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Last active September 26, 2018 04:23
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Shows how to set up a list template for adding a locations map when using the Participants Database Combo Multisearch plugin
* template for showing a Participants Database list with combo multisearch and a dynamic map
$listmap = new pdbgmap\listmap($this);
global $PDb_Combo_Multi_Search;
$combo_search = $PDb_Combo_Multi_Search->get_text_search_value();
$combo_search_label = empty($PDb_Combo_Multi_Search->plugin_options['combo_search_label']) ? false : $PDb_Combo_Multi_Search->plugin_options['combo_search_label'];
$placeholder = $PDb_Combo_Multi_Search->plugin_options['placeholder'];
$search_term = $PDb_Combo_Multi_Search->current_search_term();
<div class="wrap <?php echo $this->wrap_class . ' ' . pdbgmap\listmap::auto_exempt_class ?> pdb-combo-multisearch" id="<?php echo $this->list_anchor ?>">
<?php if ($PDb_Combo_Multi_Search->combo_multi_search_is_active()): ?>
<?php echo $this->search_error_style ?>
<div class="pdb-searchform">
<div class="pdb-error pdb-search-error" style="display:none">
<p class="value_error"><?php echo $PDb_Combo_Multi_Search->incomplete_search_error_message(); ?></p>
<div class="combo-multi-search-controls">
<?php if ($PDb_Combo_Multi_Search->combo_search_is_active()) : ?>
<div class="combo-search-controls search-control-group">
<span class="search-control pdb-combo_search combo-search">
<?php if ($combo_search_label) : ?>
<label for="pdb-combo_search-control"><?php echo $combo_search_label ?></label>
<?php endif ?>
<input name="combo_search" id="pdb-combo_search-control" placeholder="<?php echo $placeholder ?>" value="<?php echo $combo_search ?>" type="text">
<?php if ($PDb_Combo_Multi_Search->combo_search_modifiers_enabled()) : ?>
<span class="search-control pdb-combo_search combo-search">
<?php $PDb_Combo_Multi_Search->print_search_options(); ?>
<?php endif ?>
<?php endif ?>
<?php if ($PDb_Combo_Multi_Search->multi_search_is_active()) : ?>
<div class="multi-search-controls search-control-group">
<?php foreach($PDb_Combo_Multi_Search->search_controls as $control) : if($control) : ?>
<span class="search-control pdb-combo_search combo-search pdb-<?php echo $control->name . ' ' . $control->wrap_class ?>">
<label for="<?php echo $control->id ?>"><?php echo $control->title ?></label>
<span class="search-control-input">
<?php echo $control->control ?>
<?php if (!empty($control->help_text)) : ?>
<span class="helptext"><?php echo $control->help_text ?></span>
<?php endif ?>
<?php endif; endforeach; ?>
<?php endif ?>
<div class="submit-controls search-control-group">
<span class="search-control">
<input type="submit" class="button-primary" name="multisearch-submit" data-submit="search" value="<?php echo $PDb_Combo_Multi_Search->i18n['search'] ?>" />
<input type="submit" class="button-secondary" name="multisearch-submit" data-submit="clear" value="<?php echo $PDb_Combo_Multi_Search->i18n['clear'] ?>" />
<?php if ( $filter_mode == 'sort' || $filter_mode == 'both' ) : ?>
<fieldset class="widefat">
<legend><?php _e('Sort by', 'participants-database' )?>:</legend>
* this function sets the fields in the sorting dropdown. It has two options:
* 1. columns: an array of field names to show in the sorting dropdown. If
* 'false' shows default list of sortable fields as defined
* 2. sorting: you can choose to sort the list by 'column' (the order they
* appear in the table), 'alpha' (alphabetical order), or 'order' which
* uses the defined group/field order
$this->set_sortables(false, 'column');
<?php $this->sort_form() ?>
<?php endif ?>
<?php endif ?>
<div class="list-container">
<?php $listmap->display() ?>
<table class="wp-list-table widefat fixed pages" >
// print the count if enabled in the shortcode
$this->print_list_count( $wrap_tag = false );
<?php if ( $record_count > 0 ) : // print only if there are records to show ?>
* this function prints headers for all the fields
* replacement codes:
* %2$s is the form element type identifier
* %1$s is the title of the field
$this->print_header_row( '<th class="%2$s" scope="col">%1$s</th>' );
<?php while ( $this->have_records() ) : $this->the_record(); // each record is one row ?>
<?php while ( $this->have_fields() ) : $this->the_field(); // each field is one cell ?>
<td class="<?php echo $this->field->name ?>-field">
<?php $this->field->print_value() ?>
<?php endwhile; // each field ?>
<?php endwhile; // each record ?>
<?php else : // if there are no records ?>
<td><?php if ($PDb_Combo_Multi_Search->is_multisearch === true) echo Participants_Db::$plugin_options['no_records_message'] ?></td>
<?php endif; // $record_count > 0 ?>
* this shortcut function presents a pagination control with default layout
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xnau commented Sep 26, 2018

This template must be placed where Participants Database can find it (details here…), then you must update your shortcode to use the new template, like this:

[pdb_list template=multisearch-map]

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