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Last active October 11, 2015 04:28
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Javascript map of the Yukon Territory
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"37,583.91239 988,580.15615 988,578.88637 C 988,576.35528 991.08744,571.50566 994.31523,568.96668 C 1000.1153," +
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" C 1134.7288,446.53657 1137,448.79765 1137,450.57292 C 1137,451.854 1135.3903,455.98373 1133.4229,459.7501 C " +
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"09 1127.2562,600.81832 C 1130.5945,604.40005 1131.5264,606.3735 1133.4917,614.02337 C 1134.4068,617.58552 113" +
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"783 C 1135.61,647.63328 1136.8878,648.87411 1145,652.5813 C 1148.025,653.96368 1152.2306,656.28946 1154.3457," +
"657.74969 C 1156.4608,659.20992 1159.3858,660.4261 1160.8457,660.45233 L 1163.5,660.5 L 1163.221,670.94563 C " +
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"7,680.67529 z";
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