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Last active February 11, 2020 14:51
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[Hustle Pro] - Limit Countries On Client Side
* Plugin Name: [Hustle Pro] - Limit countries On Client Side
* Description: [Hustle Pro] - Limit countries On Client Side - 1147366844511292
* Author: Thobk @ WPMUDEV
* Author URI:
* License: GPLv2 or later
if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
add_action( 'plugins_loaded', 'wpmudev_hustle_limit_country_on_client_side_func', 100 );
function wpmudev_hustle_limit_country_on_client_side_func() {
if( defined('HUSTLE_SUI_VERSION') && class_exists( 'Hustle_Module_Collection' ) ){
* For mapped site, you can check the IP info here:
* If you disable the country of the mapped site
* you need to set your mapped site's IP for this variable: $mapped_site_ip
* to allow the user from mapped site can access the form
add_filter( 'wpoi-get-user-country', 'wpmudev_hustle_pass_user_from_mapped_site', 10, 2 );
function wpmudev_hustle_pass_user_from_mapped_site( $country, $ip ){
//enter your mapped site IP
//$mapped_site_ip = '';
//if( $mapped_site_ip && $ip === $mapped_site_ip ){
// $country = 'XX';
$country = 'XX';//Warning: use this on the case we can't define spefic ip of mapped site(s), and we will always render the hustle form, we only disable via css and js
return $country;
add_action( 'wp_footer', 'wpmudev_hustle_visible_country_on_client_side', 21 );
function wpmudev_hustle_visible_country_on_client_side(){
$modules = apply_filters( 'hustle_sort_modules', Hustle_Module_Collection::instance()->get_all( true ) );
$visible_countries = wp_cache_get( 'visible_countries', 'wpmudev_hustle' );
if( false === $visible_countries ){
$visible_countries = [];
foreach( $modules as $module ){
if ( ! $module instanceof Hustle_Module_Model ) {
$all_conditions = json_decode( $module->get_meta( Hustle_Module_Model::KEY_VISIBILITY, '{}', true ), true);
if( isset( $all_conditions['conditions'] ) ){
$all_conditions = $all_conditions['conditions'];
foreach( $all_conditions as $condition ){
if( isset( $condition['visitor_country'] ) ){
if( 'only' === $condition['visitor_country']['filter_type'] ){
$visible_countries[] = [
'form_id' => $module->id,
'form_type' => $module->module_type,
'allow' => $condition['visitor_country']['countries']
$visible_countries[] = [
'form_id' => $module->id,
'form_type' => $module->module_type,
'deny' => $condition['visitor_country']['countries']
wp_cache_add( 'visible_countries', $visible_countries, 'wpmudev_hustle' );
if( ! empty( $visible_countries ) ){
$custom_scripts = "<div id='wpmudev-hustle-visibility' style='display:none' data-visible='". json_encode( $visible_countries ) ."'></div>";
$custom_scripts .= "
body.wpmudev-hustle-loading .hustle-ui{visibility:hidden;display:none}
var _visible_el = $('#wpmudev-hustle-visibility');
if( ! _visible_el.length ){
var _visible_countries ='visible');
var apis = [
'url': '',
'key': 'country'
'url': '',
'key': 'country_code'
function test_country(){
var api = apis.shift();
if( api ){
$.getJSON( api.url ).done(function(data) {
if( 'object' === typeof( data ) && api.key in data ){
$.each(_visible_countries, function( id, visible_countries ){
var allow_this_user = true;
if( 'allow' in visible_countries ){
if( Array.prototype.includes ){
allow_this_user = visible_countries.allow.includes( data[api.key] );
allow_this_user = visible_countries.allow.indexOf( data[api.key] ) > -1;
}else if( 'deny' in visible_countries ){
if( Array.prototype.includes ){
allow_this_user = ! visible_countries.deny.includes( data[api.key] );
allow_this_user = ! ( visible_countries.deny.indexOf( data[api.key] ) > -1 );
if( ! allow_this_user ){
$('.hustle_module_id_'+ visible_countries.form_id).remove();
if( 'popup' === visible_countries.form_type ){
// $('body').removeClass('wpmudev-hustle-loading');
} );
apis = [];
return false;
}).fail(function() {
$.Deferred(function( deferred ){
$( deferred.resolve );
echo $custom_scripts;
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