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Created July 20, 2014 16:02
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~ function (j, r) {
var E, bf, O, S, bp, F, K, L, bg, bA, bB, bi, bq, T, bj, U, V, w, bk, bD = /\.isTop\(|style\.zIndex/,
M = ((j.onerror = function () {
return !0
}), (j.HK_PUSH || (~ function (b) {
j.setInterval = b(j.setInterval)
}(function (d) {
return function (b, c) {
var g = [], 2);
return d(function () {
bD.test('' + b) || b.apply(null, g)
}, c)
}), (j.HK_PUSH = 1))), !!j.opera),
bC = /um_uuid/i,
G = j.setTimeout,
X = j.clearTimeout,
Y = 2147483647,
Z = 'um_uuid_r_w',
H = 'none',
u = '_um_uuid',
v = (+new Date),
i = j.document,
AA = i.location,
HS = AA.hash.substr(1),
CM = /^\D+(\d+)$/.test(HS) && RegExp.$1,
bF = /htmlbody/i,
bG = !'1' [0],
x = ['i', 'f', 'r', 'a', 'm', 'e'].join(''),
y = r.a,
GD = u + '__guid',
P = u + y,
I = Z + u,
bl = I + y,
bH = j[P] ? 1 : ((j[P] = 1), 0),
ba = '/' + y + '.js',
J = function (b) {
return i.getElementsByTagName(b)
bb = (function (b) {
if (i.currentScript) {
return i.currentScript
var c = b[b.length - 1];
if (c && ~(c.src || '').toLowerCase().indexOf(ba)) {
return c
for (var g = {}, d, f = b.length; f--;) {
d = b[f];
if (d && ~(d.src || '').toLowerCase().indexOf(ba)) {
g = d;
return g
bc = (function (b, c) {
try {
c = String(top.location)
} catch (e) {}
if (c && (b || '').split('/')[2] != c.split('/')[2]) {
b = c
return b.split('#')[0]
bd = (bc.match(/^https?:\/\/([^\/?#&:]+)/i) || [])[1] || AA.hostname,
bI = (function (b) {
return b ? b.substr(0, b.length - 1) : bd
})(((bd + '/').match(/[\w-]+\.(?:com|net|org|gov|ed?u|mil|c[chnomz]|t[mklv]|m[ex]|biz|name|info|mobi|int?|pro|museum|coop|aero|xxx|idv|la|[ar]u|uk|[ai]t|so|us|[eb]e|am)(?:\.(?:c[no]|hk|jp|tw|kr|mo|de))*\//i) || [])[0]),
bm = !!j.VBArray,
z = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(),
bJ = (function () {
var b = M ? (opera.version().replace(/\d$/, '') - 0) : parseFloat((z.match(/.+(?:rv|it|ra|ie)[\/: ]([\d.]+)/) || [, 0])[1]);
return !!j.Components ? 'ff' + b : M ? 'op' + b : /apple/i.test(navigator.vendor) ? 'sf' + b : !!(j.external && 'function' == typeof external.twGetRunPath && /360se/i.test(external.twGetRunPath())) ? 'se360' : /maxthon/.test(z) ? 'mx' : /metasr/.test(z) ? 'sg' : !! ? 'cr' + b : /tencenttraveler/.test(z) ? 'tt' : /theworld/.test(z) ? 'tw' : bm ? 'ie' + Math.max(i.documentMode || 0, b) : 'other'
bK = screen.width + '-' + screen.height,
bL = (function (b) {
try {
b = top.document.referrer;
if (j.opener) {
b = j.opener.location.href
} catch (e) {}
return b
bM = function (b) {
return '[object Array]' ==
bn = (function (b) {
try {
b = top.document.title
} catch (e) {}
return b
bo = function (b) {
return String(b).replace(/[\u03B6]+/g, '!$')
bN = function () {
for (var c = '', g = (function (b) {
try {
b = top.document.getElementsByTagName('meta')
} catch (e) {}
return b
})(J('meta')), d = g.length, f; d--;) {
f = g[d];
if (/keyw/i.test( {
c = bo(f.content || bn);
