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Last active July 4, 2019 20:31
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harpoons - clojure threading macros
;; from
(ns harpoons.core
#?(:cljs (:require-macros harpoons.core)))
(defmacro non-nil
"Return the leftmost non-nil value.
The evaluation is short-circuiting and each form is evaluated at most once.
(non-nil) ; => nil
(non-nil nil true) ; => true
(non-nil false true) ; => false
{:added "0.1"
:doc/format :markdown}
([] nil)
([x] x)
([x & xs]
`(let [v# ~x]
(if (some? v#) v# (non-nil ~@xs)))))
;;; Diamond threading
(declare needs-<>)
(defn put-first [form]
(list? form)
(if (needs-<> form) `(~(first form) ~'<> ~@(next form)) form)
(vector? form)
(if (needs-<> form) `[~'<> ~@form] form)
(list form '<>)))
(defn put-last [form]
(list? form)
(if (needs-<> form) `(~@form ~'<>) form)
(vector? form)
(if (needs-<> form) `(conj ~form ~'<>) form)
(list form '<>)))
(defmacro -<>
"Thread the results into `forms` in a thread-first manner.
Threads the results of successive evaluations through the `forms` by placing
the result from the preceding form into the next form at locations marked by
the diamond symbol `<>`. Initially the value of `expr` is bound to `<>`
before the first form is evaluated."
{:added "0.1"
:forms ['(-<> expr forms*)]
:doc/format :markdown
:style/indent 1}
[expr & forms]
(let [forms (map put-first forms)]
`(as-> ~expr ~'<> ~@forms)))
(defmacro -<>>
"Thread the results into `forms` in a thead-last manner.
Threads the results of successive evaluations through the `forms` by placing
the result from the preceding form into the next form at locations marked by
the diamond symbol `<>`. Initially the value of `expr` is bound to `<>`
before the first form is evaluated."
{:added "0.1"
:forms ['(-<>> expr forms*)]
:doc/format :markdown
:style/indent 1}
[expr & forms]
(let [forms (map put-last forms)]
`(as-> ~expr ~'<> ~@forms)))
(let [this-ns *ns*]
(defn expands [form]
(->> form flatten (filter (conj (-> this-ns ns-publics keys set) '<>)) seq)))
;; if a form has a toplevel <> - noop
;; else:
;; if it has a <> somehwere deeper but not in another harpoon invocation - noop
;; if it is a harpoon invocation it doesn't count
(defmacro when-<>
"Thread the results into `forms` in a thread-first manner, short-circuiting at a non-truthy value.
(when-<> 0 inc zero? [])
; => nil
{:added "0.1"
:forms ['(when-<> expr forms*)]
:doc/format :markdown
:style/indent 1}
[expr & forms]
(if (seq forms)
(let [[form & forms] forms
form (put-first form)]
`(let [~'<> ~expr]
(when ~'<>
(when-<> ~form ~@forms))))
(defmacro when-<>>
"Thread the results into `forms` in a thread-last manner, short-circuiting at a non-truthy value.
(when-<>> 0 inc zero? [])
; => nil
{:added "0.1"
:forms ['(when-<> expr forms*)]
:doc/format :markdown
:style/indent 1}
[expr & forms]
(if (seq forms)
(let [[form & forms] forms
form (put-last form)]
`(let [~'<> ~expr]
(when ~'<>
(when-<>> ~form ~@forms))))
(defmacro some-<>
"Thread the results into `forms` in a thread-first manner, short-circuiting at nil.
(some-<> 0 inc zero? [])
; => [false]
{:added "0.1"
:forms ['(some-<> expr forms*)]
:doc/format :markdown
:style/indent 1}
[expr & forms]
(if (seq forms)
(let [[form & forms] forms
form (put-first form)]
`(let [~'<> ~expr]
(when (some? ~'<>)
(some-<> ~form ~@forms))))
(defmacro some-<>>
"Thread the results into `forms` in a thread-last manner, short-circuiting at nil.
(some-<>> 0 inc zero? [])
; => [false]
{:added "0.1"
:forms ['(some-<>> expr forms*)]
:doc/format :markdown
:style/indent 1}
[expr & forms]
(if (seq forms)
(let [[form & forms] forms
form (put-last form)]
`(let [~'<> ~expr]
(when (some? ~'<>)
(some-<>> ~form ~@forms))))
(defmacro cond-<>
"Evaluate `clauses` conditionally threading the results through the diamonds.
Runs in a thread-first manner.
Like `cond->` the threaded value is *not* auto-inserted into the tests.
