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Last active September 6, 2019 02:37
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Test files for quickchick
Require Import Strings.String.
Require Import Strings.Ascii.
Open Scope string_scope.
Require Import Bool.
Require Import Omega.
Require Import Nat.
Require Import ssreflect.
Definition Var := (string * nat)%type.
Inductive STLCA : Type :=
| unit : STLCA
| arr (A : STLCA) (b : STLCA) : STLCA.
Inductive STLCE : Type :=
| varex (v : Var) : STLCE
| varen (n : nat) : STLCE
| lambdae (A : STLCA) (body : STLCE) : STLCE
| appe (e1 : STLCE) (e2 : STLCE) : STLCE.
Fixpoint var_eqb (x1 x2 : Var) : bool :=
match x1 with
| (s1, n1) => match x2 with
| (s2, n2) => (if (s1 =? s2)%string then
if (n1 =? n2)%nat then
else false
else false)
Fixpoint open (x : Var) (e : STLCE) : STLCE :=
match e with
| varen 0 => varex x
| varen (S n) => varen n
| varex (s , n) => (match x with
| (s' , n') => (if (s =? s') then
(if (n' <=? n) then
(varex (s , (S n)))
else e)
| lambdae A body => lambdae A (open x body)
| appe e1 e2 => (appe (open x e1) (open x e2))
Fixpoint close (x : Var) (e : STLCE) : STLCE :=
match e with
| varen n => varen (S n)
| varex (s , n) => (if (var_eqb (s , n) x) then
varen 0
(match x with
| (s' , n') => (if (s =? s') then
(if (n' <? n)%nat then
(varex (s , (Nat.pred n)))
| lambdae A body => lambdae A (close x body)
| appe e1 e2 => (appe (close x e1) (close x e2))
Module QuickChicken.
Require Import QuickChick.QuickChick.
Import QcDefaultNotation.
Open Scope qc_scope.
Import GenLow GenHigh.
Fixpoint genSTLCA (sz : nat) : G (STLCA) :=
match sz with
| 0 => returnGen unit
| S x => freq [ (1, returnGen unit) ;
(sz, liftGen2 arr (genSTLCA x) (genSTLCA x))]
Instance show_STLCA : Show STLCA :=
{| show :=
let fix loop a :=
match a with
| unit => "unit"
| arr A B => (loop A) ++ "->" ++ (loop B)
in loop
Instance show_STLCE : Show STLCE :=
{| show :=
let fix loop a :=
match a with
| varex (s , n) => s
| varen n => show n
| lambdae A body => "λ :" ++ (show A) ++ "." ++ loop body
| appe e1 e2 => "(" ++ loop e1 ++ " " ++ loop e2 ++ ")"
in loop
Definition genVar : G Var :=
liftGen2 pair (oneOf [returnGen "x" ; returnGen "y" ; returnGen "z"])
(choose(0, 100)).
Fixpoint genSTLCE (sz : nat) : G (STLCE) :=
match sz with
| 0 => oneOf [ liftGen varen (choose(0, 100)) ;
liftGen varex genVar]
| S x => freq [ (sz, liftGen2 lambdae (genSTLCA x)
(genSTLCE x)) ;
(sz, liftGen2 appe (genSTLCE x)
(genSTLCE x))]
Fixpoint stlca_eqb (A B : STLCA) : bool :=
match (A , B) with
| (unit , unit) => true
| ((arr A B) , (arr A' B')) => (stlca_eqb A A') && (stlca_eqb B B')
| _ => false
Fixpoint stlc_eqb (e1 e2 : STLCE) : bool :=
match (e1, e2) with
| (varen n, varen n') => (n =? n')%nat
| (varex v , (varex v')) => (var_eqb v v')
| ((lambdae A e) , (lambdae A' e')) => (stlca_eqb A A') && (stlc_eqb e e')
| ((appe e1 e2) , (appe e1' e2')) => (stlc_eqb e1 e1') && (stlc_eqb e2 e2')
| _ => false
Definition right_identityP x e := (stlc_eqb (close x (open x e)) e).
QuickChick ((forAll genVar) (fun v => (forAll (genSTLCE 5) (right_identityP v)))).
Error: Unbound constructor Unit
Error: Could not compile test program
End QuickChicken.
Require Import Strings.String.
Require Import Strings.Ascii.
Open Scope string_scope.
Require Import Bool.
Require Import Omega.
Require Import Nat.
Require Import ssreflect.
Definition Var := (string * nat)%type.
Inductive STLCA : Type :=
| unit : STLCA
| arr (A : STLCA) (b : STLCA) : STLCA.
Inductive STLCE : Type :=
| varex (v : Var) : STLCE
| varen (n : nat) : STLCE
| lambdae (A : STLCA) (body : STLCE) : STLCE
| appe (e1 : STLCE) (e2 : STLCE) : STLCE.
Fixpoint var_eqb (x1 x2 : Var) : bool :=
match x1 with
| (s1, n1) => match x2 with
| (s2, n2) => (if (s1 =? s2)%string then
if (n1 =? n2)%nat then
else false
else false)
Fixpoint open (x : Var) (e : STLCE) : STLCE :=
match e with
| varen 0 => varex x
| varen (S n) => varen n
| varex (s , n) => (match x with
| (s' , n') => (if (s =? s') then
(if (n' <=? n) then
(varex (s , (S n)))
else e)
| lambdae A body => lambdae A (open x body)
| appe e1 e2 => (appe (open x e1) (open x e2))
Fixpoint close (x : Var) (e : STLCE) : STLCE :=
match e with
| varen n => varen (S n)
| varex (s , n) => (if (var_eqb (s , n) x) then
varen 0
(match x with
| (s' , n') => (if (s =? s') then
(if (n' <? n)%nat then
(varex (s , (Nat.pred n)))
| lambdae A body => lambdae A (close x body)
| appe e1 e2 => (appe (close x e1) (close x e2))
Require Import QuickChick.QuickChick.
Import QcDefaultNotation.
Open Scope qc_scope.
Import GenLow GenHigh.
Fixpoint genSTLCA (sz : nat) : G (STLCA) :=
match sz with
| 0 => returnGen unit
| S x => freq [ (1, returnGen unit) ;
(sz, liftGen2 arr (genSTLCA x) (genSTLCA x))]
Instance show_STLCA : Show STLCA :=
{| show :=
let fix loop a :=
match a with
| unit => "unit"
| arr A B => (loop A) ++ "->" ++ (loop B)
in loop
Instance show_STLCE : Show STLCE :=
{| show :=
let fix loop a :=
match a with
| varex (s , n) => s
| varen n => show n
| lambdae A body => "λ :" ++ (show A) ++ "." ++ loop body
| appe e1 e2 => "(" ++ loop e1 ++ " " ++ loop e2 ++ ")"
in loop
Definition genVar : G Var :=
liftGen2 pair (oneOf [returnGen "x" ; returnGen "y" ; returnGen "z"])
(choose(0, 100)).
Fixpoint genSTLCE (sz : nat) : G (STLCE) :=
match sz with
| 0 => oneOf [ liftGen varen (choose(0, 100)) ;
liftGen varex genVar]
| S x => freq [ (sz, liftGen2 lambdae (genSTLCA x)
(genSTLCE x)) ;
(sz, liftGen2 appe (genSTLCE x)
(genSTLCE x))]
Fixpoint stlca_eqb (A B : STLCA) : bool :=
match (A , B) with
| (unit , unit) => true
| ((arr A B) , (arr A' B')) => (stlca_eqb A A') && (stlca_eqb B B')
| _ => false
Fixpoint stlc_eqb (e1 e2 : STLCE) : bool :=
match (e1, e2) with
| (varen n, varen n') => (n =? n')%nat
| (varex v , (varex v')) => (var_eqb v v')
| ((lambdae A e) , (lambdae A' e')) => (stlca_eqb A A') && (stlc_eqb e e')
| ((appe e1 e2) , (appe e1' e2')) => (stlc_eqb e1 e1') && (stlc_eqb e2 e2')
| _ => false
Definition right_identityP x e := (stlc_eqb (close x (open x e)) e).
QuickChick ((forAll genVar) (fun v => (forAll (genSTLCE 5) (right_identityP v)))).
Warning: The following logical axioms were
encountered: semBindOptSizeMonotonicIncl_r
Having invalid logical
axiom in the environment when extracting may lead to incorrect or
non-terminating ML terms.
ld: warning: URGENT: building for OSX, but linking against dylib (/usr/lib/libSystem.dylib) built for (unknown). Note: This will be an error in the future.
+++ Passed 10000 tests (0 discards)
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