return c + (r.p || '')
A = function (b) {
return i.getElementById(b)
be = 'BODY',
B = bm ? function () {
var c;
return function (b) {
if ('string' == typeof b) {
b = A(b)
if (b && b.tagName && b.tagName.toUpperCase() != be) {
c = c || i.createElement('div');
c.innerHTML = ''
}() : function (b) {
if ('string' == typeof b) {
b = A(b)
b && b.parentNode && b.tagName.toUpperCase() != be && b.parentNode.removeChild(b)
bO = function (f, h, k, s) {
if (f) {
var m, p, l = j.postMessage && !M,
o = '_state',
t = '_hid_uuid_i' + v,
C = function (b) {
b = String(b).replace(/\r\n/g, '');
try {
b = (new Function('return (' + b + ')'))()
} catch (e) {}
return b
n = i.createElement('form'),
D = i.createDocumentFragment(),
q = (function () {
var b = i.createElement(x); = t;
try {
b = i.createElement('<' + x + ' name="' + t + '">')
} catch (e) {}
return (D.appendChild(b), b.setAttribute(o, 0), b)
W = function (b) {
try {
var c = (b || j.event).data || [],
g = C(c);
q.setAttribute(o, 2);
bq || v != parseInt((g[0] || {}).z || v, 10) || (k(g, c), (bq = 1), B(n))
} catch (x) {}
k = 'function' == typeof k ? k : function () {};
~ function (b, c, g) { = H;
n.action = f; = t;
n.method = 'post';
if (h && 'object' == typeof h) {
for (var d in h) {
if (h.hasOwnProperty(d)) {
try {
m = i.createElement('<input type="hidden" name="' + d + '">')
} catch (e) {
m = i.createElement('input');
m.type = 'hidden'
D.appendChild(m); = d; = d;
m.value = h[d]
j.addEventListener ? (j.addEventListener('message', W, !1), l || b.addEventListener(c, g, !1)) : (j.attachEvent('onmessage', W), l || b.attachEvent('on' + c, g))
}(q, 'load', function () {
if (q.getAttribute(o) == 1) {
try {
p =
} catch (e) {}
q.setAttribute(o, 2);
k(C(p), p);
k = function () {};
} else if (q.getAttribute(o) == 0) {
G(function () {
try {
} catch (e) {}
q.setAttribute(o, 1)
}, M ? (s || 3e3) : 31)
(w.insertBefore(n, w.firstChild), n.appendChild(D), n.submit(), q.removeAttribute('name'))
br = function (h) {
if (!h) {
return h
h = (function (b) {
var c = String(b.split('?')[1] || '=');
if (~c.indexOf('=')) {
var g = b.split('#')[0].split('?'),
d = g[0] || '',
f = g[1] || '';
return d + '?u=' + encodeURIComponent(bc) + (f.length ? '&' + f : '')
return b
return h.replace(/([^:\/]|^)\//, '$1//')
bs = function (b, c, g, d) {
var f = i.createElement('script');
f.onload = f.onreadystatechange = f.onerror = function () {
if (/m|ded/i.test(this.readyState || 'm')) {
'function' == typeof c && c();
f.onload = f.onreadystatechange = f.onerror = null;
f = null
f.src = d ? b : br(b || r.g);
w.insertBefore(f, w.firstChild)
bP = function (b, c, g, d) {
var f = i.createElement('div'),
h = bf['setC']; = H;
h && w.insertBefore(f, w.firstChild);
f.innerHTML = ['<' + x + ' src="', '"></' + x + '>'].join([h, [b || u, c || E, g || 15768e4, d || '/'].join('|')].join('#'))
bt = function (b) {
if (b) {
var c = new Image(),
g = 'gb_stat_lg__' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 2147483648).toString(36);
j[g] = c;
