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* jArchi Library to manage Archi visual relationships in views
* Author: Xavier Mayeur
* Version: 1.1
* Date: May 2022
* Remarks: the code has been written to work with GraalVM, not Nashorn framework.
* Please update Archi scripting preferences accordingly.
if (typeof relLlibLoaded === 'undefined') {
engine = ($.process.engine === '') ? 'GraalVM' : 'Nashorn'
if (engine === 'Nashorn') {
console.log('ERROR: this library only works with the GraalVM JavaScript Engine\nPlease modify Archi scription settings')
relLibLoaded = true
* decorator function to apply a element-based function to each element of a selection
* example: const myFct = doEachElem(fct);
* myFct(selection, other_args);
* or
* doEachElem(fct)(selection, other_args)
* where 'selection' is any Archi selection of objects, replacing the first argument of the passed function 'fct'*
* @param {(function(): void)} fct - a jArchi function handling element
* @returns {(function(): void)|*}
function doEachElem(fct) {
return function decorator() {
let args = arguments
// if a view is selected, check all objects
let sel = args[0]
$(sel).filter("archimate-diagram-model").forEach(function (v) {
function _do(e) {
args[0] = e
fct.apply(this, args);
// recurse if the element object has children
$(e).children().filter('element').forEach(function (o) {
// apply recursively the function for each element of the view
$(v).children().filter('element').forEach(function (o) {
// if few objects are selected, managed only them
$(sel).filter('element').forEach(function (e) {
args[0] = e
fct.apply(this, args);
* decorator function to apply a relationship-based function to each connection of a selection
* Example:
* doEachRel(fct)(selection, other_args)
* @param {(function(): void)} fct - a jArchi function handling visual connection
* @returns {(function(): void)|*}
function doEachRel(fct) {
return function decorator() {
let args = arguments
// if a view is selected, check all objects
let sel = args[0]
$(sel).filter("archimate-diagram-model").forEach(function (v) {
function _do(e) {
$(e).outRels().forEach(function (o) {
args[0] = o
fct.apply(this, args);
$(e).inRels().forEach(function (o) {
args[0] = o
fct.apply(this, args);
$(e).children().filter('element').forEach(function (o) {
$(v).children().filter('element').forEach(function (o) {
// if few objects are selected, managed only their relationships
$(sel).filter('element').forEach(function (e) {
$(e).outRels().forEach(function (o) {
args[0] = o
fct.apply(this, args);
$(e).inRels().forEach(function (o) {
args[0] = o
fct.apply(this, args);
// if relationships are selected,managed them
$(sel).filter("relationship").forEach(function (o) {
args[0] = o
fct.apply(this, args);
* Add a bendpoint to a visual connection using absolute coordinates
* @param conn - visual connection object
* @param x - X-coordinate
* @param y - y coordinate
function addAbsoluteBendpoint(conn, x, y) {
let s = getObjXY(conn.source)
let t = getObjXY(
let bp = {
startX: x - s.x,
startY: y - s.y,
endX: x - t.x,
endY: y - t.y
conn.addRelativeBendpoint(bp, conn.getRelativeBendpoints().length)
* Set a bendpoint at index idx to a visual connection using absolute coordinates
* @param conn - visual connection object
* @param x - X-coordinate
* @param y - y coordinate
* @param idx - bendpoint index in the collection
function setAbsoluteBendpoint(conn, x, y, idx) {
// Set the X/Y offset of the embedding objects
let s = getObjXY(conn.source)
let t = getObjXY(
