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Last active February 2, 2025 08:18
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IDRAC6 Virtual Console Launcher
Use this as an example on how to start the virtual console without the need of Java Web Start or accessing it from the web interface.
You can use the user and password that you use for the web interface.
You need an old JRE... I used 1.7.0_80 from the Server JRE package, also I have tested successfully 1.7.0_79 with MacOS.
You don't need to install it, just extract it or copy the files in "jre" folder.
Open the viewer.jnlp file that you get by launching the virtual console from the web interface with a text editor.
Note the urls to the jar files. Download the main jar file avctKVM.jar and the libs for your operating system and architecture.
Extract the dlls (.so Linux, .jnilib MacOS) from the jar libs.
If you don't see the MacOS libs in the file make sure you download it from MacOS.
Edit the bat/sh file according to your needs.
The file structure should look like this:
start-virtual-console.bat (.sh if Linux/MacOS)
jre/<jre home here>
lib/avctKVMIO.dll (.so if Linux, .jnilib if MacOS)
lib/avmWinLib.dll (.so if Linux, .jnilib if MacOS)
@echo off
set /P drachost="Host: "
set /p dracuser="Username: "
set "psCommand=powershell -Command "$pword = read-host 'Enter Password' -AsSecureString ; ^
$BSTR=[System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($pword); ^
for /f "usebackq delims=" %%p in (`%psCommand%`) do set dracpwd=%%p
.\jre\bin\java -cp avctKVM.jar -Djava.library.path=.\lib com.avocent.idrac.kvm.Main ip=%drachost% kmport=5900 vport=5900 user=%dracuser% passwd=%dracpwd% apcp=1 version=2 vmprivilege=true "helpurl=https://%drachost%:443/help/contents.html"
echo -n 'Host: '
read drachost
echo -n 'Username: '
read dracuser
echo -n 'Password: '
read -s dracpwd
./jre/bin/java -cp avctKVM.jar -Djava.library.path=./lib com.avocent.idrac.kvm.Main ip=$drachost kmport=5900 vport=5900 user=$dracuser passwd=$dracpwd apcp=1 version=2 vmprivilege=true "helpurl=https://$drachost:443/help/contents.html"
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9swampy commented Aug 25, 2021

Awesome. For the umpteenth time I was jumping through the JavaWS hoops and just couldn't get any of the usual tricks to work. I set the files up in a folder as you described, parameterised the commandline in Remote Desktop Manager and for first time ever now have secure one click access to all my iDracs alongside everything else and using the same credential store. Awesome. Just awesome. Thanks.

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I had to enable SSLv3 in java, I always got the error "connection failed"
Comment out "jdk.tls.disabledAlgorithms=SSLv3 in /lib/security/

This fixed it for me. too with latest java. Nice to have it in its own folder as a "portable"

Same here.
Added wget to WIndows and added to script-

 echo "Grabbing jar file from host."
 wget.exe -N --no-check-certificate "https://%drachost%/software/avctKVM.jar"

And still didn't work:
Then saw that about SSL3..

Glad I kept reading down this comment thread before I gave up!

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Worked perfectly! (Linux)

Used JRE 1.7 extracted from tar.

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vandreytrindade commented Oct 22, 2021

I was able to connect doing this (iDRAC 6 Enterprise):

Here's how my directory ended:


Then I'm using this PowerShell script:

Set-Location -Path C:\idrac
$ServerHost = Read-Host "Type the name of the host that you want to connect to"
$HostPassword = Read-Host "Type the password of the host that you want to connect to"

Write-Host "`nDownloading files..."
wget.exe -N --no-check-certificate "https://$ServerHost/software/avctKVM.jar" -q
wget.exe -N --no-check-certificate "https://$ServerHost/software/avctVMWin64.jar" -P lib -q
wget.exe -N --no-check-certificate "https://$ServerHost/software/avctKVMIOWin64.jar" -P lib -q

Write-Host "`nExpanding files to initiate connection..."
Rename-Item .\lib\avctVMWin64.jar
Rename-Item .\lib\avctKVMIOWin64.jar
Expand-Archive .\lib\ -DestinationPath .\lib
Remove-Item .\lib\META-INF -Recurse -Confirm:$False
Expand-Archive .\lib\ -DestinationPath .\lib
Remove-Item .\lib\META-INF -Recurse -Confirm:$False
Remove-Item .\lib*.zip

Start-Process -FilePath .\bin\java -ArgumentList "-cp avctKVM.jar -Djava.library.path=.\lib com.avocent.idrac.kvm.Main ip=$ServerHost kmport=5900 vport=5900 user=root passwd=$HostPassword apcp=1 verison=2 vmprivilege=true 'helpurl=https://$($ServerHost):443/help/contents.html'"

Remove-Item .\lib*.dll
Remove-Item .\avctKVM.jar

It worked without modifying my PC file.