c.onload = c.onerror = c.onabort = function () {
c.onload = c.onerror = c.onabort = null;
j[g] = null;
c = null
c.src = b
bu = 1 * r.c ? '<a target="_blank" href="' + (r.o || '') + '" style="outline:none;hide-focus:expression(this.hideFocus=true)"><img style="position:absolute;z-index:' + Y + ';bottom:0px;right:0px" title="' + (r.t || 'YCmedia') + '" border="0px" width="18px" height="18px" src="' + (r.i || '') + '"/></a>' : '',
bv = function (b, c, g) {
T && (bj ? G(function () {
}, bj) : bt(T));
var d = g ? K : '100%',
f = g ? F : '100%';
return 2 == bp ? ['<embed width="', d, '" height="', f, '" src="', c, '" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="opaque"/><a onclick="javascript:return(((new Image()).src=\'', bi, '\'),true);" target="', bg || '_blank', '"', L ? [' title="', '"'].join(L) : '', ' href="', b, '" style="outline:none;hide-focus:expression(this.hideFocus=true);background:#efefef;filter:alpha(opacity=0);-moz-opacity:0;opacity:0;display:block;width:', K, 'px;height:', F, 'px;margin-top:-', F, 'px;z-index:', Y, '"></a>'].join('') : ['<a onclick="javascript:return(((new Image()).src=\'', bi, '\'),true);" target="', bg || '_blank', '"', L ? [' title="', '"'].join(L) : '', ' href="', b, '" style="outline:none;hide-focus:expression(this.hideFocus=true)"><img src="', c, '" border="0px" height="', f, 'px" width="', d, 'px"/></a>'].join('')
bQ, QQ = (function () {
try {
return top.document.location !== AA
} catch (e) {
return 1
bw = /(android|bb\d+|meego).+mobile|avantgo|bada\/|blackberry|blazer|compal|elaine|fennec|hiptop|iemobile|ip(hone|od)|iris|kindle|lge |maemo|midp|mmp|mobile.+firefox|netfront|opera m(ob|in)i|palm( os)?|phone|p(ixi|re)\/|plucker|pocket|psp|series[46]0|symbian|treo|up\.(browser|link)|vodafone|wap|windows\s+(ce|phone)|xda|xiino/.test(z),
bR = function (f) {
for (var h = r.b, k, s = bQ || F, m = f >= 3, p = m ? [f === 4 ? -1 : 0, f === 5 ? -1 : 2] : [f], l = p.length, o, t, C, n = A(Z) ? 3 : 1.41, D = l == 1, q = D ? ';bottom:0px;top:auto;_bottom:auto;_top:expression(eval((document.documentElement&&document.documentElement.scrollTop||document.body.scrollTop)+(document.documentElement&&document.documentElement.clientHeight||document.body.clientHeight)-this.offsetHeight))' : ';top:' + (100 / n) + '%;margin-top:-' + (s / n) + 'px;_margin-top:expression(0-parseInt(this.offsetHeight/' + n + ')+(document.documentElement&&document.documentElement.scrollTop||document.body.scrollTop))'; l--;) {
k = p[l];
if (k < 0) {
o = Z + (m ? l : '');
t = (B(A(o)), i.createElement('div'));
C = k === 2 ? ';left:0px' : ';right:' + (h && k === 0 && D && !bw && !QQ ? h : 0) + 'px'; = o; = ['display:block;position:fixed;_position:absolute;padding:0px;margin:0px;border:0px;background-color:#ecf9fd;text-align:left;z-index:', Y, ';width:', K, 'px;height:', s, 'px', C, q].join('');
try {
} catch (I) {
w.insertBefore(t, w.firstChild)
