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Last active April 12, 2020 17:06
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Logic minimizer with a configurable cost function in 50 lines of Rosette (
#lang rosette/safe
(require rosette/lib/angelic
(define (^^ x y) (|| (&& x (! y)) (&& (! x) y)))
(struct lnot (a) #:transparent)
(struct land (a b) #:transparent)
(struct lor (a b) #:transparent)
(struct lxor (a b) #:transparent)
(struct lvar (v) #:transparent)
(struct llit (v) #:transparent)
(define (ldump e)
(match e
[(lnot a) `(! ,(ldump a))]
[(land a b) `(&& ,(ldump a) ,(ldump b))]
[(lor a b) `(\|\| ,(ldump a) ,(ldump b))]
[(lxor a b) `(^^ ,(ldump a) ,(ldump b))]
[(lvar v) v]
[(llit v) v]))
(define (leval e)
(match e
[(lnot a) (! (leval a))]
[(land a b) (&& (leval a) (leval b))]
[(lor a b) (|| (leval a) (leval b))]
[(lxor a b) (^^ (leval a) (leval b))]
[(lvar v) v]
[(llit v) v]))
(define (lcost e)
(match e
[(lnot a) (+ 1 (lcost a))]
[(land a b) (+ 2 (lcost a) (lcost b))]
[(lor a b) (+ 2 (lcost a) (lcost b))]
[(lxor a b) (+ 2 (lcost a) (lcost b))]
[(lvar v) 0]
[(llit v) 1]))
(define (??lexpr terminals #:depth depth)
(apply choose*
(if (<= depth 0) terminals
(let [(a (??lexpr terminals #:depth (- depth 1)))
(b (??lexpr terminals #:depth (- depth 1)))]
(append terminals
(list (lnot a) (land a b) (lor a b) (lxor a b)))))))
(define (lmincost #:forall inputs #:tactic template #:equiv behavior)
(define model
#:minimize (list (lcost template))
#:guarantee (assert (forall inputs (equal? (leval template) behavior)))))
(if (unsat? model) model
(evaluate template model)))
(define-symbolic a b c boolean?)
(define f
#:forall (list a b c)
#:tactic (??lexpr (list (lvar a) (lvar b) (lvar c) (llit #f)) #:depth 3)
#:equiv (&& (|| a (! (&& b c))) (! (&& a (|| (! b) (! c)))))))
(displayln (ldump f)) ; (! (^^ (&& c b) a))
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