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williame /
Created September 19, 2012 18:00
An intrusive list class for Java
public final class IntrusiveList<T> {
/** private constructor used by makeList() */
private IntrusiveList() {
t = null; // is null so we know this must be the head/tail
prev = next = this; // cyclic
/** returns a new head/tail pointer */
public static <T> IntrusiveList<T> makeList() {
williame /
Created June 28, 2012 20:09
can watch variables; opens a window that continuously updates as the variable changes value
import sys, threading, Queue, weakref
import Tkinter
_has_tk = True
_debug_win = None
except ImportError:
# quietly disable ourselves
_has_tk = False
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
def Ord(ch): return ord(ch) - ord('A') # convert A-Z to 0-25
def Chr(ch): return chr(ch + ord('A')) # convert 0-25 to A-Z
def Text(s): return "".join(ch for ch in s if ch in "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ")
Rotors = { # name: (wiring, notches)
import urllib, re, os, urlparse, json, random, sys, getopt, gzip, math, time
from multiprocessing.dummy import Pool as ThreadPool
from cStringIO import StringIO
import Image
def download_all_thumbs(ld_num=28,dest_folder="thumbs"):
event_name = 'ludum-dare-%d' % ld_num
entries_page_url_template = "" % event_name
import java.util.Random; // for test code
final class BFS {
/* finds nearest ant to a destination in a maze.
You give it a (partial) map and it plots a route using naive BFS.
As you discover more obstacles you can call addWater() for them.
It makes extensive use of pre-allocated data for intermediate results,
so you must extract the path for each call to findNearestAnt() or you
lose it. */
var mandelbulbCanvas = document.getElementById('mandelbulb');
window.requestAnimFrame = (function(callback) {
return window.requestAnimationFrame ||
window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame ||
window.mozRequestAnimationFrame ||
window.oRequestAnimationFrame ||
window.msRequestAnimationFrame ||
function(callback) {
window.setTimeout(callback, 100);
class Test {
static void func(final String X) {
new Test() {
String X = X.toLowerCase(); <-- I want to init X to be something derived from the parameter X
williame / gist:5934448
Created July 5, 2013 13:12
broken ray cast code
// adapting
castRay: function(ray) {
var oX = ray[0][0], oY = ray[0][1], oZ = ray[0][2],
dX = ray[1][0]-oX, dY = ray[1][1]-oY, dZ = ray[1][2]-oZ,
x = Math.floor(oX), y = Math.floor(oY), z = Math.floor(oZ),
intbound = function(s,ds) {
if(ds < 0)
return intbound(-s,-ds);
return (1-((s%ds+ds)%ds))/ds;
function emitCube(blf,trb,array,ofs) {
ofs = ofs || 0;
var left = blf[0], right = trb[0],
bottom = blf[1], top = trb[1],
front = blf[2], back = trb[2],
tlb = [left,top,back],
trf = [right,top,front],
tlf = [left,top,front],
brb = [right,bottom,back],
blb = [left,bottom,back],
The scene has a perspective projection.
I want to know if a fragment is inside the cone formed by the camera and a sphere.
sphereCentre is set by mvMatrix*vec3(0,0,0) and radius is 1; I am drawing a unit sphere.
The camera is at 0,0,0 in view space.
The fragment shader just passes the scene position to the fragment shader: