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Last active July 3, 2024 02:08
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将 ss, vmess, vless, trojan, hysteria, hysteria2 等链接格式的节点转化为 sing-box 格式的配置文件。可以放在 cloudflare worker 上
* Welcome to Cloudflare Workers! This is your first worker.
* - Run "npm run dev" in your terminal to start a development server
* - Open a browser tab at http://localhost:8787/ to see your worker in action
* - Run "npm run deploy" to publish your worker
* Learn more at
export default {
* @param {any} request
* @param {any} env
* @param {any} ctx
async fetch(request, env, ctx) {
return handler(request);
* Many more examples available at:
* @param {Request} request
* @returns {Promise<Response>}
async function handler(request) {
const url = new URL(request.url);
const queryParams = url.searchParams;
let text = "";
if (queryParams.get('sub')) {
text = await fetchRes(base64Decode(queryParams.get('sub')));
if (isBase64(text)) {
text = base64Decode(text);
} else if (queryParams.get('node')) {
text = base64Decode(queryParams.get('node'));
} else {
return new Response('安能曲眉折腰事权贵,使我不得开心颜');
const lines = text.split(/[(\r\n)\r\n]+/).map(uri => uri.trim()).filter(uri => uri);
const uniqueLines = [ Set(lines)]; // 使用扩展运算符将 Set 转换为数组
const results = deduplication( => config !== null) );
if (results.length > 0) {
return new Response(JSON.stringify(echo(results), null, 2), {
headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }
return new Response('没有节点', {
status: 400, // 自定义状态码
statusText: '没有节点'
* @param {string} uri
function parseLine(uri) {
try {
if (uri.startsWith('vmess://') || uri.startsWith('vless://')
|| uri.startsWith('trojan://') || uri.startsWith('trojango://')
|| uri.startsWith('hysteria://') || uri.startsWith('hy://')
|| uri.startsWith('hysteria2://') || uri.startsWith('hy2://')
|| uri.startsWith('ss://')) {
const protocol = uri.split('://')[0];
let mainPart = uri.split('://')[1];
// Decode Base64 if it is encoded
if (isBase64(mainPart)) {
// 此时 mainPart 可能是 uri,也有可能是 json
mainPart = base64Decode(mainPart);
// 参见
if (isJson(mainPart)) {
const jsonObject = JSON.parse(mainPart);
// console.log("对象转义:" + JSON.stringify(jsonObject));
return parseV2RayNGJson(jsonObject);
} else {
let decodedURI = protocol + "://" + mainPart;
let url = new URL(decodedURI);
if (protocol === 'ss' && !url.password) {
const decodeUsernameAndPW = decodeURIComponent(url.username);
decodedURI = decodedURI.replace(decodeUsernameAndPW, base64Decode(decodeUsernameAndPW));
// console.log("解码0:" + encodeURI(decodedURI) );
// console.log("解码1:" + url.username);
// console.log("解码2:" + decodeURIComponent(url.username));
url = new URL(decodedURI);
// url.username = base64Decode(decodeURIComponent(url.username));
const result = {};
// console.log("反编码 url B: " + url);
result.server = decodeURIComponent(url.hostname);
if (url.port) {
if ("string" === typeof url.port) {
result.server_port = parseInt(url.port);
} else {
result.server_port = url.port;
} else if (protocol === 'ss' || protocol === 'hy' || protocol === 'hy2' || protocol === 'hysteria' || protocol === 'hysteria2') {
result.server_port = 443;
} else {
result.server_port = 80;
if (protocol === 'ss') { = "tcp";
if (protocol === 'vless') {
result.packet_encoding = "xudp";
if (protocol === 'hy' || protocol === 'hysteria') {
parseHysteria1URI(url, protocol, result);
} else if (protocol === 'hy2' || protocol === 'hysteria2') {
parseHysteria2URI(url, protocol, result);
} else {
parseDuckSoftURI(url, protocol, result);
result.tag = decodeURIComponent(url.hash).replace('#', "") || (result.server + ":" + result.server_port);
return result;
} catch (error) {
return null;
* @param {{ add: any; port: any; id: any; aid: number; net: string; type: string; scy: string; tls: string; sni: any; alpn: any; path: string; host: string; ps: string; }} jsonObject
function parseV2RayNGJson(jsonObject) {
const result = {};
result.type = 'vmess';
result.server = jsonObject.add;
result.server_port = jsonObject.port;
result.uuid =;
result.alter_id = jsonObject.aid || 0;
// 加密方式 = jsonObject.scy || "auto";
if (jsonObject.tls === 'tls' || jsonObject.tls === 'reality') {
let tls = {};
tls.enabled = true;
tls.server_name = jsonObject.sni || jsonObject.add;
if (jsonObject.alpn) {
tls.alpn = jsonObject.alpn.split(/,|\n/).map((/** @type {string} */ item) => item.trim()).filter((/** @type {string} */ item) => item);
tls.insecure = false;
result.tls = tls;
let transport = {};
if ( === 'ws') {
transport.type = 'ws';
if (!jsonObject.path) {
transport.path = "/";
} else if (jsonObject.path.includes("?ed=")) {
const path = jsonObject.path.split("?ed=");
transport.path = path[0];
transport.max_early_data = parseInt(path[1]) || 2048;
transport.early_data_header_name = "Sec-WebSocket-Protocol";
} else {
transport.path = jsonObject.path;
if ( {
transport.headers = { Host: };
} else if ( === 'http' || === 'tcp' && jsonObject.type === 'http') {
transport.type = 'http';
if ( === 'tls') {
transport.method = "GET";
if ( { =',');
transport.path = jsonObject.path || '/';
} else if ( === 'quic') {
transport.type = 'quic';
} else if ( === 'grpc') {
transport.type = "grpc";
transport.service_name = jsonObject.path;
} else if ( === 'httpupgrade') {
transport.type = "httpupgrade"; =;
transport.path = jsonObject.path;
if (Object.keys(transport).length !== 0) {
result.transport = transport;
result.tag = || (result.server + ":" + result.server_port);
// console.log(result);
return result;
* @param {URL} url
* @param {string} protocol
* @param {{ server?: string; tag?: string; type?: any; tls?: any; up_mbps?: any; down_mbps?: any; obfs?: any; }} result
function parseHysteria1URI(url, protocol, result) {
// const result = {};
const params = new URLSearchParams(;
result.type = 'hysteria';
let tls = {};
tls.enabled = true;
if (params.get("peer")) {
tls.server_name = params.get("peer");
if (params.get("alpn")) {
tls.alpn = params.get("alpn").split(/,|\n/).map(item => item.trim()).filter(item => item);
if (params.get("insecure") || params.get("insecure") === "1") {
tls.insecure = true;
} else {
tls.insecure = false;
result.tls = tls;
if (params.get("upmbps")) {
result.up_mbps = parseInt(params.get("upmbps"));
if (params.get("downmbps")) {
result.down_mbps = parseInt(params.get("downmbps"));
if (params.get("obfsParam")) {
result.obfs = params.get("obfsParam");
if (params.get("obfs-password")) {
result.obfs = params.get("obfsParam");
return result;
* @param {URL} url
* @param {string} protocol
* @param {{ server?: string; tag?: string; type?: any; tls?: any; up_mbps?: any; down_mbps?: any; obfs?: any; pinSHA256?: any; }} result
function parseHysteria2URI(url, protocol, result) {
// const result = {};
const params = new URLSearchParams(;
result.type = 'hysteria2';
let tls = {};
tls.enabled = true;
if (params.get("peer")) {
tls.server_name = params.get("peer");
if (params.get("alpn")) {
tls.server_name = params.get("alpn").split(/,|\n/).map(item => item.trim()).filter(item => item);
if (params.get("insecure") || params.get("insecure") === "1") {
tls.insecure = true;
} else {
tls.insecure = false;
result.tls = tls;
if (params.get("upmbps")) {
result.up_mbps = parseInt(params.get("upmbps"));
if (params.get("downmbps")) {
result.down_mbps = parseInt(params.get("downmbps"));
if (params.get("obfs")) {
result.obfs = params.get("obfs");
if (params.get("obfs-password")) {
result.obfs = params.get("obfs-password");
if (params.get("pinSHA256")) {
result.pinSHA256 = params.get("pinSHA256");
return result;
const allowableShadowsocksMethod = new Set(["2022-blake3-aes-128-gcm", "2022-blake3-aes-256-gcm", "2022-blake3-chacha20-poly1305", "none", "aes-128-gcm", "aes-192-gcm", "aes-256-gcm", "chacha20-ietf-poly1305", "xchacha20-ietf-poly1305"]);
* @param {URL} url
* @param {string} protocol
* @param {{ server: any; tag?: string; type?: any; method?: any; password?: any; plugin?: any; plugin_opts?: any; uuid?: any; security?: any; tls?: any; network?: any; transport?: any; }} result
function parseDuckSoftURI(url, protocol, result) {
// console.log("反编码 url B: " + url);
// const result = {};
const params = new URLSearchParams(;
if (protocol === 'ss') {
result.type = 'shadowsocks';
result.method = decodeURIComponent(url.username);
if (!allowableShadowsocksMethod.has(result.method)) {
throw Error("不支持该加密方式");
result.password = decodeURIComponent(url.password);
let pluginParam = params.get("plugin");
if (pluginParam) {
const plugin = pluginParam.split(';');
result.plugin = plugin[0];
result.plugin_opts = plugin[1];
} else if (protocol === 'vmess') {
result.type = 'vmess';
result.uuid = decodeURIComponent(url.username);
} else if (protocol === 'vless') {
result.type = 'vless';
result.uuid = decodeURIComponent(url.username);
} else if (protocol === 'trojan') {
result.type = 'trojan';
result.password = decodeURIComponent(url.username);
let security = '';
if (params.get("security")) {
security = params.get("security");
} else if (protocol === 'trojan') {
security = "tls";
} else {
security = "none";
if (protocol === "vmess") { = security;
if (security === "tls" || security === "reality") {
let tls = {};
tls.enabled = true;
tls.server_name = params.get("sni") || decodeURIComponent(url.hostname);
if (params.get("alpn")) {
tls.alpn = params.get("alpn").split(/,|\n/).map(item => item.trim()).filter(item => item);
if (params.get("allowInsecure") || params.get("allowInsecure") === "1") {
tls.insecure = true;
} else {
tls.insecure = false;
result.tls = tls;
if (params.get("type") === 'tcp') {
if (params.get("headerType") === "http") {
if (params.get("host")) {
params.set("type", "http");
let transport = {};
let network = params.get("type");
if (network === 'ws') {
transport.type = 'ws';
if (!params.get("path")) {
transport.path = "/";
} else {
if (params.get("path") && params.get("path").indexOf("?ed=") !== -1) {
const path = params.get("path").split("?ed=");
transport.path = path[0];
transport.max_early_data = parseInt(path[1]) || 2048;
transport.early_data_header_name = "Sec-WebSocket-Protocol";
} else {
transport.path = params.get("path");
transport.headers = { Host: result.server };
if (params.get("ed")) {
const edInt = parseInt(params.get("ed"));
if (edInt > 0) {
transport.max_early_data = edInt;
if (params.get("eh")) {
transport.early_data_header_name = params.get("eh");
} else if (network === "h2" || network === "http") {
transport.type = 'http';
if (security === 'tls') {
transport.method = "GET";
if (params.get("host")) { = params.get("host").split(",");
transport.path = params.get("path") || '/';
} else if (network === 'quic') {
transport.type = 'quic';
} else if (network === 'grpc') {
transport.type = 'grpc';
if (params.get("path")) {
transport.service_name = params.get("path");
} else if (network === 'httpupgrade') {
transport.type = 'httpupgrade';
if (params.get("host")) { = params.get("host");
if (params.get("path")) {
transport.service_name = params.get("path");
if (Object.keys(transport).length !== 0) {
result.transport = transport;
return result;
* @param {string} str
function base64Decode(str) {
// console.log("解密:" + str);
const bytes = new Uint8Array(atob(str).split('').map(c => c.charCodeAt(0)));
const decoder = new TextDecoder('utf-8');
return decoder.decode(bytes);
* @param {string} str
function isBase64(str) {
const base64Regex = /^(?:[A-Za-z0-9+/]{4})*(?:[A-Za-z0-9+/]{2}==|[A-Za-z0-9+/]{3}=)?$/;
return base64Regex.test(str);
* @param {string} str
function isJson(str) {
try {
return true;
} catch (e) {
return false;
* @param {RequestInfo<unknown, CfProperties<unknown>>} url
async function fetchRes(url) {
let response = await fetch(url, {
headers: new Headers({
'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/86.0.4240.198 Safari/537.36',
try {
return await response.text();
} catch (e) {
console.log("报错:" + e);
return '';
* @param {any[]} nodes
function deduplication(nodes) {
const grouped = nodes.reduce((acc, obj) => {
const key = obj.tag;
if (!acc[key]) {
acc[key] = [];
return acc;
}, {});
// 在每个组内进行比较
for (const tag in grouped) {
const group = grouped[tag];
for (let i = 0; i < group.length; i++) {
const obj1 = group[i];
for (let j = i + 1; j < group.length; j++) {
const obj2 = group[j];
if (obj1.server !== obj2.server || obj1.server_port !== obj2.server_port) {
obj1.tag = (obj1.server + ":" + obj1.server_port + "#" +;
}else if(obj1.server === obj2.server && obj1.server_port === obj2.server_port){
group[i] = null;
// 将分组后的数据拆分成原来的 list 列表
return Object.values(grouped).flat().filter(config => config !== null);
* @param {any[]} nodes
function echo(nodes) {
const names = => obj.tag);
const pre = ["fastly", "direct"];
// console.log(names);
const config = {
"log": {
"level": "debug",
"timestamp": true
"dns": {
"servers": [
"tag": "proxyDns",
"address": "",
"detour": "proxy"
"tag": "localDns",
"address": "",
"detour": "direct"
"tag": "block",
"address": "rcode://success"
"rules": [
"domain": [
"server": "localDns"
"domain_suffix": [
"server": "proxyDns"
"process_name": [
"server": "localDns"
"process_name": [
"server": "proxyDns"
"package_name": [
"server": "proxyDns"
"rule_set": "geosite-category-ads-all",
"server": "block"
"outbound": "any",
"server": "localDns",
"disable_cache": true
"rule_set": "geosite-cn",
"server": "localDns"
"clash_mode": "direct",
"server": "localDns"
"clash_mode": "global",
"server": "proxyDns"
"rule_set": "geosite-geolocation-!cn",
"server": "proxyDns"
"final": "localDns",
"strategy": "ipv4_only"
"inbounds": [
"type": "tun",
"mtu": 9000,
"inet4_address": "",
"auto_route": true,
"strict_route": true,
"inet4_route_address": [
"inet4_route_exclude_address": [
"exclude_package": [
"udp_timeout": "5m0s",
"stack": "mixed",
"platform": {
"http_proxy": {
"enabled": true,
"server": "",
"server_port": 2080
"sniff": true
"type": "mixed",
"listen": "",
"listen_port": 2080,
"sniff": true
"outbounds": [
"type": "selector",
"tag": "proxy",
"outbounds": pre.concat(names)
"type": "urltest",
"tag": "fastly",
"outbounds": names,
"url": "",
"interval": "10m0s",
"tolerance": 50
"type": "selector",
"tag": "🤖 OpenAI",
"outbounds": [
"🇹🇼 台湾节点",
"🇸🇬 狮城节点",
"🇯🇵 日本节点",
"🇺🇸 美国节点",
"✈️ 其他节点"
"type": "selector",
"tag": "🌌 Google",
"outbounds": [
"🇭🇰 香港节点",
"🇹🇼 台湾节点",
"🇸🇬 狮城节点",
"🇯🇵 日本节点",
"🇺🇸 美国节点",
"✈️ 其他节点"
"type": "selector",
"tag": "📟 Telegram",
"outbounds": [
"🇭🇰 香港节点",
"🇹🇼 台湾节点",
"🇸🇬 狮城节点",
"🇯🇵 日本节点",
"🇺🇸 美国节点",
"✈️ 其他节点"
"type": "selector",
"tag": "🐦 Twitter",
"outbounds": [
"🇭🇰 香港节点",
"🇹🇼 台湾节点",
"🇸🇬 狮城节点",
"🇯🇵 日本节点",
"🇺🇸 美国节点",
"✈️ 其他节点"
"type": "selector",
"tag": "👤 Facebook",
"outbounds": [
"🇭🇰 香港节点",
"🇹🇼 台湾节点",
"🇸🇬 狮城节点",
"🇯🇵 日本节点",
"🇺🇸 美国节点",
"✈️ 其他节点"
"type": "selector",
"tag": "🛍️ Amazon",
"outbounds": [
"🇭🇰 香港节点",
"🇹🇼 台湾节点",
"🇸🇬 狮城节点",
"🇯🇵 日本节点",
"🇺🇸 美国节点",
"✈️ 其他节点"
"type": "selector",
"tag": "🍎 Apple",
"outbounds": [
"🇭🇰 香港节点",
"🇹🇼 台湾节点",
"🇸🇬 狮城节点",
"🇯🇵 日本节点",
"🇺🇸 美国节点",
"✈️ 其他节点"
"type": "selector",
"tag": "🧩 Microsoft",
"outbounds": [
"🇭🇰 香港节点",
"🇹🇼 台湾节点",
"🇸🇬 狮城节点",
"🇯🇵 日本节点",
"🇺🇸 美国节点",
"✈️ 其他节点"
"type": "selector",
"tag": "🎮 Game",
"outbounds": [
"🇭🇰 香港节点",
"🇹🇼 台湾节点",
"🇸🇬 狮城节点",
"🇯🇵 日本节点",
"🇺🇸 美国节点",
"✈️ 其他节点"
"type": "selector",
"tag": "📺 Bilibili",
"outbounds": [
"🇭🇰 香港节点",
"🇹🇼 台湾节点"
"type": "selector",
"tag": "🎬 MediaVideo",
"outbounds": [
"🇭🇰 香港节点",
"🇹🇼 台湾节点",
"🇸🇬 狮城节点",
"🇯🇵 日本节点",
"🇺🇸 美国节点",
"✈️ 其他节点"
"type": "selector",
"tag": "🌏 !cn",
"outbounds": [
"🇭🇰 香港节点",
"🇹🇼 台湾节点",
"🇸🇬 狮城节点",
"🇯🇵 日本节点",
"🇺🇸 美国节点",
"✈️ 其他节点"
"type": "selector",
"tag": "🇭🇰 香港节点",
"outbounds": [
"type": "selector",
"tag": "🇹🇼 台湾节点",
"outbounds": [
"type": "selector",
"tag": "🇸🇬 狮城节点",
"outbounds": [
"type": "selector",
"tag": "🇯🇵 日本节点",
"outbounds": [
"type": "selector",
"tag": "🇺🇸 美国节点",
"outbounds": [
"type": "selector",
"tag": "✈️ 其他节点",
"outbounds": [
"type": "selector",
"tag": "🌏 cn",
"outbounds": [
"type": "selector",
"tag": "🛑 AdBlock",
"outbounds": [
"type": "direct",
"tag": "direct"
"type": "dns",
"tag": "dns-out"
"type": "block",
"tag": "block"
"route": {
"rules": [
"protocol": "dns",
"outbound": "dns-out"
"network": "udp",
"port": 443,
"outbound": "block"
"rule_set": "geosite-category-ads-all",
"outbound": "🛑 AdBlock"
"clash_mode": "direct",
"outbound": "direct"
"clash_mode": "global",
"outbound": "proxy"
"domain_suffix": [
"outbound": "block"
"rule_set": "geosite-openai",
"outbound": "🤖 OpenAI"
"rule_set": [
"outbound": "🌌 Google"
"rule_set": "geoip-telegram",
"outbound": "📟 Telegram"
"rule_set": "geosite-telegram",
"outbound": "📟 Telegram"
"rule_set": "geoip-twitter",
"outbound": "🐦 Twitter"
"rule_set": "geosite-twitter",
"outbound": "🐦 Twitter"
"rule_set": "geoip-facebook",
"outbound": "👤 Facebook"
"rule_set": [
"outbound": "👤 Facebook"
"rule_set": "geosite-amazon",
"outbound": "🛍️ Amazon"
"rule_set": "geosite-apple",
"outbound": "🍎 Apple"
"rule_set": "geosite-microsoft",
"outbound": "🧩 Microsoft"
"rule_set": "geosite-category-games",
"outbound": "🎮 Game"
"rule_set": "geosite-bilibili",
"outbound": "📺 Bilibili"
"rule_set": "geosite-wechat",
"outbound": "🌏 cn"
"rule_set": "geoip-netflix",
"outbound": "🎬 MediaVideo"
"rule_set": [
"outbound": "🎬 MediaVideo"
"rule_set": "geosite-geolocation-!cn",
"outbound": "🌏 !cn"
"rule_set": "gfw",
"outbound": "🌏 !cn"
"ip_is_private": true,
"outbound": "🌏 cn"
"rule_set": "geoip-cn",
"outbound": "🌏 cn"
"rule_set": "geosite-cn",
"outbound": "🌏 cn"
"rule_set": [
"type": "remote",
"tag": "geoip-google",
"format": "binary",
"url": "",
"download_detour": "fastly"
"type": "remote",
"tag": "geoip-telegram",
"format": "binary",
"url": "",
"download_detour": "fastly"
"type": "remote",
"tag": "geoip-twitter",
"format": "binary",
"url": "",
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