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[SmartCrawl] Separated the sitemaps by languages.
* Plugin Name: [SmartCrawl] Separated the sitemaps by languages.
* Description: [SmartCrawl] Separated the sitemaps by languages - supported TranslatePress - Multilingual plugin
* Task: SLS-323
* Author: Thobk @ WPMUDEV
* Author URI:
* License: GPLv2 or later
if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
} elseif ( defined( 'WP_CLI' ) && WP_CLI ) {
* This MU will separated the sitemap by languages:
* url:
* path: wp-content/uploads/sc-languages/fr/smartcrawl/sitemap/index-sitemap0.xml
add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'wpmudev_sc_separated_the_sitemap_by_languages', 100 );
function wpmudev_sc_separated_the_sitemap_by_languages() {
if ( defined( 'SMARTCRAWL_VERSION' ) && class_exists('Smartcrawl_Settings') ) {
class WPMUDEV_SC_Separated_Sitemap_By_Languages{
public $sub_folder = 'sc-languages';//wp-content/uploads/[sub-folder]/...
// Enter list of language codes in your site.
public $all_lang_codes = array(
// 'en',
// 'fr'
private $current_language;
public function __construct(){
// check enabled sitemap
if ( ! Smartcrawl_Sitemap_UI::get()->should_run() ) {
add_action( 'init', array( $this, 'add_rewrites' ) );
// add_action( 'wds_before_sitemap_rebuild', array( $this, 'before_build_sitemap' ) );
add_action( 'wp', array( $this, 'serve_sitemap' ), 998 );
add_action( 'wp', array( $this, 'disable_custom_filter' ), 1000 );
// maybe re-generate sitemaps.
add_action( 'admin_init', array( $this, 'prime_cache_on_sitemap_settings_page_load' ), 10 );
public function add_rewrites(){
* @var $wp \WP
global $wp;
$wp->add_query_var( 'lang' );
// add_rewrite_rule( '([a-z]{2})/sitemap\.xml(\.gz)?$', 'index.php?wds_sitemap=1&wds_sitemap_type=index&lang=$matches[1]&wds_sitemap_gzip=$matches[2]', 'top' );
// add_rewrite_rule( '([a-z]{2})/([^/]+?)-sitemap([0-9]+)?\.xml(\.gz)?$', 'index.php?wds_sitemap=1&lang=$matches[1]&wds_sitemap_type=$matches[2]&wds_sitemap_page=$matches[3]&wds_sitemap_gzip=$matches[4]', 'top' );
add_rewrite_rule( 'sitemap-([a-z]{2})\.xml(\.gz)?$', 'index.php?wds_sitemap=1&wds_sitemap_type=index&lang=$matches[1]&wds_sitemap_gzip=$matches[2]', 'top' );
add_rewrite_rule( '([a-z]{2})/([^/]+?)-sitemap([0-9]+)?\.xml(\.gz)?$', 'index.php?wds_sitemap=1&lang=$matches[1]&wds_sitemap_type=$matches[2]&wds_sitemap_page=$matches[3]&wds_sitemap_gzip=$matches[4]', 'top' );
// flush rewrite rules
protected function maybe_flush_rewrite_rules() {
$flushed = get_option( 'wpmudev-sc-flush-rewrite-rules', false );
if ( $flushed !== SMARTCRAWL_VERSION ) {
update_option( 'wpmudev-sc-flush-rewrite-rules', SMARTCRAWL_VERSION );
// public function before_build_sitemap(){
// }
// ['en','vi'].
public function get_all_language_codes( $exclude_default = false ){
static $all_lang_codes;
if( ! isset( $all_lang_codes ) ){
$all_lang_codes = array();
// support for TranslatePress - Multilingual plugin.
if( class_exists('TRP_Translate_Press') ){
$trp_settings = TRP_Translate_Press::get_trp_instance()->get_component( 'settings' );
$settings = $trp_settings->get_settings();
$all_lang_codes = $settings['url-slugs'];
// exclude default language.
if( $exclude_default ){
$default_language = $settings["default-language"];
if( isset( $all_lang_codes[ $default_language ] ) ){
unset( $all_lang_codes[ $default_language ] );
} elseif ( $this->all_lang_codes ) {
$all_lang_codes = $ths->all_lang_codes;
return $all_lang_codes;
public function exist_language( $lang ){
if( $lang ){
// exclude default language.