The only problems until now is that I didn't find a way to pass the password using PowerShell in a secure way (I have tried the -AsSecureString), so for now the password is in plain text... =/
And I have tried to use this code to download the files:

Invoke-WebRequest https://$ServerHost/software/avctKVM.jar -OutFile .\avctKVM.jar

But sometimes worked, sometimes don't, I think that I need to initiate the connection first...
Meanwhile I'm using wget as other users commented previously.

Anyway, thanks a lot for your time to help a lot of people!!!

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lx1 commented Oct 23, 2021

@vandreytrindade: generally, for these old servers, I find it convenient to use an old Java version. I downloaded a portable old java from here and I unpack it only when I have to use it. If I remember well, I found jPortable_8_Update_40_Rev_2.paf.exe to behave well with iDRAC 6 and 7.

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@vandreytrindade: generally, for these old servers, I find it convenient to use an old Java version. I downloaded a portable old java from here and I unpack it only when I have to use it. If I remember well, I found jPortable_8_Update_40_Rev_2.paf.exe to behave well with iDRAC 6 and 7.


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ready4droid commented Oct 25, 2021 via email

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29039 commented Oct 25, 2021

I can't use your script as there is no WinZip.


Why are you using WinZip. Windows has ZIP built in, powershell, or even the fully free 7-zip. No one needs to be using WinZip anymore in 2020 or 2021, they will sue you for using it in business without paying.

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wizdude commented Oct 25, 2021

I can't use your script as there is no WinZip.


Why are you using WinZip. Windows has ZIP built in, powershell, or even the fully free 7-zip. No one needs to be using WinZip anymore in 2020 or 2021, they will sue you for using it in business without paying.

the script uses a specific version of powershell to expand the file, and tyler56895 didn't meet this requirement.

in any event they managed to work around the problem manually the next day and posted to confirm they are all now ok.

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Hello everyone, I have the remote console working on a dell R710 with the enterprise idrac. Thanks to MathieuW here:

I am running the latest java version as of 10/01/2018. Version 8 Update 181 (build 1.8.0_181-b13)

Go to here or wherever you installed java. C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_181\lib\security\

Comment out this line in with a # jdk.tls.disabledAlgorithms=SSLv3, RC4, MD5withRSA, DH keySize < 1024, and add the IP address (https://IPhere) and (https://IPhere:443) to the security tab of the java control pannel.

I don't know what security implications this has but it works.

This worked for me
Thank you!

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Hello everyone, I have the remote console working on a dell R710 with the enterprise idrac. Thanks to MathieuW here:

I am running the latest java version as of 10/01/2018. Version 8 Update 181 (build 1.8.0_181-b13)

Go to here or wherever you installed java. C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_181\lib\security\

Comment out this line in with a # jdk.tls.disabledAlgorithms=SSLv3, RC4, MD5withRSA, DH keySize < 1024, and add the IP address (https://IPhere) and (https://IPhere:443) to the security tab of the java control pannel.

I don't know what security implications this has but it works.

This worked for me
Thank you!

And for me as well!

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@lx1 thank that worked for iDrac 7.

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jimfrench commented Dec 24, 2021

For those concerned about changing global java security settings, they can be overridden on the command line like so:
java -cp avctKVM.jar com.avocent.idrac.kvm.Main ip=$IP kmport=$port vport=$port user=$user passwd=$pass apcp=1 version=2 vmprivilege=true "helpurl=https://$IP:443/help/contents.html"

The -D switch uses a file which needs to be created

#Custom overrides for DELL IDRAC Virtual Console

jdk.tls.disabledAlgorithms=SSLv3, RC4, DES, MD5withRSA, DH keySize < 1024, EC keySize < 224, anon, NULL, include jdk.disabled.namedCurves`

If done correctly this will override this one setting for this one time JVM instance instead of changing global settings, this is much preferred.

