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Created August 26, 2015 09:17
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// Implements a simple phase delay from different n-Antenna elements
package pathloss
import (
type WalfischIke struct {
wsettings ModelSetting
func (w *WalfischIke) Set(ModelSetting) {
func (w WalfischIke) Get() ModelSetting {
return ModelSetting{}
func (w WalfischIke) LossInDbNodes(txnode, rxnode deployment.Node, freqGHz float64) (plDb float64, valid bool) {
return 0, true
func (w WalfischIke) LossInDb3D(src, dest vlib.Location3D, freqGHz float64) (plDb float64, valid bool) {
//fmt.Printf("Hello World")
FreqMHz := freqGHz * 1.0e3
lamda := 3.0e8 / (FreqMHz * 1.0e6)
distance := src.DistanceFrom(dest) / 1.0e3
var result float64
var theta float64
var Lbf, Lmsd, Lrts, Lori, Lbsh float64
var ka, kf, kd float64
hb := src.Z
hm := dest.Z
theta = 90.0
hroof := 30.0
w1 := 15.0
b := 30.0
l := 1000.0
if freqGHz < 100 && distance < 1 {
Lbf = 32.4 + 20*math.Log10(distance) + 20*math.Log10(FreqMHz)
if theta < 35 {
Lori = -10 + 0.354*theta
} else if theta < 55 {
Lori = 2.5 + 0.075*(theta-35)
} else {
Lori = 4.0 - 0.114*(theta-55)
Lrts = -8.2 - 10*math.Log10(w1) + 10*math.Log10(FreqMHz) + 20*math.Log10(hroof-hm) + Lori
diff_in_TxRxh := hb - hm
d := distance / (diff_in_TxRxh)
ds := lamda * math.Pow(d, 2)
//fmt.Printf("The value of Ds:%f", ds)
if l > ds {
if hb > hroof {
Lbsh = -18 * math.Log10(1+diff_in_TxRxh)
if FreqMHz >= 2000 {
ka = 71.4
kf = -8
} else {
ka = 54
kd = 18
kf = -4.0 + 1.5*(FreqMHz/925-1)
} else {
Lbsh = 0
kd = 18 - 15*(diff_in_TxRxh/hroof)
if distance > 0.5 {
ka = 54 - 0.8*diff_in_TxRxh
} else {
ka = 54 - 1.6*diff_in_TxRxh
Lmsd = Lbsh + ka + kd*math.Log10(distance) + kf*math.Log10(FreqMHz) - 9*math.Log10(b)
} else {
Q := math.Atan((hb - hm) / b)
rho1 := math.Pow(hb-hm, 2)
rho2 := math.Pow(b, 2)
rho := math.Sqrt(rho1 + rho2)
var Qm float64
if hb > hroof {
f := (hb - hm) / d
g := math.Sqrt(b / lamda)
Qm = 2.35 * (math.Pow(f*g, 0.9))
} else if hb == hroof {
Qm = b / d
} else {
f1 := b / (2 * math.Pi * d)
f2 := math.Sqrt(lamda / rho)
f3 := 1/Q - 1/(2*math.Pi+Q)
Qm = f1 * f2 * f3
Lmsd = -20 * math.Log(Qm)
if Lmsd+Lrts > 0 {
result = Lbf + Lmsd + Lrts
} else {
result = Lbf
fmt.Printf("The pathloss value in Db is %f\n", result)
} else if freqGHz < 2 && distance > 1 {
if FreqMHz >= 150 && FreqMHz < 1500 && distance > 0.05 {
var Ch float64
// Ch = 0.8 + (1.1*math.Log10(FreqMHz)-0.7)*dest.Z - 1.56*math.Log10(FreqMHz)
if FreqMHz >= 150.0 && FreqMHz <= 200.0 {
Ch = 8.29*math.Pow(math.Log10(1.54*dest.Z), 2) - 1.1
} else if FreqMHz > 200.0 && FreqMHz <= 1500.0 {
Ch = 3.2*math.Pow(math.Log10(11.75*dest.Z), 2) - 4.97
result = 69.55 + 26.16*math.Log10(FreqMHz) - 13.82*math.Log10(src.Z) - Ch + (44.9-6.55*math.Log10(src.Z))*math.Log10(distance)
} else if FreqMHz >= 1500 && FreqMHz < 2000 && distance > 0.05 {
a := (1.1*math.Log10(FreqMHz)-0.7)*dest.Z - (1.56*math.Log10(FreqMHz) - 0.8)
result = 46.3 + 33.9*math.Log10(FreqMHz) - 13.82*math.Log10(src.Z) - a + (44.9-6.55*math.Log10(src.Z))*math.Log10(distance) + 3
} else if FreqMHz >= 150 && FreqMHz < 2000 && distance <= 0.05 {
result = 20*math.Log10(distance) + 20*math.Log10(FreqMHz) + 32.45
} else {
fmt.Printf("distance= %f\n", distance)
log.Panic("Path loss model does not valid for given frequency")
return 0, false
return result, true
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