let bp = {
startX: x - s.x,
startY: y - s.y,
endX: x - t.x,
endY: y - t.y
try {
conn.setRelativeBendpoint(bp, idx)
} catch (e) {
* Get all bendpoints of the connection using absolute coordinates
* @param conn - visual conenction
* @returns {*[]} - an array of bendpoints
function getAbsoluteBendpoints(conn) {
let abps = []
conn.getRelativeBendpoints().forEach(bp => {
let x = bp.startX + conn.source.bounds.x + conn.source.bounds.width / 2
let y = bp.startY + conn.source.bounds.y + conn.source.bounds.height / 2
// add x/y offset of the embedding objects
$(conn.source).parents().forEach(p => {
try {
x += p.bounds.x
y += p.bounds.y
} catch (e) {
let abp = {
x: x,
y: y
return abps
* get absolute XY-coordinates of a visual object
* @param obj
* @returns {{x: *, width: *, y: *, height: *}}
function getObjXY(obj) {
let b = obj.bounds
let x = b.x + b.width / 2
let y = b.y + b.height / 2
$(obj).parents().forEach(p => {
try {
x += p.bounds.x
y += p.bounds.y
} catch (e) {
return {
x: x,
y: y,
width: b.width,
height: b.height
* Check whether a point given by its absolute coordinates is inside an object
* @param obj - archi visual object
* @param x - X-coordinate
* @param y - Y- coordinate
* @returns {boolean} - true if inside
function isInsideObj(obj, x, y) {
let b = getObjXY(obj)
return (x > b.x-b.width/2 && x < b.x + b.width/2 && y > b.y-b.height/2 && y < b.y + b.height/2)
* small helper to check whether a value is beween two min/max boundaries
* @param i
* @param min
* @param max
* @returns {boolean}
function isBetween(i, min, max) {
return (i >= min && i <= max)
* Create a L- orthogonal shape visual connection on an existing connection, resetting all bendpoints
* @param conn - visual connection
* @param dir - direction of the L-shape : 0 starts the connection horizontally, 1 starts vertically
* @param weightX - 0->1 weight to move the connection bendpoints X-coordinate along the adjacent edges of the connected objects
* @param weightY - 0->1 weight to move the connection bendpoints Y-coordinate along the adjacent edges of the connected objects
function lRel(conn, dir = 0, weightX = 0.5, weightY = 0.5) {
let sXY = getObjXY(conn.source)
let tXY = getObjXY(
let pos, a
[pos, a] = getObjPos(sXY, tXY)
if (dir === 0 && !isInsideObj(conn.source, tXY.x, sXY.y) && !isInsideObj(, tXY.x, sXY.y))
tXY.x + * (0.5 - weightX),
sXY.y + conn.source.bounds.height * (0.5 - weightY))
else if (dir === 1 && !isInsideObj(conn.source, sXY.x, tXY.y) && !isInsideObj(, sXY.x, tXY.y))
sXY.x - conn.source.bounds.width * (0.5 - weightX),
tXY.y + * (0.5 - weightY))
* Create a S-orthogonal shape visual connection on an existing connection, resetting all bendpoints
* @param conn - visual connection
* @param dir - direction of the s-shape : 0 starts the connection horizontally, 1 starts vertically
* @param weightX - 0->1 weight to move the connection bendpoints X-coordinate along the adjacent edges of the connected objects
* @param weightY - 0->1 weight to move the connection bendpoints Y-coordinate along the adjacent edges of the source objects
* @param weight2 - 0->1 weight to move the connection bendpoints X-or Y-coordinate along the adjacent edges of the target objects
function sRel(conn, dir = 0, weightX = 0.5, weightY = 0.5, weight2 = 0.5) {
let sXY = getObjXY(conn.source)
let tXY = getObjXY(
let pos, a
[pos, a] = getObjPos(sXY, tXY)
let dx = tXY.x - sXY.x
let dy = tXY.y - sXY.y
let bp1X, bp1Y, bp2X, bp2Y
if (dir === 0) {
bp1X = sXY.x + dx * weightX
bp1Y = sXY.y - conn.source.bounds.height * (0.5 - weightY)