Notice also there is only one algorithm which prevents the console from running (at least on my system, java version 14) and that the specific culprit seems to be 3DES_EDE_CBC which is the only flag which needs to be missing from the original list for the JVM to run.

Other operating systems and java versions might need different attention but I hope this helps.

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pinguinfuss commented Jan 22, 2022

Here's my short little function, to either install the requirements or open the iDRAC session. It assumes, that there's a installed version of 7zip.

function Connect-iDRACRemoteConsole {
            Install and launch a Dell iDRAC Remote console using java.

            This function will prepare the necessary files as well as launch (when told to) a Dell iDRAC Remote Console window.

        .PARAMETER ProgramFolder
            Program folder, where files are stored. Will default to: $env:LOCALAPPDATA\Dell iDRAC

        .PARAMETER ServerHost
            Either the FQDN or IP address of a iDRAC system.

        .PARAMETER Credential
            PowerShell credential object, allowing for passing of somewhere else stored credentials.

        .PARAMETER Install
            Using this switch, the function will then download the necessary files, unzip them and remove a few unnecessary files.





        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Connect')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Install')]
        [string] $ProgramFolder = '{0}\Dell iDRAC' -f $env:LOCALAPPDATA,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Connect')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Install')]
        [string] $ServerHost,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Connect')]
        [pscredential] $Credential,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Install')]
        [switch] $Install

    begin {
        $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
        $InformationPreference = 'Continue'
        $libdir = '{0}\clientlib' -f $ProgramFolder

        if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -ne 'install') {
            try {
                Set-Location -Path $ProgramFolder
            catch {
                $_.Exception.Message | Write-Warning
                throw ('Unable to change directory to {0}' -f $ProgramFolder)
        elseif ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'install') {
            $7zipPath = "$env:ProgramFiles\7-Zip\7z.exe"

            if (-not (Test-Path -Path $7zipPath -PathType Leaf)) {
                throw ('7zip file {0} not found' -f $7zipPath)

            Set-Alias 7zip $7zipPath
            $tempdir = '{0}\temp' -f $ProgramFolder

    process {
        if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'install') {
            # try and create the program folder.
            try {
                if (-not (Get-Item -Path $ProgramFolder -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue')) {
                    New-Item -ItemType 'Directory' -Path $ProgramFolder
                if (-not (Get-Item -Path $libdir -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue')) {
                    New-Item -ItemType 'Directory' -Path $libdir

                if (-not (Get-Item -Path $tempdir -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue')) {
                    New-Item -ItemType 'Directory' -Path $tempdir
            catch {
                $_.Exception.Message | Write-Warning
                throw ('Unable to create program directory {0}' -f $ProgramFolder)

            # Start the download into the program folder.
            $FileUrls = @(
                    Uri = ''
                    FileName = 'jPortable64_8_Update_40_Rev_2.paf.exe'
                    UnzipDir = '\'
                    UnzipParams = ''
                    SkipCertificateCheck = $false
                    SkipUnzip = $false
                    HashAlgorithm = 'SHA256'
                    Hash = 'A4AAC39FC458C3D4E551C08B8896DD1CE3C373C910B0005F4C40485907791E05'
                    RemoveDirs = @('$PLUGINSDIR', 'App', 'Other')
                    RemoveFiles = @('release')
                    Uri = 'https://{0}/software/avctKVM.jar' -f $ServerHost
                    FileName = 'avctKVM.jar'
                    CopyDir = 'clientlib'
                    SkipUnzip = $true
                    SkipCertificateCheck = $true
                    Uri = 'https://{0}/software/avctVMWin64.jar' -f $ServerHost
                    FileName = 'avctVMWin64.jar'
                    UnzipDir = 'clientlib'
                    UnzipParams = ''
                    SkipUnzip = $false
                    SkipCertificateCheck = $true
                    RemoveDirs = @('META-INF')
                    Uri = 'https://{0}/software/avctKVMIOWin64.jar' -f $ServerHost
                    FileName = 'avctKVMIOWin64.jar'
                    UnzipDir = 'clientlib'
                    UnzipParams = ''
                    SkipUnzip = $false
                    SkipCertificateCheck = $true
                    RemoveDirs = @('META-INF')


