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worace / accumulator.log
Last active October 16, 2017 21:28
Accumulators Log Output
Compiling accumulators.core
log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (accumulators.core).
log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.
log4j:WARN See for more info.
Using Spark's default log4j profile: org/apache/spark/
17/10/16 14:28:30 INFO SparkContext: Running Spark version 2.1.0
17/10/16 14:28:30 WARN NativeCodeLoader: Unable to load native-hadoop library for your platform... using builtin-java classes where applicable
17/10/16 14:28:30 INFO SecurityManager: Changing view acls to: horace
17/10/16 14:28:30 INFO SecurityManager: Changing modify acls to: horace
17/10/16 14:28:30 INFO SecurityManager: Changing view acls groups to:
worace / factual_geo.geojson
Last active October 6, 2017 16:45
Franklin Mountain State Park
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
(ns snake-quil.core
(:require [quil.core :as q :include-macros true]
[quil.middleware :as m]))
(defn setup []
(q/frame-rate 60)
(q/color-mode :hsb)
{:color 0
name | address_1 | miles_from_laci
Youth Green Community Garden | 12467 W. Osborne Street | 17.8526752533434
Eagle Rockdale Community Garden and Art Park | 1003 Rockdale Avenue | 6.99298846428767
Milagro Allegro Community Garden | 111 S Ave 56 | 5.28154294629922
Glassell Park Community Garden | 3305 Drew Street | 5.50435772214898
Elysian Valley Community Garden | 1816 W Blake Avenue | 3.93094291476127
Fountain Community Gardens | 5620 Fountain Avenue | 5.73078542701499
Mansfield Fountain Community Garden | 1259 N Mansfield
require "minitest/autorun"
require "set"
class Sequencer
def sequences(words)
# go through all words
# go through each consecutive slice of 4
# look in the map for that slice
# add the word to the corresponding set
# pick out the keys where values have 1 in the set
worace /
Last active June 20, 2016 23:00
Plan for Prepping for 1608 Module 1 Repeat

Brandon 1608 Prep Work

To make sure we are ready to re-join 1608, I’d like you to complete the following steps by **Monday, August 8**.

1 - Prework

Complete the “If you have a month” prework curriculum here.

Make sure you’re filling in all the required documentation in the prework gist according to the instructions provided.

sample_data = {:private_der => "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
(ns clarke-wallet.http
(:require-macros [cljs.core.async.macros :refer [go go-loop]])
(:require [cljs.core.async :as a]))
(def http (js/require "http"))
(defn read-json [string]
(->> string
(.parse js/JSON)