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wosephjeber /
Last active July 2, 2023 08:02
Find and kill ruby process using specified port
# Puma occasionally doesn't kill all ruby processes when
# I shut down my local web server. Here are the steps
# to find and kill the processes.
# Find pid of process running on specified port
lsof -i :3000
# Kill process
sudo kill -9 [pid]
wosephjeber /
Last active March 22, 2024 15:55
Installing ngrok on Mac

Installing ngrok on OSX

For Homebrew v2.6.x and below:

brew cask install ngrok

For Homebrew v2.7.x and above:

wosephjeber /
Last active May 9, 2018 15:29
Instructions for setting up a local copy of our MODX installation

Here's an outline of the instructions for creating a local dev copy of our MODX installation:

####1. Package and download files from server You'll want to tar and gzip the files on the server for two reasons. First and foremost, it will be faster when you download the files via FTP. Downloading one 100mb file is significantly faster than downloading one hundred 1mb files. Secondly, we want to avoid the potential of messing with hidden files and permissions/ownership.

Use the tar command with gzip enabled: tar -czvf path_to_target path_to_source. For example, to package up the assets directory, you might run tar -czvf backup/assets.tar.gz assets/. This will package and compress the assets directory and save it as a .tar.gz file in the backup directory. You can then download that file via Transmit or another FTP client.

####2. Dump production database and import to local database Use Sequel Pro to export the production database and import it locally. You can name the local database whatever you'd

wosephjeber /
Last active March 31, 2018 22:41
Giving new users SSH access
# 1. Start by ssh-ing into the server
ssh # or whatever server you need to access
# 2. Once in the server add a user with whatever username you'd like. You must use the sudo command unless you're logged in as root.
sudo adduser {username}
sudo adduser {username} sudo # to add user to sudo group
# 3. Change into the new users directory. /home contains all the users on the system.
cd /home/{username}
wosephjeber /
Last active September 22, 2015 21:05
Opportunity dev environment setup

##Apache setup

Apache is included with OSX. The configuration files are found at /etc/apache2/. We'll be editing two files: /etc/apache2/httpd.conf and /etc/apache2/extras/httpd-vhosts.conf.


First, we need to enable some modules. Uncomment (remove the #) the lines that contain #LoadModule php5_module libexec/apache2/ and LoadModule rewrite_module libexec/apache2/

Just a bit below that line, you'll see this: