1 in
String.sub f start ((String.length f) - start)
with Not_found ->
let no_extension path =
let f = filename path in
String.sub f 0 (String.rindex f '.')
with Not_found ->
let is_empty (_, l, _) =
l = []
(** Pathname manipulation.
Derived from code by: Barbara Lepage <>,
originally found at:,
and licensed under Apache 2.0. *)
(** Type of pathnames. *)
type t
(** The directory separator ("/" on *nix, "\\" on Windows). *)
val sep : string
(** An empty path. *)
val empty : t
(** [is_empty p] returns [true] if [p] is an empty path. *)
val is_empty : t -> bool
(** [of_string s] creates a path from a string. *)
val of_string : string -> t
(** [of_list l] creates a path from a list. *)
val of_list : ?is_real:bool -> string list -> t
(** [concat a b] returns concatenation of [a] and [b]. *)
val concat : t -> t -> t
(** [extend p p'] appends path [p'] (represented as string) to path [p]. *)
val extend : t -> string -> t
(** [to_string p] converts path [p] to string. *)
val to_string : t -> string
(** [to_list p] returns list of components of [p]. *)
val to_list : t -> string list
(** [filename p] returns the last component of [p]. If [p]
is empty, raises [Invalid_argument]. *)
val filename : t -> string
(** [basename p] returns all but the last component of [p]. If [p]
is empty, raises [Invalid_argument]. *)
val basename : t -> t
(** [parent p] returns all but the last component of [p]. If [p]
is empty, returns [p]. *)
val parent : t -> t
(** [extension p] returns the part of the last component of [p] after
the last dot. *)
val extension : t -> string
(** [no_extension p] returns the part of the last component of [p] before
the last dot. *)
val no_extension : t -> string
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