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Last active April 12, 2020 10:53
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[Hummingbird Pro] - Fix conflict with plugin Oxygen
* Plugin Name: [Hummingbird Pro] - Fix conflict with plugin Oxygen
* Description: [Hummingbird Pro] - Fix conflict with plugin Oxygen - 1152415940647285
* Task: 0/11289012348292/117091689172289
* Author: Thobk @ WPMUDEV
* Author URI:
* License: GPLv2 or later
if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'wpmudev_hmbp_fix_conflict_with_plugin_oxygen_func', 100 );
function wpmudev_hmbp_fix_conflict_with_plugin_oxygen_func() {
if( defined('WPHB_VERSION') && class_exists( 'Hummingbird\WP_Hummingbird' ) && class_exists('Hummingbird\Core\Settings') && defined('CT_VERSION') ){
if( is_admin() || ! Hummingbird\Core\Settings::get_setting( 'enabled', 'minify' ) ){
function wpmudev_custom_oxy_print_cached_css() {
if ( !defined("SHOW_CT_BUILDER") ) {
global $wp_current_filter;
// remove 'wp_head' from current filters
array_pop( $wp_current_filter );
// push fake filter name to be popped later instead of actual 'wp_head'
array_push( $wp_current_filter, "wp_head_fake");
* Add-on hook
* @since 1.4
global $wp_styles, $oxygen_vsb_css_styles;
if( is_null( $oxygen_vsb_css_styles ) ){
$oxygen_vsb_css_styles = new WP_Styles;
$oxygen_vsb_css_styles->registered = array();//reset register
// check whether to load universal css or not
if ( get_option("oxygen_vsb_universal_css_cache")=='true' && get_option("oxygen_vsb_universal_css_cache_success")==true
// TODO: check if there are other cases that may load universal CSS into builder
&& (!isset($_REQUEST['action']) || stripslashes($_REQUEST['action']) !== 'ct_render_widget') ) {
$universal_css_url = get_option('oxygen_vsb_universal_css_url');
$universal_css_url = add_query_arg("cache", get_option("oxygen_vsb_last_save_time"), $universal_css_url);
if(is_admin()) $universal_css_url = str_replace("universal.css", "universal_admin.css", $universal_css_url);
// check if to load dynamic xlink or cached CSS files
if (!oxygen_vsb_load_cached_css_files()) {
$oxygen_vsb_css_styles->add("oxygen-styles", ct_get_current_url('xlink=css&nouniversal=true') );
$oxygen_vsb_css_styles->add("oxygen-universal-styles", $universal_css_url);
else {
// check if to load dynamic xlink or cached CSS files
if (!oxygen_vsb_load_cached_css_files()) {
$oxygen_vsb_css_styles->add("oxygen-styles", ct_get_current_url( 'xlink=css' ) );
// Register/Enque assets
if( $oxygen_vsb_css_styles->registered ){
// registered
foreach( $oxygen_vsb_css_styles->registered as $dependency ){
$wp_styles->add( $dependency->handle, $dependency->src );
// enqueue
if( $oxygen_vsb_css_styles->queue ){
$wp_styles->enqueue( $oxygen_vsb_css_styles->queue );
remove_action( 'wp_head', 'oxy_print_cached_css', 999999 );
add_action( 'wp_head', 'wpmudev_custom_oxy_print_cached_css', 4 );
// fix CTFrontendBuilderUI is not defined
function wpmudev_oxygen_reenqueue_script() {
wp_deregister_script( 'selector-detector-controller' );
wp_dequeue_script( 'selector-detector-controller' );
wp_register_script( 'selector-detector-controller', OSD_URI . 'includes/osd.controller.js', array('ct-angular-ui') );
wp_enqueue_script( 'selector-detector-controller' );
if( defined('OSD_URI') ){
add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'wpmudev_oxygen_reenqueue_script', 99 );
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