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PImage img1;
int number=1;
int count = 9;
float inc = 1;
int rotation_counter = 0;
float circle_increment = 0;
Tentacle[] tentacles;
float time = 0;
float time2 = 0;
float time3 = 0;
float time4 = 0;
float time5 = 0;
float time6 = 0;
float time7 = 0;
float time8 = 0;
float time9 = 0;
float time10 = 0;
float time = 0;
float time2 = 0;
float time3 = 0;
float time4 = 0;
float time5 = 0;
float time6 = 0;
float time7 = 0;
float time8 = 0;
float time9 = 0;
float time10 = 0;
int i = 0, j =0, k =0, y=0, r, degreepoint = 0, d1, d2;
int angle1, point;
int radius1, radius2;
int diffValue;
void setup()
size(800, 800);
background(8, 65, 92);
int i = 0, j =0, k =0, y=0, r, degreepoint = 0, d1, d2;
int angle1, angle2, point;
int radius1, radius2;
int diffValue;
void setup()
size(4000, 4000);
background(47, 62, 70);
float[] time = new float[0];
float[][] wave = new float[0][0];
float[] wave1 = new float[0];
float[] wave2 = new float[0];
float[] wave3 = new float[0];
float[] wave4 = new float[0];
float[] wave5 = new float[0];
float[] wave6 = new float[0];
float[] wave7 = new float[0];
float[] wave8 = new float[0];
PVector v1 = new PVector();
PVector v2 = new PVector();
float time = 0;
float time2 = 0;
float time3 = 0;
float time4 = 0;
float[] wave = new float[0];
float[] wave2 = new float[0];
float time = 0;
float time2 = 0;
float time3 = 0;
float time4 = 0;
float time5 = 0;
float time6 = 0;
float time7 = 0;
float time8 = 0;
float time9 = 0;
float time10 = 0;
int i = 0, j =0, k =0, y=0, r, degreepoint = 0, d1, d2;
int angle1, point;
int radius1, radius2;
int diffValue;
void setup()
size(4000, 4000);
background(8, 65, 92);
float angle = 6;
int steps = 150;
float flowerSize = steps*3;
float stepSize = 3;
float reductionValue = 0;
void setup()
size( 450, 400 );