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Created January 24, 2015 19:35
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sudoku huzzah
attempting to solve puzzle sample_puzzles/puzzle_38.txt
solved puzzle sample_puzzles/puzzle_38.txt in 0.078505 seconds
attempting to solve puzzle sample_puzzles/puzzle_44.txt
solved puzzle sample_puzzles/puzzle_44.txt in 21.837613 seconds
attempting to solve puzzle sample_puzzles/puzzle_43.txt
solved puzzle sample_puzzles/puzzle_43.txt in 2.452277 seconds
attempting to solve puzzle sample_puzzles/puzzle_3.txt
solved puzzle sample_puzzles/puzzle_3.txt in 0.376745 seconds
attempting to solve puzzle sample_puzzles/puzzle_33.txt
solved puzzle sample_puzzles/puzzle_33.txt in 0.341731 seconds
attempting to solve puzzle sample_puzzles/puzzle_49.txt
solved puzzle sample_puzzles/puzzle_49.txt in 3.665116 seconds
attempting to solve puzzle sample_puzzles/puzzle_42.txt
solved puzzle sample_puzzles/puzzle_42.txt in 4.930311 seconds
attempting to solve puzzle sample_puzzles/puzzle_37.txt
solved puzzle sample_puzzles/puzzle_37.txt in 0.765205 seconds
attempting to solve puzzle sample_puzzles/puzzle_2.txt
solved puzzle sample_puzzles/puzzle_2.txt in 1.440206 seconds
attempting to solve puzzle sample_puzzles/puzzle_13.txt
solved puzzle sample_puzzles/puzzle_13.txt in 12.058298 seconds
attempting to solve puzzle sample_puzzles/puzzle_11.txt
solved puzzle sample_puzzles/puzzle_11.txt in 0.104585 seconds
attempting to solve puzzle sample_puzzles/puzzle_21.txt
solved puzzle sample_puzzles/puzzle_21.txt in 31.125871 seconds
attempting to solve puzzle sample_puzzles/puzzle_27.txt
solved puzzle sample_puzzles/puzzle_27.txt in 37.737554 seconds
attempting to solve puzzle sample_puzzles/puzzle_24.txt
solved puzzle sample_puzzles/puzzle_24.txt in 0.752172 seconds
attempting to solve puzzle sample_puzzles/puzzle_0.txt
solved puzzle sample_puzzles/puzzle_0.txt in 0.387316 seconds
attempting to solve puzzle sample_puzzles/puzzle_14.txt
solved puzzle sample_puzzles/puzzle_14.txt in 2.910021 seconds
attempting to solve puzzle sample_puzzles/puzzle_47.txt
solved puzzle sample_puzzles/puzzle_47.txt in 54.252064 seconds
attempting to solve puzzle sample_puzzles/puzzle_41.txt
solved puzzle sample_puzzles/puzzle_41.txt in 2.542756 seconds
attempting to solve puzzle sample_puzzles/puzzle_17.txt
solved puzzle sample_puzzles/puzzle_17.txt in 0.910858 seconds
attempting to solve puzzle sample_puzzles/puzzle_25.txt
solved puzzle sample_puzzles/puzzle_25.txt in 2.973495 seconds
attempting to solve puzzle sample_puzzles/puzzle_5.txt
solved puzzle sample_puzzles/puzzle_5.txt in 132.396756 seconds
attempting to solve puzzle sample_puzzles/puzzle_32.txt
solved puzzle sample_puzzles/puzzle_32.txt in 0.09065 seconds
attempting to solve puzzle sample_puzzles/puzzle_31.txt
solved puzzle sample_puzzles/puzzle_31.txt in 14.47653 seconds
attempting to solve puzzle sample_puzzles/puzzle_7.txt
solved puzzle sample_puzzles/puzzle_7.txt in 0.05479 seconds
attempting to solve puzzle sample_puzzles/puzzle_30.txt
solved puzzle sample_puzzles/puzzle_30.txt in 63.129218 seconds
attempting to solve puzzle sample_puzzles/puzzle_10.txt
solved puzzle sample_puzzles/puzzle_10.txt in 5.881871 seconds
attempting to solve puzzle sample_puzzles/puzzle_16.txt
solved puzzle sample_puzzles/puzzle_16.txt in 0.067043 seconds