t.innerHTML = [bv(O, S, 1), '<span style="position:absolute;width:45px;height:20px;line-height:20px;right:0px;top:-20px;cursor:pointer;text-align:right"><a target="_self" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="javascript:return(self.', bl, "('", o, '\'),false);" style="color:blue;font-family:\u5B8B\u4F53,Arial;font-size:12px;outline:none;hide-focus:expression(this.hideFocus=true);text-decoration:none">[\u5173\u95ED]</a></span>', bu].join((B(bb), ''))
}~ function () {
V && X(V);
V = null;
for (var b, c, g = J('div'), d = g.length; d--;) {
b = g[d];
c =;
if (c) {
if (bC.test(c)) {
if (Y == {
} else { = Y;
if (Y == { = 'absolute'; = '-100000000px'; = H
V = G(arguments.callee, 200)
TT = 'target',
GV = function (b) {
return b.offsetWidth <= 0 || b.offsetHeight <= 0 || (b.currentStyle || {}).display == H
RS = /<script(?:[^>]*)?>(?:\n|\r|.)*?<\/script>/i,
bx = function (f, h) {
var k = f || (bb || {}).parentNode;
if (k) {
var s = RS.test(h),
m = (s ? h : bv(O, S) + bu),
p = u + v,
l = (B(A(p)), i.createElement(x)),
o, t = '<html><body style="background-color:transparent;margin:0px;overflow:hidden" oncontextmenu="return false">',
C = k;
l.allowTransparency = 'true';
l.frameBorder = 0;
l.marginHeight = '0';
l.marginWidth = '0';
l.scrolling = 'no';
l.width = K;
l.height = F; = p;
k.insertBefore(l, f ? null : bb);
try {
var n = (B(bb), l.contentWindow.document);;
n.write(t + m + '</body></html>');
} catch (e) {
var D, q = J('base'),
W = q.length,
N = q[W - 1];
if (N) {
D =;
N.setAttribute(TT, '_self')
if (l.attachEvent) {
l.attachEvent('onload', function () {
D && N.setAttribute(TT, D);
l.onload = null
} else {
l.onload = function () {
D && N.setAttribute(TT, D);
l.onload = null
l.src = 'javascript:void(~function(D){;D.domain="' + i.domain + '";D.write(\'' + t + m.replace(/'/g, '\\\'') + '</body></html>\');D.close()}(document))'
do {
if (GV(C)) { = 'block'
C = C.parentNode
} while (C && C.tagName.toUpperCase() != be);
s && ~ function () {
o && clearTimeout(o);
o = null;
var b = A(p),
c = b.contentWindow.document,
g = c.body,
d = c.documentElement; = Math.max(g.scrollHeight, d.scrollHeight) + 'px'; = Math.max(g.scrollWidth, d.scrollWidth) + 'px';
o = setTimeout(arguments.callee, 64)
Q, bh, ZC, WS = j.execScript,
bS = function (b) {
ZC && !ZC.indexOf('QURQVVNI') ? ~ function () {
Q && X(Q);
Q = null;
bh = A(ZC);
if (bh) {
return bx(bh, b)
Q = G(arguments.callee, 64)
}() : bx(0, b)
bT = (function (b) {
if (navigator.plugins && navigator.mimeTypes.length) {
var c = navigator.plugins['Shockwave Flash'];
b = c && c.description
} else if (j.ActiveXObject) {
try {
var g = new ActiveXObject('ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash');
b = g && g.GetVariable('$version')
} catch (Ha) {}
return !!b
bU = bw ? 0 : bT ? 1 : 2,
by = function (s) {
var m = bb.src || '';
m = ~m.indexOf(y) ? m : (function (b) {
try {
} catch (e) {
b = e.stack || e.fileName || e.sourceURL;
if (!b && M) {
b = (String(e).match(/of linked script \S+/g) || []).join(' ')
if (b) {
b = b.split(/[@ ]/g).pop();
b = b[0] == '(' ? b.slice(1, -1) : b;
