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Created January 20, 2019 19:49
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import Data.Char
import Data.Word
executeString :: String -> String -> Maybe String
executeString source input = process (0,0, repeat (0 :: Word8), [], input)
-- ip - instruction pointer
-- dp - data pointer
-- reg - data registry
-- out - output
process :: (Int,Int,[Word8],[Word8],String) -> Maybe String
process (ip,dp,reg,out,input)
| ip >= length source = Just (toChars out)
| otherwise = case op of
'>' -> process (ip', dp+1, reg, out, input)
'<' -> process (ip', dp-1, reg, out, input)
'+' -> process (ip', dp, inc dp reg, out, input)
'-' -> process (ip', dp, dec dp reg, out, input)
'.' -> process (ip', dp, reg, out ++ [get dp reg], input)
'[' -> startLoop
']' -> endLoop
',' -> if null input then Nothing else process (ip', dp, set dp (fromIntegral (ord c) :: Word8) reg, out, input')
op = source !! ip
ip' = ip+1
(c,input') = (head input, tail input)
startLoop | get dp reg == 0 = process (ip'', dp, reg, out, input)
| otherwise = process (ip', dp, reg, out, input)
ip'' = loopRange (drop ip source) + ip'
endLoop | get dp reg == 0 = process (ip', dp, reg, out, input)
| otherwise = process (ip'', dp, reg, out, input)
ip'' = ip' - loopRange (reverse $ take ip' source)
toChar :: Word8 -> Char
toChar = chr . fromIntegral
toChars :: [Word8] -> String
toChars = map toChar
update :: Int -> [Word8] -> (Word8 -> Word8) -> [Word8]
update i xs f = ys ++ [v] ++ zs
ys = take i xs
zs = tail $ drop i xs
v = f (head $ drop i xs)
inc :: Int -> [Word8] -> [Word8]
inc i xs = update i xs (+1)
dec :: Int -> [Word8] -> [Word8]
dec i xs = update i xs (subtract 1)
set :: Int -> Word8 -> [Word8] -> [Word8]
set i v xs = update i xs (const v)
get :: Int -> [Word8] -> Word8
get i xs = xs !! i
loopRange :: String -> Int
loopRange str = find str 0 0
find [] n i
| i == 0 = n-1
| otherwise = error "Incorrect loop"
find (x:xs) n i
| x == '[' = find xs (n+1) (i+1)
| x == ']' = find xs (n+1) (i-1)
| i == 0 = n-1
| otherwise = find xs (n+1) i
-- Example
src = "++++++++++[>+++++++>++++++++++>+++>+<<<<-]>++.>+.+++++++..+++.>++.<<+++++++++++++++.>.+++.------.--------.>+."
ex1 = executeString src "" == Just "Hello World!"
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