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(function() {
setTimeout(() => {
console.log("hello world");
const mobilePhoneNumber = document.querySelector("[data-selenium-test=property-input-mobilephone]")?.value.replace(/\D/g, "");
const phoneNumber = document.querySelector("[data-selenium-test=property-input-phone]")?.value.replace(/\D/g, "");
const buttonElem = `<div class="m-x-2 m-top-2 text-center"><a href="dialpad://${mobilePhoneNumber|phoneNumber}|1" class="uiButton private-button private-button--primary private-button--sm private-button--icon-only private-button--circle private-button--active" tabindex="0" type="button" style="
background-color: #4079F5;
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Stop Sign VR Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Reality Inside Ltd. (s.r.o.). All rights reserved. -->
<!-- Contact: Raivr on Reddit -->
<Settings app="Stop Sign VR" savedatetime="2020-12-20T23:14:56" runtimeversion="1.15.15" trackingsystemname="lighthouse" hmdmanufacturer="valve" hmdmodel="index" hmdserial="lhr-cba01ca8">
<Param name="SettingsFileVersion" type="string" readonly="true" info="This value is Read Only." value="a00010000"/>
<Param name="NumBackupConfigFilesToKeep" type="int" info="When saving changes or when changing the boxes in VR, a backup is made." value="10" minvalue="1" maxvalue="50" defaultvalue="10"/>
<Param name="AutoLaunchWithSteamVR" type="bool" info="Start the StopSignVR runtime automatically when starting SteamVR?" value="true" defaultvalue="true"/>
<Param name="AlertMode" type="bool" info="When 'No' is selected, StopSignVR is in Edit Mode and you can move and resize the boxes." value="false" defaultvalue="false"/>
<Param name=
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Stop Sign VR Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Reality Inside Ltd. (s.r.o.). All rights reserved. -->
<!-- Contact: Raivr on Reddit -->
<Settings savedatetime="2020-11-24T00:00:00" app="Stop Sign VR">
<Param name="SettingsFileVersion" type="string" readonly="true" info="This value is Read Only." value="0" />
<Param name="NumBackupConfigFilesToKeep" type="int" info="When saving changes or when changing the boxes in VR, a backup is made." value="10" minvalue="1" maxvalue="50" defaultvalue="10" />
<Param name="AutoLaunchWithSteamVR" type="bool" info="Start the StopSignVR runtime automatically when starting SteamVR?" value="true" defaultvalue="true" />
<Param name="AlertMode" type="bool" info="When 'No' is selected, StopSignVR is in Edit Mode and you can move and resize the boxes." value="false" defaultvalue="false" />
<Param name="UseBoxes" type="bool" info="Use boxes to warn against hitting valuable real equipment." value="true" defaultvalue="true" />
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Stop Sign VR Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Reality Inside Ltd. (s.r.o.). All rights reserved. -->
<!-- Contact: Raivr on Reddit -->
<Settings app="Stop Sign VR" savedatetime="2020-12-20T23:14:56" runtimeversion="1.15.15" trackingsystemname="lighthouse" hmdmanufacturer="valve" hmdmodel="index" hmdserial="lhr-cba01ca8">
<Param name="SettingsFileVersion" type="string" readonly="true" info="This value is Read Only." value="a00010000"/>
<Param name="NumBackupConfigFilesToKeep" type="int" info="When saving changes or when changing the boxes in VR, a backup is made." value="10" minvalue="1" maxvalue="50" defaultvalue="10"/>
<Param name="AutoLaunchWithSteamVR" type="bool" info="Start the StopSignVR runtime automatically when starting SteamVR?" value="true" defaultvalue="true"/>
<Param name="AlertMode" type="bool" info="When 'No' is selected, StopSignVR is in Edit Mode and you can move and resize the boxes." value="false" defaultvalue="false"/>
<Param name=
test('sample test', () => {
const a = 5
try {
console.log('test passed')
} catch (error) {
console.log('test failed')
beforeAll(async () => {
driver = new webdriver.Builder()
await driver.manage().setTimeouts({ implicit: 5000 })
}, 50000)
test('test A', async done => {
wunnle / vscode-snippets.js
Created April 29, 2020 06:24
vscode react snippets
"import React": {
"prefix": "imr",
"body": [
"import React from 'react' \n \n"
"functional component": {
"prefix": "sfc",
"body": [
"import React from 'react' \n",