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Teja xhapless

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xhapless /
Created November 20, 2023 16:40 — forked from aymericbeaumet/
[Recipe] Delete all your likes/favorites from Twitter

Ever wanted to delete all your likes/favorites from Twitter but only found broken/expensive tools? You are in the right place.

  1. Go to:{username}/likes
  2. Open the console and run the following JavaScript code:
setInterval(() => {
  for (const d of document.querySelectorAll('div[data-testid="unlike"]')) {
xhapless /
Created March 25, 2022 05:14 — forked from tykurtz/
Grokking the coding interview equivalent leetcode problems


I liked the way Grokking the coding interview organized problems into learnable patterns. However, the course is expensive and the majority of the time the problems are copy-pasted from leetcode. As the explanations on leetcode are usually just as good, the course really boils down to being a glorified curated list of leetcode problems.

So below I made a list of leetcode problems that are as close to grokking problems as possible.

Pattern: Sliding Window
