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Created September 8, 2014 12:59
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14:58 ~/Projects/211x/sandbox (2.11.x)$ cat Macros.scala
import scala.reflect.macros.whitebox._
import scala.language.experimental.macros
object Macros {
def macroImpl[T: c.WeakTypeTag](c: Context) = {
import c.universe._
val tpe = weakTypeTag[T].tpe
implicit class RichType(tpe: Type) {
def pre: Type = tpe match {
case SingleType(pre, _) => pre
case TypeRef(pre, _, _) => pre // this doesn't dealias!
case PolyType(_, underlying) => underlying.pre
case ExistentialType(_, underlying) => underlying.pre
case AnnotatedType(_, underlying) => underlying.pre
case _ => c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, s"unexpected type $tpe: ${showRaw(tpe)}")
val companionRef = c.internal.gen.mkAttributedRef(tpe.pre, tpe.typeSymbol.companion)
def myMacro[T]: Any = macro macroImpl[T]
14:58 ~/Projects/211x/sandbox (2.11.x)$ cat Test.scala
trait Trt3{
case class Cls(i: Int)
trait Trt2{
object Obj2 extends Trt3
trait Trt1{
object Obj1 extends Trt2
object Obj extends Trt1
object Test extends App {
14:58 ~/Projects/211x/sandbox (2.11.x)$ scalac Macros.scala && scalac Test.scala && scala Test
14:59 ~/Projects/211x/sandbox (2.11.x)$
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In 2.10

// ==> sandbox/Macro.scala <==
import scala.reflect.macros.Context
import scala.language.experimental.macros

object Macros {
  def macroImpl[T: c.WeakTypeTag](c: Context): c.Expr[Any] = {
    import c.universe._
    val tpe = weakTypeTag[T].tpe
    val symTab = c.universe.asInstanceOf[reflect.internal.SymbolTable]
    val pre = tpe.asInstanceOf[symTab.Type].prefix.asInstanceOf[Type]
    val companionRef = c.universe.treeBuild.mkAttributedRef(pre, tpe.typeSymbol.companionSymbol)

  def myMacro[T]: Any = macro macroImpl[T]

// ==> sandbox/Test.scala <==
trait Trt3{
  case class Cls(i: Int)
trait Trt2{
  object Obj2 extends Trt3
trait Trt1{
  object Obj1 extends Trt2
object Obj extends Trt1

object Test extends App {

  class C {
    class D
    object D
  val c = new C
% (export V=v2.10.4; scalac-hash $V sandbox/Macro.scala && scalac-hash $V sandbox/Test.scala && scala-hash $V Test)

Note: the switch to downcasting to access Type#prefix, rather than the copy/pasted impl above isn't necessary.

Testing with prefixes like c above (which is not a "static" prefix) is important for this sort of thing.

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