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Last active September 1, 2020 20:53
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// Score box
if( !function_exists('wpsm_scorebox_shortcode') ) {
function wpsm_scorebox_shortcode( $atts, $content = null ) {
'criterias' => 'editor',
'simplestar' => '',
'offerbtn' => 'yes',
'id' => '',
'title'=> '',
'proscons' => '',
'prostitle' => 'PROS:',
'constitle' => 'CONS:',
'ce_enable'=> '',
), $atts));
<?php if(isset($atts['id']) && $atts['id']) :?>
<?php $revid = $atts['id'];?>
<?php else :?>
<?php if (!is_singular() || is_front_page()) {return; } ?>
<?php $revid = get_the_ID();?>
<?php endif ;?>
<?php if(isset($atts['title']) && $atts['title']) :?>
<?php $title = $atts['title'];?>
<?php else :?>
<?php $title = esc_html__('Average Score', 'rehub-theme');?>
<?php endif ;?>
<?php $args = array('no_found_rows' => 1,'p' => $revid, 'post_type' => 'any'); $query = new WP_Query($args);?>
<?php if ($query->have_posts()) : ?>
<?php while ($query->have_posts()) : $query->the_post(); global $post; ?>
<div class="wpsm_score_box">
<?php if($post->post_type == 'product'):?>
<?php $score = get_post_meta((int)$revid, 'rehub_review_overall_score', true);?>
<?php if($score) :?>
<div class="wpsm_score_title rehub-main-font">
<span class="overall-text"><?php echo esc_attr($title); ?></span>
<span class="overall-score"><?php echo round($score, 1) ?></span>
<div class="wpsm_inside_scorebox">
<?php if ($simplestar == 'yes') :?>
<div class="rating_bar"><?php echo rehub_get_user_rate() ; ?></div>
<?php endif ;?>
$thecriteria = get_post_meta((int)$revid, '_review_post_criteria', true);
$firstcriteria = $thecriteria[0]['review_post_name'];
<?php if($firstcriteria) : ?>
<div class="rate_bar_wrap">
<div class="review-criteria">
<?php foreach ($thecriteria as $criteria) { ?>
<?php $perc_criteria = $criteria['review_post_score']*10; ?>
<div class="rate-bar clearfix" data-percent="<?php echo ''.$perc_criteria; ?>%">
<div class="rate-bar-title"><span><?php echo ''.$criteria['review_post_name']; ?></span></div>
<div class="rate-bar-bar r_score_<?php echo round($criteria['review_post_score']); ?>"></div>
<div class="rate-bar-percent"><?php echo ''.$criteria['review_post_score']; ?></div>
<?php } ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if($proscons):?>
$prosvalues = get_post_meta((int)$revid, '_review_post_pros_text', true);
$consvalues = get_post_meta((int)$revid, '_review_post_cons_text', true);
<div class="prosconswidget">
<?php if(!empty($prosvalues)):?>
<div class="wpsm_pros mb30 mt10">
<div class="title_pros"><?php echo esc_attr($prostitle);?></div>
<?php $prosvalues = explode(PHP_EOL, $prosvalues);?>
<?php foreach ($prosvalues as $prosvalue) {
if(!$prosvalue) continue;
echo '<li>'.$prosvalue.'</li>';
<?php endif;?>
<?php if(!empty($consvalues)):?>
<div class="wpsm_cons">
<div class="title_cons"><?php echo esc_attr($constitle);?></div>
<?php $consvalues = explode(PHP_EOL, $consvalues);?>
<?php foreach ($consvalues as $consvalue) {
if(!$consvalue) continue;
echo '<li>'.$consvalue.'</li>';
<?php endif;?>
<?php endif;?>
<?php endif;?>
<?php if ($offerbtn=="yes") :?>
<div class="btn_score_btm priced_block">
<?php do_action('rhwoo_template_single_add_to_cart');?>
<?php endif ;?>
<?php else:?>
<?php if(vp_metabox('rehub_post.rehub_framework_post_type') == 'review') :?>
<?php $overal_score = rehub_get_overall_score();
if($overal_score !='0') :?>
<div class="wpsm_score_image">
<?php $offer_brand_url = esc_url(get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), 'rehub_offer_logo_url', true ));?>
<?php if($offer_brand_url):?>
<?php WPSM_image_resizer::show_static_resized_image(array('lazy'=> true, 'src'=> $offer_brand_url, 'crop'=> false, 'height'=> 120));?>
<?php endif;?>
<div class="wpsm_inside_scorebox">
<?php if ($simplestar == 'yes') :?><div class="rating_bar"><?php echo rehub_get_user_rate() ; ?></div><?php endif ;?>
<?php if ($criterias == 'editor' || $criterias == 'both') :?>
<?php $thecriteria = vp_metabox('rehub_post.review_post.0.review_post_criteria'); $firstcriteria = $thecriteria[0]['review_post_name']; ?>
<?php if($firstcriteria) : ?>
<div class="rate_bar_wrap">
<div class="review-criteria">
<?php foreach ($thecriteria as $criteria) { ?>
<?php $perc_criteria = $criteria['review_post_score']*10; ?>
<div class="rate-bar clearfix" data-percent="<?php echo ''.$perc_criteria; ?>%">
<div class="rate-bar-title"><span><?php echo ''.$criteria['review_post_name']; ?></span></div>
<div class="rate-bar-bar r_score_<?php echo round($criteria['review_post_score']); ?>"></div>
<div class="rate-bar-percent"><?php echo ''.$criteria['review_post_score']; ?></div>
<?php } ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php endif ;?>
<?php if ($criterias == 'user' || $criterias == 'both') :?>
<?php $postAverage = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), 'post_user_average', true); ?>
<?php if($postAverage !='0' && $postAverage !='') : ?>
<div class="rate_bar_wrap">
<?php $user_rates = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), 'post_user_raitings', true); $usercriterias = $user_rates['criteria']; ?>
<div class="review-criteria user-review-criteria">
<div class="r_criteria">
<?php foreach ($usercriterias as $usercriteria) { ?>
<?php $perc_criteria = $usercriteria['average']*10; ?>
<div class="rate-bar user-rate-bar clearfix" data-percent="<?php echo ''.$perc_criteria; ?>%">
<div class="rate-bar-title"><span><?php echo ''.$usercriteria['name']; ?></span></div>
<div class="rate-bar-bar r_score_<?php echo round($usercriteria['average']); ?>"></div>
<div class="rate-bar-percent"><?php echo ''.$usercriteria['average']; ?></div>
<?php } ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php endif ;?>
<?php if($proscons):?>
$prosvalues = vp_metabox('rehub_post.review_post.0.review_post_pros_text');
$consvalues = vp_metabox('rehub_post.review_post.0.review_post_cons_text');
<div class="prosconswidget">
<?php if(!empty($prosvalues)):?>
<div class="wpsm_pros mb30 mt10">
<div class="title_pros"><?php echo esc_attr($prostitle);?></div>
<?php $prosvalues = explode(PHP_EOL, $prosvalues);?>
<?php foreach ($prosvalues as $prosvalue) {
echo '<li>'.$prosvalue.'</li>';
<?php endif;?>
<?php if(!empty($consvalues)):?>
<div class="wpsm_cons">
<div class="title_cons"><?php echo esc_attr($constitle);?></div>
<?php $consvalues = explode(PHP_EOL, $consvalues);?>
<?php foreach ($consvalues as $consvalue) {
echo '<li>'.$consvalue.'</li>';
<?php endif;?>
<?php endif;?>
<?php endif;?>
<?php endif;?>
<?php if ($offerbtn=="yes") :?>
<div class="btn_score_btm">
<?php rehub_generate_offerbtn('wrapperclass=block_btnblock mobile_block_btnclock mb5 text-center');?>
