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Created September 21, 2019 00:12
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Require Import Omega.
Require Import Coq.Lists.ListSet.
Require Import Coq.Program.Wf.
Open Scope list.
Parameter atom : Type.
Parameter atomeq_dec : forall x y : atom, {x = y} + {x <> y}.
Notation "a '==' b" := (atomeq_dec a b) (at level 10).
Definition atoms := set atom.
Definition empty : atoms := empty_set atom.
Definition singleton (x : atom) := x :: nil.
Definition union := set_union atomeq_dec.
Definition remove := set_remove atomeq_dec.
Definition add := set_add atomeq_dec.
Parameter fresh : atoms -> atom.
Inductive CCexp: Type :=
| eId (x: atom)
| eUni
| eAbs (x: atom) (A e: CCexp)
| eApp (e1 e2: CCexp)
Fixpoint CCsize (e: CCexp) : nat :=
match e with
| eId _ => 1
| eUni => 1
| eAbs _ A e => 1 + (CCsize A) + (CCsize e)
| eApp e1 e2 => 1 + (CCsize e1) + (CCsize e2)
Hint Constructors CCexp.
Lemma CCsize_non_zero : forall e, 0 < CCsize e.
induction e; simpl; omega.
(* -=CC Evaluation=- *)
Definition X := (fresh nil).
Definition Y := (fresh (X :: nil)).
Definition Z := (fresh (Y :: (X :: nil))).
(* Substitution *)
Fixpoint FV (e: CCexp) : atoms :=
match e with
| eId x => singleton x
| eUni => empty
| eAbs x A e => union (FV A) (remove x (FV e))
| eApp e1 e2 => (union (FV e1) (FV e2))
Fixpoint V (e: CCexp) : atoms :=
match e with
| eId x => singleton x
| eUni => empty
| eAbs x A e => (add x (union (V A) (V e)))
| eApp e1 e2 => (union (V e1) (V e2))
Fixpoint graft (x: atom) (arg body: CCexp) :=
match body with
| eId x' => if (x == x') then arg else body
| eAbs x' A e =>
if (x == x')
then (eAbs x' (graft x arg A) e)
else (eAbs x' (graft x arg A) (graft x arg e))
| eApp e1 e2 => (eApp (graft x arg e1) (graft x arg e2))
| eUni => body
Lemma graft_id_size_preserving : forall xnew x' e, (CCsize (graft x' (eId xnew) e)) = CCsize e.
intros. induction e.
- simpl. destruct (x' == x); auto.
- auto.
- simpl. destruct (x' == x).
+ cbn. rewrite -> IHe1. reflexivity.
+ cbn. rewrite -> IHe1. rewrite -> IHe2. reflexivity.
- cbn. rewrite -> IHe1. rewrite -> IHe2. reflexivity.
Program Fixpoint Subst (x: atom) (arg body: CCexp) (FVInArg: atoms) {measure (CCsize body)}:=
match body with
| eId x' => if (x == x') then arg else body
| eAbs x' A e =>
if (x == x')
then (eAbs x' (Subst x arg A FVInArg) e)
else let xnew := fresh (union (FVInArg) (V e)) in
(eAbs xnew (Subst x arg A FVInArg) (Subst x arg (graft x' (eId xnew) e) FVInArg))
| eApp e1 e2 => (eApp (Subst x arg e1 FVInArg) (Subst x arg e2 FVInArg))
| eUni => body
Solve Obligations with (Tactics.program_simpl; simpl; omega).
Solve Obligations with (Tactics.program_simpl; simpl; rewrite -> graft_id_size_preserving; omega).
Compute Subst X (eUni) (eId X) (FV eUni).
Timeout 300 Compute Subst X (eUni) (eAbs Y (eUni) (eId X)) empty.
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