bp2X = bp1X
bp2Y = tXY.y - * (0.5 - weight2)
} else {
bp1X = sXY.x - conn.source.bounds.width * (0.5 - weightX)
bp1Y = sXY.y + dy / 2 - conn.source.bounds.height * (0.5 - weightY) / 2
bp2X = tXY.x - * (0.5 - weight2)
bp2Y = bp1Y
if (!isInsideObj(conn.source, bp1X, bp1Y)
&& !isInsideObj(, bp1X, bp1Y)
&& !isInsideObj(conn.source, bp2X, bp2Y)
&& !isInsideObj(, bp2X, bp2Y)) {
addAbsoluteBendpoint(conn, bp1X, bp1Y)
addAbsoluteBendpoint(conn, bp2X, bp2Y)
* Get the position of object 2 with respect to object 1
* @param obj1 - visual object 1
* @param obj2 - visual object 2
* @returns {(string|number)[]} - return an array of two items
* - the first item is a string with the relative position (T,B,L,R)
* (Top, Bottom, Left, Right) followed by an option '!' if adjacent edges are overlapping
* - the second is a float number indicating the angle in degrees between the center of object 1 and object 2
function getObjPos(obj1, obj2) {
let b1 = ('x' in obj1) ? obj1 : getObjXY(obj1)
let b2 = ('x' in obj2) ? obj2 : getObjXY(obj2)
let dx = b2.x - b1.x
let dy = b2.y - b1.y
let pos
let dist = {dx: dx, dy: dy, gapX: 0, gapY: 0}
let angle = Math.atan2(dy, dx) * 180 / Math.PI
// normalize angle wrt obj1
if (angle < 0)
angle += 360
angle = (360 - angle) % 360
if (angle < 45 || angle > 315) {
pos = 'R'
} else if (angle >= 45 && angle < 135) {
pos = 'T'
} else if (angle >= 135 && angle < 225) {
pos = 'L'
} else {
pos = 'B'
if (b2.x - b2.width / 2 > b1.x + b1.width / 2 && b2.x + b2.width / 2 > b1.x + b1.width / 2)
dist.gapX = b2.x - b2.width / 2 - b1.x - b1.width / 2
else if (b2.x - b2.width / 2 < b1.x - b1.width / 2 && b2.x + b2.width / 2 < b1.x - b1.width / 2)
dist.gapX = b2.x + b2.width/2 - b1.x + b1.width / 2
if (b2.y - b2.height / 2 > b1.y + b1.height / 2 && b2.y + b2.height / 2 > b1.y + b1.height / 2)
dist.gapY = b2.y - b2.height/2 - b1.y - b1.height / 2
else if (b2.y - b2.height / 2 < b1.y - b1.height / 2 && b2.y + b2.height / 2 < b1.y - b1.height / 2)
dist.gapY = b2.y + b2.height / 2 - b1.y + b1.height / 2
if (dist.gapX === 0 && dist.gapY < 0)
pos = "T!"
else if (dist.gapX === 0 && dist.gapY > 0)
pos = "B!"
else if (dist.gapX < 0 && dist.gapY === 0)
pos = "L!"
else if (dist.gapX > 0 && dist.gapY === 0)
pos = "R!"
// console.log('getObjPos', b1, b2, pos, angle, dist)
return [pos, angle, dist]
* Get the position of XY-point with respect to object 1
* @param obj1
* @param XY
* @returns {(string|number)[]} - return an array of two items
* - the first item is a string with the relative position (T,B,L,R)
* - the second is a float number indicating the angle in degrees between the center of object 1 and XY
function getPointPos(obj1, XY) {
let b = ('x' in obj1) ? obj1 : getObjXY(obj1)
let dx = XY.x - b.x
let dy = XY.y - b.y
let pos = '*'
let angle = Math.atan2(dy, dx) * 180 / Math.PI
// normalize angle wrt obj1
if (angle < 0)
angle += 360
angle = (360 - angle) % 360
if (!isBetween(XY.y, b.y-b.height/2, b.y + b.height/2) && !isBetween(XY.x, b.x-b.width/2, b.x + b.width/2)) {
if (angle >= 135 && angle < 225) {
pos = 'R'
} else if (angle >= 225 && angle < 315) {
pos = 'B'
} else if (angle >= 315 || angle < 45) {
pos = 'L'
} else {
pos = 'T'
if ((angle > 270 || angle < 90) && isBetween(XY.y, b.y-b.height/2, b.y + b.height/2))
pos = 'L!'
else if (angle > 180 && isBetween(XY.x, b.x-b.width/2, b.x + b.width/2))
pos = 'B!'
else if (angle < 180 && isBetween(XY.x, b.x-b.width/2, b.x + b.width/2))
pos = 'T!'
else if (isBetween(XY.y, b.y-b.height/2, b.y + b.height/2))
pos = 'R!'