$all_lang_codes = $this->get_all_language_codes( true );
if( ! in_array( $lang, $all_lang_codes ) ){
$lang = false;
return $lang;
public function should_custom_home_url(){
static $should_change;
if( ! isset( $should_change ) ){
$should_change = false;
// support for TranslatePress - Multilingual plugin.
if( class_exists('TRP_Translate_Press') ){
$should_change = true;
$should_change = ! empty( $this->all_lang_codes );
return $should_change;
public function serve_sitemap(){
// maybe clear sitemap cache
if( ! Smartcrawl_Sitemap_Cache::get()->is_cache_pristine() ){
if( ! empty( get_query_var( 'wds_sitemap' ) ) && ( $this->current_language = $this->exist_language( get_query_var( 'lang' ) ) ) ){
add_filter( 'upload_dir', array( $this, 'custom_upload_dir_path_for_sitemap' ) );
if( $this->should_custom_home_url() ){
add_filter( 'home_url', array( $this, 'custom_home_url_by_lang'), 101, 2 );
public function get_sub_folder_sitemap(){
return "/{$this->sub_folder}/";
public function custom_upload_dir_path_for_sitemap( $uploads ){
if( $this->current_language ){
$uploads['basedir'] .= $this->get_sub_folder_sitemap() . $this->current_language;
return $uploads;
public function custom_home_url_by_lang( $url, $path ){
if( $this->current_language ){
$home_lang_url = site_url( '/'. $this->current_language .'/' );
if( false === strpos( $url, $home_lang_url ) ){
$url = str_replace( site_url( '/' ), $home_lang_url, $url );
return $url;
public function disable_custom_filter(){
if( $this->current_language ){
remove_filter( 'upload_dir', array( $this, 'custom_upload_dir_path_for_sitemap' ) );
if( $this->should_custom_home_url() ){
remove_filter( 'home_url', array( $this, 'custom_home_url_by_lang'), 101, 2 );
public function drop_cache() {
$file_system = $this->fs_direct();
$uploads = wp_upload_dir( null, false );
$cache_dir = $uploads['basedir'] . $this->get_sub_folder_sitemap();
if ( ! @file_exists( $cache_dir ) ) {
Smartcrawl_Logger::error( "Sitemap cache by languages could not be dropped because they do not exist" );
return false;
$removed = $file_system->rmdir( $cache_dir, true );
if ( ! $removed ) {
Smartcrawl_Logger::error( "Sitemap cache by languages directory could not be removed" );
return false;
Smartcrawl_Logger::info( "Sitemap cache by languages dropped" );
return true;
private function fs_direct() {
if ( ! class_exists( 'WP_Filesystem_Direct', false ) ) {
require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/class-wp-filesystem-base.php';
require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/class-wp-filesystem-direct.php';
return new WP_Filesystem_Direct( null );
public function get_all_sitemap_urls(){
$all_sitemap_urls = array();
$all_lang_codes = $this->get_all_language_codes( true );
if ( ! empty( $all_lang_codes ) ) {
foreach ( $all_lang_codes as $lang ) {
$all_sitemap_urls[] = home_url( $lang . '/sitemap.xml' );
return $all_sitemap_urls;
public function prime_cache_on_sitemap_settings_page_load() {
global $plugin_page;
$is_sitemap_page = isset( $plugin_page ) && Smartcrawl_Settings::TAB_SITEMAP === $plugin_page;
if ( ! $is_sitemap_page ) {
if ( Smartcrawl_Sitemap_Cache::get()->is_index_cached() ) {
$all_sitemap_urls = $this->get_all_sitemap_urls();
if( $all_sitemap_urls ){
foreach( $all_sitemap_urls as $sitemap_url ){
wp_remote_get( $sitemap_url, array( 'blocking' => false ) );
$run = new WPMUDEV_SC_Separated_Sitemap_By_Languages;
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