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Last active August 9, 2018 09:31
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Using IntelliJ UI Designer for creating Swing forms in the Ceylon (1.3.0) language

I wanted to create a Swing app in Ceylon and figured I'd give using the UI designer a shot. Here are the necessary steps to get it to work:


Change IDEA settings

  • From the menu: File -> Settings
  • Navigate to Editor / GUI designer
  • Make sure "Generate GUI into:" has Java source code selected
  • Change "Default accessibility for UI-bound fields:" is something else than "private", for example package-private
  • Click OK to save

Create a new Ceylon project

  • From the menu: File -> New -> Project
  • Choose Ceylon from the left pane
  • Fast-forward the wizard to the last page and choose a project name
  • Click Finish

Create a new module "test"

  • Right-click the "source" folder -> New -> Ceylon module
  • Name it "test"

Configure the module dependencies

  • Open the "module.ceylon" file in the source/test folder
  • Replace the contents with the same-named file in this gist

Create a new GUI form

  • Right-click the source/test folder -> New -> GUI form
  • Type a name for the form: "TestForm"
  • Let "Create a bound class" be selected
  • Click OK

Put some component(s) in the form

  • For example drag a JButton to the middle of the form area
  • Make sure the root JPanel has its "field name" set to "panel1"

Build the project (optional)

  • From the menu: Build -> Make Project
  • Project should have no errors

Create a ceylon source file

  • Right-click the source/test folder -> New -> Ceylon file/declaration
  • Name: "Test"

Write the form code for TestForm in Test.ceylon

  • Replace the contents with the same-named file in this gist

Write the main app code in main.ceylon

  • Replace the contents with the same-named file in this gist

Run the app

  • Right-click the "run" of the run() method and choose "Run ''"

How does it work?

IntelliJ IDEA creates a TestForm.form file with the form specification. This is only used by IntelliJ. It also creates and updates which contains a TestForm class that sets up the whole form. Normally in a Java project one would write the form code directly into, but we want to do it in Ceylon.. So we create a Test.ceylon and there create a second class Test which extends the generated TestForm. Thanks to changing the accessibility setting to "package-private" our Test ceylon subclass can see the fields of the TestForm java class as normal. So then we can just use the Test ceylon class in place of TestForm.

The generated typically depends on some intellij classes, which normally get added to the classpath of the java project, but in ceylon we need to add a dependency to the forms_rt maven module. One line in module.ceylon does it.

Normally also the intellij compiler produces the gui-creating code directly into the bytecode of the TestForm class. Those class files do not get used by ceylon though, Ceylon compiles the class files independently I am told, so the bytecode gets lost. That's why we needed to configure the designer to output the code into the java code instead, so ceylon sees it.

shared void run() {
native("jvm") module test "1.0.0" {
import java.desktop "8";
import maven:"com.intellij:forms_rt" "7.0.3";
import javax.swing {
shared class Test() extends TestForm() {
shared void show() {
value frame = JFrame("Hello world");
// panel1 is the name of the base panel in your form. By default it's called panel1.
// See the "Component Tree" in the GUI designer to find out
// or alternatively the generated source code ( - do "Build -> Make project" first if necessary
frame.defaultCloseOperation = JFrame.\iEXIT_ON_CLOSE;
frame.visible = true;
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xkr47 commented Oct 22, 2016

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