return [pos, angle]
* Function to equally distribute multiple connections along each edge of the selected object(s)
* @param obj
function distributeConnections(obj) {
let top = []
let bottom = []
let left = []
let right = []
let bp, bo1, bo2, obj1, obj2, i, angle
$(obj).rels().forEach(r => {
let bps = r.getRelativeBendpoints()
i = 0
bps.forEach(_bp => {
r.addRelativeBendpoint(_bp, i++)
if ( === {
obj2 = r.source
obj1 =
} else {
obj1 = r.source
obj2 =
bo1 = getObjXY(obj1)
bo2 = getObjXY(obj2)
const [p, a, dist] = getObjPos(obj1, obj2)
angle = a
bps = getAbsoluteBendpoints(r)
// only manage connections that are relating non-embedded objects
if (!isInsideObj(obj1, bo2.x, bo2.y)) {
// if a connection does not have any bendpoint, add one in the middle of connection, so we can reposition it
if (bps.length === 0) {
let _x, _y
if (p === 'L!') {
_x = bo1.x - bo1.width / 2 + dist.gapX / 2
_y = bo1.y
} else if (p === 'R!') {
_x = bo1.x + bo1.width / 2 + dist.gapX / 2
_y = bo1.y
} else if (p === 'B!') {
_y = bo1.y + bo1.height / 2 + dist.gapY / 2
_x = bo1.x
} else if (p === 'T!') {
_y = bo2.y + bo2.height / 2 - dist.gapY / 2
_x = bo1.x
} else {
_x = (bo2.x + bo1.x) / 2
_y = (bo2.y + bo1.y) / 2
addAbsoluteBendpoint(r, _x, _y)
bps = getAbsoluteBendpoints(r)
// console.log('mid point', p, a, dist,, bo1,, bo2, _x, _y)
if ( === {
bp = bps[bps.length - 1]
bp.idx = bps.length - 1
} else {
bp = bps[0]
bp.idx = 0
let [pos] = getPointPos(bo1, bp)
// console.log('BP pos', pos, bp)
if (pos[0] === 'R') {
// angle = (angle + 180) % 360
right.push({order: angle, bp: bp, r: r})
if (pos[0] === 'L') {
angle = (angle + 180) % 360
left.push({order: angle, bp: bp, r: r})
if (pos[0] === 'T') {
top.push({order: -angle, bp: bp, r: r})
if (pos[0] === 'B') {
// angle = (angle + 180) % 360
bottom.push({order: angle, bp: bp, r: r})
i = 1
right.sort(dynamicSort('order')).forEach(r => {
r.bp.y = bo1.y - bo1.height * (0.5 - (i++ / (right.length + 1)))
// r.bp.x = r.bp.x + 5*i * ((r.order > 180)? 1:-1)
setAbsoluteBendpoint(r.r, r.bp.x, r.bp.y, r.bp.idx)
i = 1
left.sort(dynamicSort('order')).forEach(r => {
r.bp.y = bo1.y - bo1.height * (0.5 - (i++ / (left.length + 1)))
// r.bp.x = r.bp.x + 5*i * ((r.order > 180)? 1:-1)
setAbsoluteBendpoint(r.r,r.bp.x, r.bp.y, r.bp.idx)
i = 1
top.sort(dynamicSort('order')).forEach(r => {
r.bp.x = bo1.x - bo1.width * (0.5 - (i++ / (top.length + 1)))
setAbsoluteBendpoint(r.r, r.bp.x, r.bp.y, r.bp.idx)
i = 1
bottom.sort(dynamicSort('order')).forEach(r => {
r.bp.x = bo1.x - bo1.width * (0.5 - (i++ / (bottom.length + 1)))
setAbsoluteBendpoint(r.r, r.bp.x, r.bp.y, r.bp.idx)
* Helper function as argument of the array.sort() function to sort an array of objects by property
* @param property - the property to sort on
* @returns {function(*, *)} - sorting array
function dynamicSort(property) {
let sortOrder = 1;
if (property[0] === "-") {
sortOrder = -1;
property = property.substr(1);
return function (a, b) {
/* next line works with strings and numbers,
* and you may want to customize it to your needs
let result = (a[property] < b[property]) ? -1 : (a[property] > b[property]) ? 1 : 0;
return result * sortOrder;
// ----------------STILL USING RELATIVE COORDINATE METHODS ---------------------------------
* Helper function to add a bendpoint for ortho()
* @param s - source object bounds
* @param t - target object bounds
* @param dx - actual X-distance between the two objects
* @param dy - actual Y-distance between the two objects
* @returns {{}} - bendpoint object
function addFirstBendpoint(s, t, dx, dy) {
let sxm = s.x + s.width;