The result of the previous test is available as `<>` though.
(cond-<> 9
false (+ 1)
true inc
(= <> 10) (* <> <>))
; => 100
{:added "0.1"
:forms ['(cond-<> expr clauses*)]
:doc/format :markdown
:style/indent 1}
[expr & clauses]
(if (seq clauses)
(let [[test body & clauses] clauses
body (put-first body)]
`(let [~'<> ~expr]
(cond-<> (if ~test ~body ~'<>) ~@clauses)))
(defmacro cond-<>>
"Evaluate `clauses` conditionally threading the results through the diamonds.
Runs in a thread-last manner.
Like `cond->` the threaded value is *not* auto-inserted into the tests.
The result of the previous test is available as `<>` though.
(cond-<>> 9
false (+ 1)
true inc
(= <> 10) (* <> <>))
; => 100
{:added "0.1"
:forms ['(cond-<>> expr clauses*)]
:doc/format :markdown
:style/indent 1}
[expr & clauses]
(if (seq clauses)
(let [[test body & clauses] clauses
body (put-first body)]
`(let [~'<> ~expr]
(cond-<>> (if ~test ~body ~'<>) ~@clauses)))
(defmacro non-nil-<>
"Returns the first non-nil evaluation of `forms` with `expr` bound to `<>`.
Runs in a thread-first manner.
(non-nil-<> {:a 1 :b 2} :c :d :a :b)
; => 1
{:added "0.1"
:forms ['(non-nil-<> expr form*)]
:doc/format :markdown
:style/indent 1}
[expr & forms]
`(let [~'<> ~expr]
(non-nil ~@(map put-first forms))))
(defmacro non-nil-<>>
"Returns the first non-nil evaluation of `forms` with `expr` bound to `<>`.
Runs in a thread-last manner.
(non-nil-<>> {:a 1 :b 2} :c :d :a :b)
; => 1
{:added "0.1"
:forms ['(non-nil-<>> expr form*)]
:doc/format :markdown
:style/indent 1}
[expr & forms]
`(let [~'<> ~expr]
(non-nil ~@(map put-last forms))))
(defmacro <>-some
"Shorthand for `(some-<> <> ...)`"
{:added "0.1"
:forms ['(<>-some threaded-form*)]
:doc/format :markdown
:style/indent 0}
[& clauses]
`(some-<> ~'<> ~@clauses))
(defmacro <>>-some
"Shorthand for `(some-<>> <> ...)`"
{:added "0.1"
:forms ['(<>>-some threaded-form*)]
:doc/format :markdown
:style/indent 0}
[& clauses]
`(some-<>> ~'<> ~@clauses))
(defmacro <>-non-nil
"Shorthand for `(non-nil-<> <> ...)`"
{:added "0.1"
:forms ['(<>-non-nil threaded-form*)]
:doc/format :markdown
:style/indent 0}
[& clauses]
`(non-nil-<> ~'<> ~@clauses))
(defmacro <>>-non-nil
"Shorthand for `(non-nil-<>> <> ...)`"
{:added "0.1"
:forms ['(<>>-non-nil threaded-form*)]
:doc/format :markdown
:style/indent 0}
[& clauses]
`(non-nil-<>> ~'<> ~@clauses))
(defmacro <>-cond
"Shorthand for `(cond-<> <> ...)`"
{:added "0.1"
:forms ['(cond-<> clause*)]
:doc/format :markdown
:style/indent 0}
[& clauses]
`(cond-<> ~'<> ~@clauses))
(defmacro <>>-cond
"Shorthand for `(cond-<>> <> ...)`"
{:added "0.1"
:forms ['(cond-<>> clause*)]
:doc/format :markdown
:style/indent 0}
[& clauses]
`(cond-<>> ~'<> ~@clauses))
(defmacro <>-bind
"Bind the threaded value in a thread-first manner.
Binds the value threaded in the outer diamond-threading scope to the symbols
in `binding-form` destructuring the value as necessary. Continues the
diamond-threading scope by evaluating the `forms` successively
threading the result of the previous evaluation into the next form at
locations marked by the diamond symbol `<>`.
(-<>> 5 range (map inc) (<>-bind [a b c] [a b c]))
; => [(1 2 3 4 5) 1 2 3]
{:added "0.1"
:forms '[(<>-bind binding-form forms*)]
:doc/format :markdown
:style/indent 1}
[binding-form & forms]
`(let [~binding-form ~'<>]
(-<> ~'<> ~@forms)))
(defmacro <>>-bind
"Bind the threaded value in a thread-last manner.