<div class="centered_brand_logo">
<?php WPSM_Postfilters::re_show_brand_tax('logo'); //show brand logo?>
<?php endif ;?>
<?php endif ;?>
<?php if ($ce_enable && defined('\ContentEgg\PLUGIN_PATH')) :?>
<div class="wpsm_inside_scorebox_ce">
$cegg_field_array = rehub_option('save_meta_for_ce');
$cegg_fields = array();
if (!empty($cegg_field_array) && is_array($cegg_field_array)) {
foreach ($cegg_field_array as $cegg_field) {
if ($cegg_field == 'none' || $cegg_field == ''){ continue;}
$cegg_field_value = \ContentEgg\application\components\ContentManager::getViewData($cegg_field, $post->ID);
if (!empty ($cegg_field_value) && is_array($cegg_field_value)) {
$cegg_fields[$cegg_field]= $cegg_field_value;
if (!empty($cegg_fields) && is_array($cegg_fields)) {
$all_items = array();
foreach ($cegg_fields as $module_id => $items) {
foreach ($items as $item_ar) {
$item_ar['module_id'] = $module_id;
$all_items[] = $item_ar;
<div class="btn_score_btm rh_deal_block">
<?php foreach ($all_items as $key => $item) :?>
$currency_code = (!empty($item['currencyCode'])) ? $item['currencyCode'] : '';
$offer_price = (!empty($item['price'])) ? \ContentEgg\application\helpers\TemplateHelper::formatPriceCurrency($item['price'], $currency_code) : '';
$offer_price_old = (!empty($item['priceOld'])) ? \ContentEgg\application\helpers\TemplateHelper::formatPriceCurrency($item['priceOld'], $currency_code) : '';
$offer_title = (!empty($item['title'])) ? $item['title'] : '';
$offer_post_url = (!empty($item['url'])) ? $item['url'] : '';
$offer_url = apply_filters('rh_post_offer_url_filter', $offer_post_url );
<?php if (!empty($item['domain'])):?>
<?php $domain = $item['domain'];?>
<?php elseif (!empty($item['extra']['domain'])):?>
<?php $domain = $item['extra']['domain'];?>
<?php else:?>
<?php $domain = '';?>
<?php endif;?>
<?php $merchant = (!empty($item['merchant'])) ? $item['merchant'] : ''; ?>
<?php $logo = \ContentEgg\application\helpers\TemplateHelper::getMerhantLogoUrl($item, true);?>
<div class="deal_block_row">
<div class="rh-deal-pricetable">
<div class="rh-deal-left">
<div class="rh-deal-name">
<h5><a href="<?php echo esc_url($offer_url); ?>" class="no-color-link"><?php echo esc_attr($offer_title);?></a></h5>
<?php if ($logo):?>
<div class="rh-deal-brandlogo">
<?php if($logo) :?>
<?php WPSM_image_resizer::show_static_resized_image(array('lazy'=> false, 'src'=> $logo, 'crop'=> false, 'width'=> 70, 'height'=> 70));?>
<?php endif ;?>
<?php elseif ($merchant):?>
<div class="rh-deal-tag">
<span><?php echo esc_attr($merchant);?></span>
<?php endif;?>
<div class="rh-deal-right">
<?php if(!empty($offer_price)) : ?>
<div class="rh-deal-price">
<ins><?php echo ''.$offer_price ?></ins>
<?php if(!empty($offer_price_old)) : ?>
<?php echo ''.$offer_price_old ?>
<?php endif ;?>
<?php endif ;?>
<div class="rh-deal-btn">
<a href="<?php echo esc_url($offer_url) ?>" class="re_track_btn rh-deal-compact-btn btn_offer_block" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">
<?php if(rehub_option('rehub_btn_text') !='') :?>
<?php echo rehub_option('rehub_btn_text') ; ?>
<?php else :?>
<?php esc_html_e('Buy Now', 'rehub-theme') ?>
<?php endif ;?>
<?php endforeach;?>
<?php endif ;?>
<?php endwhile; endif; wp_reset_postdata(); ?>
$output = ob_get_contents();
return $output;
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