attempting to solve puzzle sample_puzzles/puzzle_45.txt
solved puzzle sample_puzzles/puzzle_45.txt in 6.95802 seconds
attempting to solve puzzle sample_puzzles/puzzle_4.txt
solved puzzle sample_puzzles/puzzle_4.txt in 0.054614 seconds
attempting to solve puzzle sample_puzzles/puzzle_34.txt
solved puzzle sample_puzzles/puzzle_34.txt in 1.613386 seconds
attempting to solve puzzle sample_puzzles/puzzle_40.txt
solved puzzle sample_puzzles/puzzle_40.txt in 6.775149 seconds
attempting to solve puzzle sample_puzzles/puzzle_18.txt
solved puzzle sample_puzzles/puzzle_18.txt in 0.355535 seconds
attempting to solve puzzle sample_puzzles/puzzle_46.txt
solved puzzle sample_puzzles/puzzle_46.txt in 1.047209 seconds
attempting to solve puzzle sample_puzzles/puzzle_19.txt
solved puzzle sample_puzzles/puzzle_19.txt in 1.063747 seconds
attempting to solve puzzle sample_puzzles/puzzle_26.txt
solved puzzle sample_puzzles/puzzle_26.txt in 1.629992 seconds
attempting to solve puzzle sample_puzzles/puzzle_12.txt
solved puzzle sample_puzzles/puzzle_12.txt in 118.789655 seconds
attempting to solve puzzle sample_puzzles/puzzle_6.txt
solved puzzle sample_puzzles/puzzle_6.txt in 0.995461 seconds
attempting to solve puzzle sample_puzzles/puzzle_15.txt
solved puzzle sample_puzzles/puzzle_15.txt in 0.049313 seconds
attempting to solve puzzle sample_puzzles/puzzle_22.txt
solved puzzle sample_puzzles/puzzle_22.txt in 3.937017 seconds
attempting to solve puzzle sample_puzzles/puzzle_23.txt
solved puzzle sample_puzzles/puzzle_23.txt in 7.508513 seconds
attempting to solve puzzle sample_puzzles/puzzle_20.txt
solved puzzle sample_puzzles/puzzle_20.txt in 0.958982 seconds
attempting to solve puzzle sample_puzzles/puzzle_28.txt
solved puzzle sample_puzzles/puzzle_28.txt in 77.550836 seconds
attempting to solve puzzle sample_puzzles/puzzle_1.txt
solved puzzle sample_puzzles/puzzle_1.txt in 0.154824 seconds
attempting to solve puzzle sample_puzzles/puzzle_29.txt
solved puzzle sample_puzzles/puzzle_29.txt in 7.789035 seconds
attempting to solve puzzle sample_puzzles/puzzle_48.txt
solved puzzle sample_puzzles/puzzle_48.txt in 0.652635 seconds
attempting to solve puzzle sample_puzzles/puzzle_36.txt
solved puzzle sample_puzzles/puzzle_36.txt in 0.832043 seconds
attempting to solve puzzle sample_puzzles/puzzle_8.txt
solved puzzle sample_puzzles/puzzle_8.txt in 7.392441 seconds
attempting to solve puzzle sample_puzzles/puzzle_35.txt
solved puzzle sample_puzzles/puzzle_35.txt in 0.315115 seconds
attempting to solve puzzle sample_puzzles/puzzle_39.txt
solved puzzle sample_puzzles/puzzle_39.txt in 0.109054 seconds
attempting to solve puzzle sample_puzzles/puzzle_9.txt
solved puzzle sample_puzzles/puzzle_9.txt in 6.033877 seconds
solved all puzzles in [0.078505, 21.837613, 2.452277, 0.376745, 0.341731, 3.665116, 4.930311, 0.765205, 1.440206, 12.058298, 0.104585, 31.125871, 37.737554, 0.752172, 0.387316, 2.910021, 54.252064, 2.542756, 0.910858, 2.973495, 132.396756, 0.09065, 14.47653, 0.05479, 63.129218, 5.881871, 0.067043, 6.95802, 0.054614, 1.613386, 6.775149, 0.355535, 1.047209, 1.063747, 1.629992, 118.789655, 0.995461, 0.049313, 3.937017, 7.508513, 0.958982, 77.550836, 0.154824, 7.789035, 0.652635, 0.832043, 7.392441, 0.315115, 0.109054, 6.033877]
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