Binds the value threaded in the outer diamond-threading scope to the symbols
in `binding-form` destructuring the value as necessary. Continues the
diamond-threading scope by evaluating the `forms` successively
threading the result of the previous evaluation into the next form at
locations marked by the diamond symbol `<>`.
(-<>> 5 range (map inc) (<>>-bind [a b c] [a b c]))
; => [1 2 3 (1 2 3 4 5)]
{:added "0.1"
:forms '[(<>>-bind binding-form forms*)]
:doc/format :markdown
:style/indent 1}
[binding-form & forms]
`(let [~binding-form ~'<>]
(-<>> ~'<> ~@forms)))
(defmacro <>-let
"Binds the value from the diamond-threading scode and evaluate the body forms.
Binds the value threaded in the outer diamond-threading scope to the symbols
in `binding-form` destructuring the value as necessary. Evaluates the forms
in `body` returning the value of the last.
Note that the value threaded in the outer diamond threading scope remain
bound to the symbol `<>`.
(-<> 2 (* 2) inc range (<>-let [a b c & d] [a b c d]))
; => [0 1 2 (3 4)]
{:added "0.1"
:forms '[(<>-bind binding-form body-forms*)]
:doc/format :markdown
:style/indent 1}
[binding-form & body]
`(let [~binding-form ~'<>]
(defmacro <>!
"Runs a side-effect in a thread-first manner.
Evaluates `body-forms` for their side effects and returns the value bound to
the simple symbol `<>`.
(-<> (range 2 4)
(<>! (prn :before <>)) ; \":before (2 3)\"
(for [x <> y <>] (* x y))
(<>! (prn :after <>)) ; \":after (4 6 6 9)\"
(= <> '(4 6 6 9)))
; => true
{:added "0.1"
:forms '[(<>! body-forms*)]
:doc/format :markdown
:style/indent 0}
[& body-forms]
`(do ~@(map put-first body-forms) ~'<>))
(defmacro <>>!
"Runs a side-effect in a thread-last manner.
Evaluates `body-forms` for their side effects and returns the value bound to
the simple symbol `<>`.
(-<> (range 2 4)
(<>>! (prn :before)) ; \":before (2 3)\"
(for [x <> y <>] (* x y))
(<>>! (prn :after)) ; \":after (4 6 6 9)\"
(= <> '(4 6 6 9)))
; => true
{:added "0.1"
:forms '[(<>>! body-forms*)]
:doc/format :markdown
:style/indent 0}
[& body-forms]
`(do ~@(map put-last body-forms) ~'<>))
(defmacro +<>
"Branches `expr` to all `forms` in a thread-first manner and returns a vector of the results.
(+<> 10 (* 2) (- 5))
; => [20 5]
{:added "0.1"
:forms '[(+<> expr forms*)]
:doc/format :markdown
:style/indent 1}
[expr & forms]
`(let [~'<> ~expr]
(vector ~@(map put-first forms))))
(defmacro +<>>
"Branches `expr` to all `forms` in a thread-last and returns a vector of the results.
(+<>> 10 (* 2) (- 5))
; => [20 -5]
{:added "0.1"
:forms '[(+<>> expr forms*)]
:doc/format :markdown
:style/indent 1}
[expr & forms]
`(let [~'<> ~expr]
(vector ~@(map put-last forms))))
(def this-ns *ns*)
(def skippers
(->> *ns* ns-publics keys (map #(symbol (str this-ns) (name %))) set))
(def skippers '#{-<> -<>>
when-<> when-<>>
some-<> some-<>>
cond-<> cond-<>>
non-nil-<> non-nil-<>>
<>-some <>>-some
<>-non-nil <>>-non-nil
<>-cond <>>-cond
<>-bind <>>-bind
<>! <>>!
+<> +<>>})
(defn needs-<> [form]
(list? form)
(let [head (first form)]
(or (and (symbol? head)
(skippers (symbol (str this-ns) (str head))))
(every? needs-<> form)))
(vector? form)
(every? needs-<> form)
(map? form)
(every? needs-<> (mapcat identity form))
(symbol? form)
(not= '<> (-> form name symbol))
(needs-<> '(<>-some seq first))
[(not (needs-<> '(inc (inc <>))))
(needs-<> '(inc (inc 1)))
(boolean (needs-<> '(<>-some inc)))
(needs-<> [1 2 3])
(needs-<> '(1 2 3))
(needs-<> '(inc (-<> 1 inc (+ <> 1)) inc))]
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