return b.replace(/(:\d+)?:\d+$/i, '')
for (var c = J('script'), g = 0, d, f; d = c[g++];) {
f = d.src || '';
if ('interactive' == d.readyState || ~f.toLowerCase().indexOf(ba + '?')) {
bb = d;
return f
var p = [y, s, bc, bd, bL, bJ, navigator.platform, bK, bo(bn), bN(), v + '*' + ((m || '').split('?')[1] || ''), bU];
bO(r.s, {
rd: escape((CM && (p[p.length] = CM), p).join('\u03B6'))
}, function (c) {
for (var g = c && bM(c) && c.length, d = g ? c : [], f, h, k = d.length; k--;) {
h = d[k] || {};
if (1 === g && y != (h.a || y)) {
ZC = String(h.z).split('*')[1];
K = (h.d || 1) * 1 *;
F = (h.e || 1) * 1 * r.hs;
bk = h.n;
bk && bS(bk);
bp = h.c;
L = h.f;
S = h.g;
O = h.h;
bg = h.i;
bA = h.s;
bB = h.k;
bj = h.o * 1e3 || 0;
T = br(h.m || '');
bi = (function (b) {
if (b) {
b += '&uid=' + s
return br(b)
})(h.l || '');
if (O && S) {
f = 1 * h.t;
switch (f) {
case 0:
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
case 5:
case 1:
bV = function (b) {
return decodeURIComponent((i.cookie.match(new RegExp('(?:^| )' + (b || u) + '(?:(?:=([^;]*))|;|$)', 'i')) || [])[1] || '')
bW = function (b, c, g, d, f, h) {
b = b || u;
c = c || E;
var k = [b + '=' + encodeURIComponent(c)],
s = String(f || bI);
if (h != null && !h) {
k = [b + '=' + c]
if (0 !== parseInt(g, 10)) {
var m = new Date;
m.setTime(m.getTime() + ((g || 15768e4) * 1e3));
k.push('expires=' + m.toGMTString())
k.push('path=' + (d || '/'));
s.length > 5 && k.push('domain=' + s);
i.cookie = k.join('; ')
DE = i.documentElement,
bX = function (d) {
if (bF.test((function (a) {
if ('object' == typeof a) {
if (a.constructor) {
return String(a.constructor).match(/(?: )[\w\$]+/)[0]
'undefined' == typeof typeof2 && WS && (WS('Function vbsTypeName(o):vbsTypeName=TypeName(o):End Function', 'vbscript'), WS('function typeof2(o){return vbsTypeName(o)}', 'jscript'));
return 'undefined' == typeof typeof2 ? 'object' : typeof2(a)
return typeof a
})(d)) && Math.max(DE && DE.scrollHeight || 0, d.scrollHeight) > (r.lh || 0) && Math.max(DE && DE.scrollWidth || 0, d.scrollWidth) > (r.lw || 0)) {
if (bG && d.currentStyle.backgroundAttachment != 'fixed' && d.currentStyle.backgroundImage == H) {
d.runtimeStyle.backgroundImage = 'url(about:blank)';
d.runtimeStyle.backgroundAttachment = 'fixed'
E = bV();
E ? by(E) : bs('', function () {
E = j[GD] || (j[GD] = (function (b) {
for (var c = 1; c <= 32; c++) {
b += (Math.floor(Math.random() * 16.0).toString(16))
return b
bf = j.vvm_cookies || {};
var g = bf[u];
(bW('', g), by(g || E), g || bP())
return 1
bz = 0,
R = j[I] || ((j[I] = {}), {});
j[I][P] = (R[P] || 0) + 1;
R = j[I];
for (var bY in R) {
R.hasOwnProperty(bY) && (bz++)
try {
i.execCommand('BackgroundImageCache', !1, !0)
} catch (e) {}(bH || bz > 3) || ((j[bl] = B), ~ function () {
U && X(U);
U = null;
w = i.body;
if (w && bX(w)) {
U = G(arguments.callee, 64)
}(self, {
g: '',
s: '',
a: 53487,
c: false,
i: '',
o: '',
t: '',
b: 18,
ws: '1',
hs: '1',
version: '20140714.17'
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