            # Loop through the file list and download them.
            foreach ($uri in $FileUrls) {
                $OutFile = '{0}\{1}' -f $tempdir, $uri.FileName
                $WebRequestArgs = @{
                    Uri = $uri.uri
                    OutFile = $OutFile
                    UserAgent = [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.PSUserAgent]::FireFox
                try {
                    if ($uri.SkipCertificateCheck -eq $true) {
                        add-type @"
                            using System.Net;
                            using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;
                            public class TrustAllCertsPolicy : ICertificatePolicy {
                                public bool CheckValidationResult(
                                    ServicePoint srvPoint, X509Certificate certificate,
                                    WebRequest request, int certificateProblem) {
                                    return true;
<#                        $AllProtocols = [System.Net.SecurityProtocolType]'Ssl3,Tls,Tls11,Tls12'
                        [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = $AllProtocols#>
                        [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::CertificatePolicy = New-Object TrustAllCertsPolicy

                    $res = Invoke-WebRequest @WebRequestArgs
                catch {
                    $_.Exception.Message | Write-Warning
                    throw ('Unable to download {0} to {1}' -f $uri.uri, $OutFile)

                # The download finished, now we can make sure, that if HashAlgorithm and Hash have been given to verify them.
                if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($uri.HashAlgorithm) -and -not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($uri.Hash)) {
                    # Get a comparsion hash value of the file we've just downloaded.
                    try {
                        $hash = Get-FileHash -Algorithm $uri.HashAlgorithm -Path $OutFile

                        # Now check if the computed hash is the same as the one we got from the file list.
                        if ($hash.Hash -eq $uri.Hash) {
                            Write-Verbose ('Hash values of download {0} matches stored hash value' -f $uri.FileName)
                        else {
                            Write-Warning -Message ('Hash values of download {0} do not match. Deleting' -f $uri.FileName)
                            Remove-Item -Confirm:$false -Path $OutFile
                    catch {
                        $_.Exception.Message | Write-Warning
                        throw ('Failure during hash verification of file {0}' -f $uri.FileName)

                # Since we've gotten this far, we need to extract the files using 7z.
                try {
                    if ($uri.SkipUnzip -eq $false) {
                        $null = 7zip x -y $uri.UnzipParams ('-o"{0}\{1}"' -f $ProgramFolder, $uri.UnzipDir) "$OutFile"
                    elseif ($uri.SkipUnzip -eq $true -and -not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($uri.CopyDir)) {
                        $Destination = '{0}\{1}\{2}' -f $ProgramFolder, $uri.CopyDir, $uri.FileName
                        Copy-Item -Path $OutFile -Destination $Destination -Confirm:$false

                    # Check if the current file has RemoveDirs set. If so, loop through them and do as requested.
                    if ($uri.RemoveDirs -is [System.Array] -and $uri.RemoveDirs.Count -eq 0) {
                        Write-Verbose -Message 'No files to delete after extraction.'
                    elseif ($uri.RemoveDirs -is [System.Array] -and $uri.RemoveDirs.Count -ge 1) {
                        foreach ($dir in $uri.RemoveDirs) {
                            # Now we need to construct the absolute path.
                            $RemovalPath = '{0}\{1}\{2}' -f $ProgramFolder, $uri.UnzipDir, $dir
                            if (Get-Item -Path $RemovalPath -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue') {
                                Remove-Item -Path $RemovalPath -Recurse -Confirm:$false
                    else {
                        Write-Warning -Message ('Invalid RemoveDirs variable for file {0}' -f $uri.uri)
                catch {
                    $_.Exception.Message | Write-Warning
                    throw ('Unable to extract {0} to {1}' -f $OutFile, $uri.UnzipDir)

                # Now remove the download file.
                try {
                    Remove-Item -Path $OutFile -Confirm:$false
                catch {
                    $_.Exception.Message | Write-Warning
                    throw ('Unable to remove {0}' -f $OutFile)

