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Last active February 20, 2017 02:45
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Install new Trove translator for testing

Trove translator testing

I've created a new Trove translator for Zotero which takes over the capture of newspaper articles from my old 'Australian newspapers' translator, and adds support for most of the other Trove zones as well.

I've submitted a pull request to have the new translator added to the Zotero repository, but if you're impatient and would like to help test it out, here's how to manually install it.

  • First find out where your translators folder is...
  • Open Zotero and choose 'Preferences > Advanced > Files & Folders'
  • Click on 'Show data directory'
  • Your Zotero data directory should open up -- it will include a directory called 'translators'
  • Now go to my new translator on GitHub
  • Save the page as Trove.js in your translators directory
  • Delete the National Library of Australia - Australian Newspapers.js file from your translators directory (it doesn't work and you don't need it any more!)
  • Restart Zotero and your browser
  • That's it, go to Trove and try saving things!

Things to note:

  • It should work across search results and items in all Trove zones except for Archived Websites, People, and Lists.
  • It should capture metadata at both the work and version levels of books, pictures etc.
  • If there's a thumbnail, it'll save it as an attachment.
  • In newspaper and gazette zones it will save a PDF of the article as an attachment, and the OCRd text in a note.
  • You'll notice a short (5 second) delay when saving newspaper or gazette articles. This is because you need to allow some time for the PDFs to generate before saving them.
  • The translator grabs most of its data from the BibTex formatted citations available for items.

When the new translator gets added to the repository, your manually-installed version should be automatically updated.

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This is brilliant! Works perfectly for books and articles too (very important in the frequent cases in which one's home institution library doesn't have the item - Trove is a powerful aggregator). Thanks!

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