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Last active October 24, 2021 14:12
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Minting Contract Complete
// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC721/extensions/ERC721URIStorage.sol";
import "hardhat/console.sol";
contract MintingContract is ERC721URIStorage {
State variable tokenCount is used as unique identifier to generate unique number
of tokens.
In JS we do
const tokenCount = 0;
In Solidity we do:
uint256 public tokenCount = 0;
uint256 is data type. Check: for more data types
public is a access classifier, Check for more access classifiers
uint256 public tokenCount = 0;
State variable _baseTokenURI is used as unique identifier to generate unique number
of tokens.
In JS we do
const baseTokenURI;
In Solidity we do:
string private _baseTokenURI;
string is data type. Check: for more data types
private is a access classifier, Check for more access classifiers
Note: Uninitialized variables like this one should be initialied in the constructor to avoid unexpected errors.
string private _baseTokenURI;
Since our contract inherits ERC721URIStorage contract, we have to initialize it.
In JS we do:
constructor(baseTokenURI) {
super("SquareNFT", "SQUARE");
baseTokenURI = baseTokenURI;
In Solidity we do:
constructor(string memory baseTokenURI) ERC721 ("SquareNFT", "SQUARE") {
_baseTokenURI = baseTokenURI;
This constructor will get called when we deploy this contract to the blockchain network.
The deploy script will pass baseTokenURI to this contract, that way we can have dynamic
uri: https:localhost:3000/api/tokens for local testing and
for production.
constructor(string memory baseTokenURI) ERC721 ("SquareNFT", "SQUARE") {
_baseTokenURI = baseTokenURI;
console.log("This is my NFT contract. Woah!");
Solidity functions look very much like javascript functions, aside from access classifiers
that get added at the end of the function.
In JS we do:
function mintBasicNFT() {}
Similaryly, in Solidity we do:
function mintBasicNFT() public {}
setting this function access classifier will allow our frontend to trigger this function.
function mintBasicNFT() public {
// Increment tokenCount
// Local variable tokenId
uint256 tokenId = tokenCount;
Local variable handler is concatinating _baseTokenURI (https://localhost:3000/api/tokens/)
with tokenId (1,2,3...) and creating string like https://localhost:3000/api/tokens/1.
In JS we do:
const handler = `${_baseTokenURI}${tokenId}`;
In Solidity we do:
string memory handler = string(abi.encodePacked(_baseTokenURI, Strings.toString(tokenId)));
1. unlike uint256, string needs data location like memory.
2. abi.encodePacked takes in many arguments and returns bytes data type that needs to be
casted into string using string().
3. tokenId is a uint256 data type, is needs to be converted to string using Strings.toString(tokenId)
string memory handler = string(abi.encodePacked(_baseTokenURI, Strings.toString(tokenId)));
_safeMint(address to, uint256 tokenId, bytes _data)
Internal function to safely mint a new token. Reverts if the given token ID already exists.
msg.sender is a global variable available to us. It returns an address type.
_safeMint(msg.sender, tokenId);
_setTokenURI(uint256 tokenId, string _tokenURI)
Internal function to set the token URI for a given token.
_setTokenURI(tokenId, handler);
console.log("Minted NFT#", tokenId);
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