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Created November 25, 2018 17:52
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// This software is dual-licensed to the public domain and under the following
// license: you are granted a perpetual, irrevocable license to copy, modify,
// publish, and distribute this file as you see fit.
// 0.1.0 (2016-03-28) Initial release
// Forrest Smith
// Jørgen Tjernø - async helper
// Returns true if each character in pattern is found sequentially within str
export function fuzzy_match_simple(pattern, str) {
var patternIdx = 0;
var strIdx = 0;
var patternLength = pattern.length;
var strLength = str.length;
while (patternIdx !== patternLength && strIdx !== strLength) {
var patternChar = pattern.charAt(patternIdx).toLowerCase();
var strChar = str.charAt(strIdx).toLowerCase();
if (patternChar === strChar)
return patternLength !== 0 && strLength !== 0 && patternIdx === patternLength;
// Returns [bool, score, formattedStr]
// bool: true if each character in pattern is found sequentially within str
// score: integer; higher is better match. Value has no intrinsic meaning. Range varies with pattern.
// Can only compare scores with same search pattern.
// formattedStr: input str with matched characters marked in <b> tags. Delete if unwanted.
export function fuzzy_match(pattern, str) {
// Score consts
var adjacency_bonus = 5; // bonus for adjacent matches
var separator_bonus = 10; // bonus if match occurs after a separator
var camel_bonus = 10; // bonus if match is uppercase and prev is lower
var leading_letter_penalty = -3; // penalty applied for every letter in str before the first match
var max_leading_letter_penalty = -9; // maximum penalty for leading letters
var unmatched_letter_penalty = -1; // penalty for every letter that doesn't matter
// Loop variables
var score = 0;
var patternIdx = 0;
var patternLength = pattern.length;
var strIdx = 0;
var strLength = str.length;
var prevMatched = false;
var prevLower = false;
var prevSeparator = true; // true so if first letter match gets separator bonus
// Use "best" matched letter if multiple string letters match the pattern
var bestLetter = null;
var bestLower = null;
var bestLetterIdx = null;
var bestLetterScore = 0;
var matchedIndices = [];
// Loop over strings
while (strIdx !== strLength) {
var patternChar = patternIdx !== patternLength ? pattern.charAt(patternIdx) : null;
var strChar = str.charAt(strIdx);
var patternLower = patternChar != null ? patternChar.toLowerCase() : null;
var strLower = strChar.toLowerCase();
var strUpper = strChar.toUpperCase();
var nextMatch = patternChar && patternLower === strLower;
var rematch = bestLetter && bestLower === strLower;
var advanced = nextMatch && bestLetter;
var patternRepeat = bestLetter && patternChar && bestLower === patternLower;
if (advanced || patternRepeat) {
score += bestLetterScore;
bestLetter = null;
bestLower = null;
bestLetterIdx = null;
bestLetterScore = 0;
if (nextMatch || rematch) {
var newScore = 0;
// Apply penalty for each letter before the first pattern match
// Note: std::max because penalties are negative values. So max is smallest penalty.
if (patternIdx === 0) {
score += Math.max(strIdx * leading_letter_penalty, max_leading_letter_penalty);
// Apply bonus for consecutive bonuses
if (prevMatched)
newScore += adjacency_bonus;
// Apply bonus for matches after a separator
if (prevSeparator)
newScore += separator_bonus;
// Apply bonus across camel case boundaries. Includes "clever" isLetter check.
if (prevLower && strChar === strUpper && strLower !== strUpper)
newScore += camel_bonus;
// Update patter index IFF the next pattern letter was matched
if (nextMatch)
// Update best letter in str which may be for a "next" letter or a "rematch"
if (newScore >= bestLetterScore) {
// Apply penalty for now skipped letter
if (bestLetter != null)
score += unmatched_letter_penalty;
bestLetter = strChar;
bestLower = bestLetter.toLowerCase();
bestLetterIdx = strIdx;
bestLetterScore = newScore;
prevMatched = true;
else {
// Append unmatch characters
formattedStr += strChar;
score += unmatched_letter_penalty;
prevMatched = false;
// Includes "clever" isLetter check.
prevLower = strChar === strLower && strLower !== strUpper;
prevSeparator = strChar === '_' || strChar === ' ';
// Apply score for last match
if (bestLetter) {
score += bestLetterScore;
// Finish out formatted string after last pattern matched
// Build formated string based on matched letters
var formattedStr = "";
var lastIdx = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < matchedIndices.length; ++i) {
var idx = matchedIndices[i];
formattedStr += str.substr(lastIdx, idx - lastIdx) + "<b>" + str.charAt(idx) + "</b>";
lastIdx = idx + 1;
formattedStr += str.substr(lastIdx, str.length - lastIdx);
var matched = patternIdx === patternLength;
return [matched, score, formattedStr];
// Strictly optional utility to help make using fts_fuzzy_match easier for large data sets
// Uses setTimeout to process matches before a maximum amount of time before sleeping
// To use:
// var asyncMatcher = new fts_fuzzy_match(fuzzy_match, "fts", "ForrestTheWoods",
// function(results) { console.log(results); });
// asyncMatcher.start();
export function fts_fuzzy_match_async(matchFn, pattern, dataSet, onComplete) {
var ITEMS_PER_CHECK = 1000; // can be very slow depending on platform
var max_ms_per_frame = 1000.0/30.0; // 30FPS
var dataIndex = 0;
var results = [];
var resumeTimeout = null;
// Perform matches for at most max_ms
function step() {
resumeTimeout = null;
var stopTime = + max_ms_per_frame;
for (; dataIndex < dataSet.length; ++dataIndex) {
if ((dataIndex % ITEMS_PER_CHECK) === 0) {
if ( > stopTime) {
resumeTimeout = setTimeout(step, 1);
var str = dataSet[dataIndex];
var result = matchFn(pattern, str);
// A little gross because fuzzy_match_simple and fuzzy_match return different things
if (matchFn === fuzzy_match_simple && result === true)
else if (matchFn === fuzzy_match && result[0] === true)
return null;
// Abort current process
this.cancel = function() {
if (resumeTimeout !== null)
// Must be called to start matching.
// I tried to make asyncMatcher auto-start via "var resumeTimeout = step();"
// However setTimout behaving in an unexpected fashion as onComplete insisted on triggering twice.
this.start = function() {
// Process full list. Blocks script execution until complete
this.flush = function() {
max_ms_per_frame = Infinity;
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