                # Clear the content, so it'll not spill into the next loop.
                $OutFile, $WebRequestArgs, $FileName = $null

            # Create the java security override.
            $Content = 'jdk.tls.disabledAlgorithms=SSLv3, RC4, DES, MD5withRSA, DH keySize < 1024, EC keySize < 224, anon, NULL, include jdk.disabled.namedCurves'
            $Content | Out-File -FilePath ('{0}\{1}' -f $ProgramFolder, '')
        elseif ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Connect') {
            # Make sure, there is the necessary set of tools.
            $files = @('bin\java.exe', 'clientlib\avctKVM.jar', 'clientlib\avctKVMIO.dll', 'clientlib\avmWinLib.dll')

            foreach ($folder in $folders) {
                try {
                    Get-Item -Path ('{0}\{1}' -f $ProgramFolder, $folder)
                catch {
                    $_.Exception.Message | Write-Warning
                    throw ('Unable to locate {0}\{1}' -f $ProgramFolder, $folder)

            # Check file requisites.
            foreach ($file in $files) {
                try {
                    Get-Item -Path ('{0}\{1}' -f $ProgramFolder, $file)
                catch {
                    $_.Exception.Message | Write-Warning
                    throw ('Unable to locate {0}\{1}' -f $ProgramFolder, $file)

            # Do connection stuff here.
            try {
                $ProcessArgs = @(
                    ('-cp "{0}\avctKVM.jar" "-Djava.library.path={0}"' -f $libdir),
                    ('ip="{0}" user="{1}" passwd="{2}"' -f $ServerHost, $Credential.UserName, $Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password),
                    'apcp=1 version=2 vmprivilege=true kmport=5900 vport=5900',
                    ('"helpurl=https://{0}:443/help/contents.html"' -f $ServerHost)
                $proc = Start-Process -FilePath ('"{0}\{1}"' -f $ProgramFolder, 'bin\java.exe') -PassThru -Wait -ArgumentList $ProcessArgs
                return $proc
            catch {
                $_.Exception.Message | Write-Warning
                throw ('Unable to start iDRAC Remote console.')

    end {}

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29039 commented Jan 22, 2022

This is great work! I think that we are at the level where an actual GitHub project is warranted?

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For me this worked almost exactly as documented. The only issues I had are probably the result of my specific version of macos (Big Sur 11.5.2):

  • the Java package that worked for me is jre-7u80-macosx-x64.tar.gz (the server JRE package's Java executable is not compatible with Mac)
  • macos considers the author of this version of Java to be "untrusted" and will not open it:
    • the Open Anyway button in Privacy and Security settings no longer works;
    • What does work is:
      • Before running the idrac script, run sudo spctl --master-disable
      • Now when you run the idrac script, a security dialog will appear with a warning message; it has an Open button that really does allow you to run the script, and it only bothers you the first time you run it.

Once I got through these issues, it now works. Many thanks for the efforts that went into this!

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Does anyone have success getting the "Virtual Media" to work for iDrac6? I can connect and get keyboard input and video, but when I tap "Virtual Media -> Launch Virtual Media", I get an error about "The Virtual Media native library cannot be loaded". If someone has it working, can they share the exact version of JRE they have?

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Does anyone have success getting the "Virtual Media" to work for iDrac6? I can connect and get keyboard input and video, but when I tap "Virtual Media -> Launch Virtual Media", I get an error about "The Virtual Media native library cannot be loaded". If someone has it working, can they share the exact version of JRE they have?

This may occur when library file avctKVMIO.dll isn't found or loaded properly e.g. attempting to use 32-bit library with 64-bit JRE. I just tested using both jre-8u212-windows-i586 and jre-8u212-windows-x64 on Windows 10 (pulling down 32-bit and 64-bit library files respectfully), and clicking Virtual Media -> Launch Virtual Media within an iDRAC6 session opens without error for me.

I've been working on a script based on that supports both 32-bit and 64-bit Java and tries to detect the iDRAC's version to know which arguments to pass to avctKVM.jar. It's a mess right now and not fully tested, but once it's somewhat cleaned up I will post it here.

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I got it to work:

  • Installed JRE 7 from Oracle
  • Viewed the viewer.jnlp file to get the right .jar files
  • Downloaded files manually, renamed to .zip, and extracted them into the proper folder. (avctKVM.jar goes in same folder as console.bat, other .dlls go into /lib folder)
  • Edited the console.bat to include IP and username instead of prompting me each time.

The tricky part was trying various platform .jar files till I found one that worked. As @greecemunky said, it was just a matter of finding the right one.