let sym = s.y + s.height;
let txm = t.x + t.width;
let tym = t.y + t.height;
let _b = {};
if (txm < s.x) {
_b.startX = -dx / 2;
_b.endX = dx / 2;
} else if (t.x > sxm) {
_b.startX = dx / 2;
_b.endX = -dx / 2;
if (tym < s.y) {
_b.startY = -dy / 2;
_b.endY = dy / 2;
} else if (t.y > sym) {
_b.startY = dy / 2;
_b.endY = -dy / 2;
return _b;
* Helper function for ortho()
* @param bnd
* @param x
* @param y
* @returns {{x: number, y: number, dir: number}|{x, y, dir: number}|{x: number, y, dir: number}|{x, y: number, dir: number}}
function setXY(bnd, x, y) {
let xa = Math.abs(x);
let ya = Math.abs(y);
let w = bnd.width / 2;
let h = bnd.height / 2;
let xm = (x / xa) * Math.max(xa, w + 30);
let ym = (y / ya) * Math.max(ya, h + 30);
let hw = bnd.height / bnd.width;
if ((xa > w && ya > h)) {
if (ya / xa > hw) {
return {x: (x / xa) * (w - 10), y: ym, dir: 0};
} else {
return {x: xm, y: (y / ya) * (h - 10), dir: 1};
} else if (xa < w && ya < h) {
if (ya / xa > hw) {
return {x: x, y: ym, dir: 0};
} else {
return {x: xm, y: y, dir: 1};
} else if (xa > w && ya < h) {
return {x: xm, y: y, dir: 1};
} else if (xa < w && ya > h) {
return {x: x, y: ym, dir: 0};
} else {
return {x: x, y: y, dir: 0}
* Function to make an existing connection fully orthogonal
* @param o
function ortho(o) {
let source = o.source;
let target =;
let sb = source.bounds;
let tb = target.bounds;
$(source).parents().forEach(function (p) {
try {
sb.x += p.bounds.x;
sb.y += p.bounds.y;
} catch (e) {
$(target).parents().forEach(function (p) {
try {
tb.x += p.bounds.x;
tb.y += p.bounds.y;
} catch (e) {
sb.cpx = sb.x + (sb.width / 2);
sb.cpy = sb.y + (sb.height / 2);
tb.cpx = tb.x + (tb.width / 2);
tb.cpy = tb.y + (tb.height / 2);
let dx = tb.cpx - sb.cpx;
let dy = tb.cpy - sb.cpy;
let bps = o.getRelativeBendpoints();
let b = addFirstBendpoint(sb, tb, dx, dy);
let bn = Object.keys(b).length;
// there is no bendpoint
if (bps.length === 0) {
// source & destination objects are not aligned, so create a bendpoint
if (bn > 2) {
o.addRelativeBendpoint(b, 0);
bps = o.getRelativeBendpoints();
} else {
// or leave as is
} else if (bps.length === 1) {
// if objects are aligned and there is only one bendpoint, remove it to make a straight line
if (bn < 3) {
// force the first bendpoint position to overcome some flaw after the source have been moved
let bp0 = bps[0];
let xy = setXY(sb, bp0.startX, bp0.startY);
bp0.startX = xy.x;
bp0.endX = bp0.startX - dx;
bp0.startY = xy.y;
bp0.endY = bp0.startY - dy;
o.setRelativeBendpoint(bp0, 0);
let dir = xy.dir;
let idx = bps.length;
if (idx > 1) {
let t_xy = setXY(tb, bps[idx - 1].endX, bps[idx - 1].endY);
if (dir === t_xy.dir && idx % 2 === 1) {
o.deleteBendpoint(idx - 2);
bps = o.getRelativeBendpoints();
b = {startX: 0, startY: 0, endX: 0, endY: 0};
let prev = bp0;
idx = 0;
bps.forEach(function (bp) {
if (idx === 0) {
b = bp;
if (idx !== bps.length - 1) {
// all bendpoints which are the not first and the last ones
if (idx !== 0) {
b.startX = bp.startX * dir + prev.startX * (1 - dir);
b.endX = b.startX - dx;
b.startY = prev.startY * dir + bp.startY * (1 - dir);
b.endY = b.startY - dy;
} else {
// special handling for the last bendpoint
let xy = setXY(tb, bp.endX, bp.endY);
b.startX = (dx - xy.x) * dir + prev.startX * (1 - dir);
b.endX = (1 - 2 * dir) * (b.startX - dx);
b.startY = dir * prev.startY + (dy - xy.y) * (1 - dir);
b.endY = (-1 + 2 * dir) * (b.startY - dy);
try {
o.setRelativeBendpoint(b, idx);
} catch (e) {
console.log(b, idx, e)
dir = (++dir) % 2;
prev = b;
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