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Last active June 11, 2021 21:40
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import { Component, State, Prop, h, Host, Element, forceUpdate } from '@stencil/core';
import {
} from '../../common/types/auth-types';
import {
} from '../../common/constants';
import { authSlotNames } from './auth-slot-names';
import { Auth, appendToCognitoUserAgent } from '@aws-amplify/auth';
import { Hub, Logger } from '@aws-amplify/core';
import {
} from '../../common/helpers';
import { checkContact } from '../../common/auth-helpers';
import { JSXBase } from '@stencil/core/internal';
const logger = new Logger('Authenticator');
* @slot sign-in - Content placed inside of the sign in workflow for when a user wants to sign into their account
* @slot confirm-sign-in - Content placed inside of the confirm sign in workflow for when a user needs to confirm the account they signed in with
* @slot sign-up - Content placed inside of the sign up workflow for when a user wants to register a new account
* @slot confirm-sign-up - Content placed inside of the confirm sign up workflow for when a user needs to confirm the account they signed up with
* @slot forgot-password - Content placed inside of the forgot password workflow for when a user wants to reset their password
* @slot require-new-password - Content placed inside of the require new password workflow for when a user is required to update their password
* @slot verify-contact - Content placed inside of the verify-contact workflow for when a user must verify their contact information
* @slot totp-setup - Content placed inside of the totp-setup workflow for when a user opts to use TOTP MFA
* @slot greetings - Content placed inside of the greetings navigation for when a user is signed in
* @slot loading - Content placed inside of the loading workflow for when the app is loading
tag: 'amplify-authenticator',
styleUrl: 'amplify-authenticator.scss',
shadow: true,
export class AmplifyAuthenticator {
/** Initial starting state of the Authenticator component. E.g. If `signup` is passed the default component is set to AmplifySignUp */
@Prop() initialAuthState:
| AuthState.SignIn
| AuthState.SignUp
| AuthState.ForgotPassword = AuthState.SignIn;
/** Federated credentials & configuration. */
@Prop() federated: FederatedConfig;
/** Username Alias is used to setup authentication with `username`, `email` or `phone_number` */
@Prop() usernameAlias: UsernameAliasStrings;
/** Callback for Authenticator state machine changes */
@Prop() handleAuthStateChange: AuthStateHandler = () => {};
/** Hide amplify-toast for auth errors */
@Prop() hideToast: boolean = false;
@State() authState: AuthState = AuthState.Loading;
@State() authData: CognitoUserInterface;
@State() toastMessage: string = '';
@Element() el: HTMLAmplifyAuthenticatorElement;
private handleExternalAuthEvent = ({ payload }) => {
switch (payload.event) {
case 'cognitoHostedUI':
case 'signIn':
checkContact(, dispatchAuthStateChangeEvent);
case 'cognitoHostedUI_failure':
case 'parsingUrl_failure':
case 'signOut':
case 'customGreetingSignOut':
return dispatchAuthStateChangeEvent(this.initialAuthState);
private handleToastEvent = ({ payload }) => {
switch (payload.event) {
if (payload.message) this.toastMessage = payload.message;
async componentWillLoad() {
onAuthUIStateChange((authState, authData) => {
this.onAuthStateChange(authState, authData as CognitoUserInterface);
this.toastMessage = '';
if (!this.hideToast) Hub.listen(UI_AUTH_CHANNEL, this.handleToastEvent);
Hub.listen(AUTH_CHANNEL, this.handleExternalAuthEvent);
Hub.listen(I18N_CHANNEL, () => {
}); // the event would be dispatched from
await this.checkUser();
private async checkUser(): Promise<void> {
if (!Auth || typeof Auth.currentAuthenticatedUser !== 'function') {
throw new Error(NO_AUTH_MODULE_FOUND);
return Auth.currentAuthenticatedUser()
.then(user => {
dispatchAuthStateChangeEvent(AuthState.SignedIn, user);
.catch(async () => {
let cachedAuthState = null;
try {
cachedAuthState = localStorage.getItem(AUTHENTICATOR_AUTHSTATE);
} catch (error) {
'Failed to get the auth state from local storage',
try {
if (cachedAuthState === AuthState.SignedIn) {
await Auth.signOut();
} catch (error) {
logger.debug('Failed to sign out', error);
private async onAuthStateChange(
nextAuthState: AuthState,
data?: CognitoUserInterface
) {
if (nextAuthState === undefined)
return logger.error('nextAuthState cannot be undefined');
'Inside onAuthStateChange Method current authState:',
if (nextAuthState === AuthState.SignedOut) {
this.authState = this.initialAuthState;
} else {
this.authState = nextAuthState;
this.authData = data;
if (this.authData) logger.log('Auth Data was set:', this.authData);
if (this.authState === nextAuthState) {
this.handleAuthStateChange(this.authState, this.authData);`authState has been updated to ${this.authState}`);
// Returns the auth component corresponding to the given authState.
private getAuthComponent(authState: AuthState): JSXBase.IntrinsicElements {
switch (authState) {
case AuthState.SignIn:
return (
case AuthState.ConfirmSignIn:
return <amplify-confirm-sign-in user={this.authData} />;
case AuthState.SignUp:
return <amplify-sign-up usernameAlias={this.usernameAlias} />;
case AuthState.ConfirmSignUp:
return (
case AuthState.ForgotPassword:
return <amplify-forgot-password usernameAlias={this.usernameAlias} />;
case AuthState.ResetPassword:
return <amplify-require-new-password user={this.authData} />;
case AuthState.VerifyContact:
return <amplify-verify-contact user={this.authData} />;
case AuthState.TOTPSetup:
return <amplify-totp-setup user={this.authData} />;
case AuthState.Loading:
return <div>Loading...</div>;
throw new Error(`Unhandled auth state: ${authState}`);
// Returns a slot containing the Auth component corresponding to the given authState
private getSlotWithAuthComponent(
authState: AuthState
): JSXBase.IntrinsicElements {
const authComponent = this.getAuthComponent(authState);
const slotName = authSlotNames[authState];
const slotIsEmpty = this.el.querySelector(`[slot="${slotName}"]`) === null; // true if no element has been inserted to the slot
* Connect the inner auth component to DOM only if the slot hasn't been overwritten. This prevents
* the overwritten component from calling its lifecycle methods.
return <slot name={slotName}>{slotIsEmpty && authComponent}</slot>;
disconnectedCallback() {
Hub.remove(AUTH_CHANNEL, this.handleExternalAuthEvent);
if (!this.hideToast) Hub.remove(UI_AUTH_CHANNEL, this.handleToastEvent);
return onAuthUIStateChange;
render() {
return (
{!this.hideToast && this.toastMessage && (
handleClose={() => {
this.toastMessage = '';
{this.authState === AuthState.SignedIn ? (
[<slot name="greetings"></slot>, <slot></slot>]
) : (
<div class="auth-container">
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