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On mac osx big sur, i couldnt manage to make it work with all the instructions properly done and file patched. I downloaded and used jre1.7 as mentioned before. I commented disabledAlgorithms and left it empty, neither way worked as well. I can use the same script to connect on windows using jre1.6.

I still get the following error. Did anybody manage to solve it in big sur+ ?

07/24/2022 11:24:38:487:  User login response: 3 Broken pipe
	at Method)
	at com.avocent.kvm.c.d.g.b(Unknown Source)
	at Source)

And here is the command:

sudo spctl --master-disable

./jre1.7-mac/Contents/Home/bin/java -cp avctKVM.jar -Djava.library.path=./lib com.avocent.idrac.kvm.Main ip="" kmport=5900 vport=5900 user=*** passwd="****" apcp=1 version=2 reconnect=2 vmprivilege=true "helpurl="

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jimfrench commented Jul 24, 2022

I'm not on macos but could this be just working directory ambiguity with the lib directory,, i.e.

sudo spctl --master-disable
cd ./jre1.7-mac/Contents/Home

./bin/java -cp avctKVM.jar -Djava.library.path=./lib com.avocent.idrac.kvm.Main ip="" kmport=5900 vport=5900 user=*** passwd="****" apcp=1 version=2 reconnect=2 vmprivilege=true "helpurl="

Alternativey fully qualified lib path

sudo spctl --master-disable

./jre1.7-mac/Contents/Home/bin/java -cp avctKVM.jar -Djava.library.path=./jre1.7-mac/Contents/Home/lib com.avocent.idrac.kvm.Main ip="" kmport=5900 vport=5900 user=*** passwd="****" apcp=1 version=2 reconnect=2 vmprivilege=true "helpurl="

Apologies if already checked this is correct directory

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@jimfrench I havent tried this yet but i ll check if it works. Though, I don't think this would be the cause because it works until tls connection phase. Thanks for the advice anyway.

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@ardabeyazoglu Yes I should have explained my reasoning, it could have been using libraries from the wrong java version, but you might be correct in that it probably wouldn't get that far if so, it would error out sooner than during the connection. Hope someone else can step in good luck.

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alatas commented Sep 19, 2022

I tried many different combinations, java versions, etc., and finally discovered that iDRAC 6 is compatible with IE v8 on Win 7 SP1. I downloaded Win 7 SP1 and installed it on a virtual machine. It installs its ActiveX to IE 8 on the first run. Then I put the website on trusted sites. and voila!

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brad82 commented Nov 18, 2022

For those non java-savvy of us that are reading this and stumped on the Virtual Media/Keyboard capture errors above, you're missing a step;

After downloading avctKVMIOMac64.jar & avctVMMac64.jar from the iDRAC service, unzip them and move to the lib folder. Jar files are just glorified Zips, the real lib treasure is inside

unzip -d avctKVMIOMac64 avctKVMIOMac64.jar
unzip -d avctVMMac64 avctVMMac64.jar
mkdir lib
cp avctKVMIOMac64/libavctKVMIO.jnilib ./lib/
cp avctVMMac64/libavmMac.jnilib ./lib/

Thanks to for the java-for-dummies explanation.

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Works for me allowing me to connect to the virtual console on my R710. Glad I no longer need to dig out a VGA monitor. Thank you!

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f3rr311 commented Jan 27, 2023

I am getting java/lang/NoClassDefFoundError: java/lang/Object anyone else?

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f3rr311 commented Jan 28, 2023

Does anyone have this running with the separate Java version so I do not need to modify my Java Config? Ifso can you please share the working files as the things in this thread do not seem to work properly at the time im posting this or if anyone is willing to help me diagnose the issue that is more familiar with Java that would be amazing.

I have 20 Servers we have running IDRAC6 and would like to be able to use the feature but DO NOT want to run a unsecured install of Java if we can start a portable version for this.

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jimfrench commented Jan 29, 2023

Does anyone have this running with the separate Java version so I do not need to modify my Java Config? Ifso can you please share the working files as the things in this thread do not seem to work properly at the time im posting this or if anyone is willing to help me diagnose the issue that is more familiar with Java that would be amazing.

I have 20 Servers we have running IDRAC6 and would like to be able to use the feature but DO NOT want to run a unsecured install of Java if we can start a portable version for this.

Hi, I'm currently using a docker container version which is maintained, and seems to work very well without having to change any java versions manually - it is a "portable version" but dockerised

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