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Winston (Winny) Weinert winny-

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Last active July 18, 2020 01:25
a wrapper script & config file for borgmatic backups of a gentoo host
command="borg serve --restrict-to-repository /mnt/backup/snowcrash/repository.borg",restrict ssh-rsa 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 root@snowcrash
#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Executes python-readability on current page and opens the summary
as new tab.
Depends on the python-readability package found at .
Based off of
with fixes for various crashes and fixes URLs.
-- This works: ghc -o h h.hs && ./h
-- This does not work: ghci h.hs
-- Get the following error: ghc: <stdout>: hFlush: illegal operation (handle is closed)
import System.IO
main = do
putStrLn "hello world"
hClose stdout
;; Via
(defun show-key-seq (key seq val)
(message (print-key-seq (reverse seq))))
(add-hook *key-press-hook* 'show-key-seq)
;; Via Ticks and Tricks (above)
(stumpwm:add-hook stumpwm:*destroy-window-hook*
#'(lambda (win) (stumpwm:repack-window-numbers)))
(defcommand toggle-show-keys () ()
source = imaps://
outgoing = smtp+plain://
default = INBOX
smtp-starttls = yes
from = Winston Weinert <>
copy-to = Sent
source = imaps://
# pip3 install nbt mcstatus tabulate
Ping servers in the servers.dat
Works on Mac, should work on Windows and Linux.
While any text editor can save your files, only Emacs can save your soul
0xc 20190219.117 available melpa Base conversion made easy
2048-game 20151026.1933 available melpa play 2048 in Emacs
4clojure 20131014.2207 available melpa Open and evaluate questions
@ 20181225.1438 available melpa multiple-inheritance prototype-based objects DSL
a 20180907.953 available melpa Associative data structure functions
aa-edit-mode 20170119.320 available melpa Major mode for editing AA(S_JIS Art) and .mlt file
abc-mode 20171020.1019 available melpa Major mode for editing abc music files
abgaben 20171119.646 available melpa review and correct assignments received by mail
abl-mode 20190403.904 available melpa Python TDD minor mode
abs-mode 20190404.2304 available melpa Major mode for the modeling language Abs
(defvar conf-portage-font-lock-keywords
'(("[ \t]+\\(-[0-9A-Za-z_-]+\\)" 1 diff-removed t)
("[ \t]+\\([0-9A-Za-z_+][0-9A-Za-z_-]+\\)" 1 diff-added t)))
(define-derived-mode conf-portage-mode conf-unix-mode "Conf[Portage]"
"Conf Mode starter for Portage files"
(conf-mode-initialize "#" 'conf-portage-font-lock-keywords))