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33eyes /
Last active April 19, 2024 12:41
How to commit jupyter notebooks without output to git while keeping the notebooks outputs intact locally
  1. Add a filter to git config by running the following command in bash inside the repo:
git config filter.strip-notebook-output.clean 'jupyter nbconvert --ClearOutputPreprocessor.enabled=True --to=notebook --stdin --stdout --log-level=ERROR'  
  1. Create a .gitattributes file inside the directory with the notebooks

  2. Add the following to that file:

*.ipynb filter=strip-notebook-output  
CarstenKoenig / Hylo.fs
Last active February 19, 2018 07:08
Factorial using a Hylomorphism in F#
type List<'i,'r> = Nil | Cons of 'i*'r
type FixList<'i> = FixList of List<'i,FixList<'i>>
let rec fmap (f : 'a -> 'b) (l : List<'i,'a>) : List<'i,'b> =
match l with
| Nil -> Nil
| Cons (x, tail) -> Cons (x, f tail)
// you can express hylo directly without using ana and cata (by either following the
whitequark / README.txt
Last active October 6, 2022 22:44
Strava archiver
1. install postgres
2. run makedb.rb >tiles.csv
3. run tiles.sql
4. run archive.rb
5. enjoy
fawkesley /
Last active July 25, 2022 06:24
In Ubuntu 16.04, randomize WiFi MAC addresses with a daily rotation - /etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d/pre-up.d/
# /etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d/pre-up.d/
# > curl -L '' |sudo tee /etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d/pre-up.d/
# > sudo chmod +x /etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d/pre-up.d/
# Configure every saved WiFi connection in NetworkManager with a spoofed MAC
haf / A vision for
Last active March 27, 2018 00:46
A vision for F#

What should F# as a language contain?

  • A default test framework like Expecto
  • A default HTTP client like HTTP.fs
  • A default web framework like Suave
  • A default JS framework like Fable
  • A default logging framework like Logary
  • A default character parser combinator library like FParsec
  • A default binary parser combinator library like FsAttoparsec
  • A default concurrent programming framework like Hopac
ninjarobot /
Last active April 11, 2018 03:10
Script to install a .NET Core 2.0 development environment with Mono as needed for Ionide.
# Sets up a development environment for Ubuntu 16.04.
sudo apt-get install -y curl
# Microsoft source
curl | gpg --dearmor > microsoft.gpg
sudo mv microsoft.gpg /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/microsoft.gpg
sudo sh -c 'echo "deb [arch=amd64] xenial main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/dotnetdev.list'
sudo sh -c 'echo "deb [arch=amd64] stable main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/vscode.list'
NickTyrer / fsharp.fsscript
Created September 3, 2017 09:19
fsi.exe inline execution
#r @"C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\assembly\GAC_MSIL\System.Management.Automation\v4.0_3.0.0.0__31bf3856ad364e35\System.Management.Automation.dll"
open System.Management.Automation
open System.Management.Automation.Runspaces
open System
let runSpace = RunspaceFactory.CreateRunspace()
let pipeline = runSpace.CreatePipeline()
swlaschin /
Created July 5, 2017 19:38
Functional Track talks from NDC Oslo 2017

Functional Track talks from NDC Oslo 2017

Also, here is the list of all videos from NDC Oslo 2017:

Wednesday 2017-06-14

WannaCry|WannaDecrypt0r NSA-Cyberweapon-Powered Ransomware Worm

  • Virus Name: WannaCrypt, WannaCry, WanaCrypt0r, WCrypt, WCRY
  • Vector: All Windows versions before Windows 10 are vulnerable if not patched for MS-17-010. It uses EternalBlue MS17-010 to propagate.
  • Ransom: between $300 to $600. There is code to 'rm' (delete) files in the virus. Seems to reset if the virus crashes.
  • Backdooring: The worm loops through every RDP session on a system to run the ransomware as that user. It also installs the DOUBLEPULSAR backdoor. It corrupts shadow volumes to make recovery harder. (source: malwarebytes)
  • Kill switch: If the website is up the virus exits instead of infecting the host. (source: malwarebytes). This domain has been sinkholed, stopping the spread of the worm. Will not work if proxied (source).

update: A minor variant of the viru

kekru / Docker connect to remote
Last active April 15, 2024 16:26
Connect to another host with your docker client, without modifying your local Docker installation

Run commands on remote Docker host

This is how to connect to another host with your docker client, without modifying your local Docker installation or when you don't have a local Docker installation.

Enable Docker Remote API

First be sure to enable the Docker Remote API on the remote host.

This can easily be done with a container.
For HTTP connection use jarkt/docker-remote-api.