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Created February 16, 2023 17:11
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# i3 config file (v4)
# Please see for a complete reference!
# Set default border and layout sizes
set $border px 2
set $window_gaps px 2
# Set workspace layout to tabbed by default
workspace_layout tabbed
# Set workspace names
set $ws1 "1: main"
set $ws2 "2: web"
set $ws3 "3: code"
set $ws4 "4: chat"
set $ws5 "5: media"
set $ws6 "6: games"
# Assign programs to specific workspaces
assign [class="firefox"] $ws2
assign [class="Chromium"] $ws2
assign [class="code"] $ws3
assign [class="Slack"] $ws4
assign [class="Spotify"] $ws5
assign [class="Steam"] $ws6
# Set colors
set $bg_color #1c1c1c
set $fg_color #c5c8c6
set $border_color #373b41
set $focused_bg_color #c5c8c6
set $focused_fg_color #1c1c1c
set $focused_border_color #c5c8c6
set $active_ws_bg_color #c5c8c6
set $active_ws_fg_color #1c1c1c
set $inactive_ws_bg_color #1c1c1c
set $inactive_ws_fg_color #c5c8c6
# Set font and font size
font pango:DejaVu Sans Mono 10
# Set colors for i3bar
bar {
status_command i3blocks
colors {
background $bg_color
separator #666666
focused_workspace_bg $focused_bg_color
focused_workspace_fg $focused_fg_color
focused_workspace_border $focused_border_color
active_workspace_bg $active_ws_bg_color
active_workspace_fg $active_ws_fg_color
inactive_workspace_bg $inactive_ws_bg_color
inactive_workspace_fg $inactive_ws_fg_color
urgent_workspace_bg $active_ws_bg_color
urgent_workspace_fg $focused_fg_color
binding_mode_bg $active_ws_bg_color
binding_mode_fg $focused_fg_color
# Set bar height
set $bar_height 24
bar {
position top
height $bar_height
strip_workspace_numbers yes
workspace_buttons yes
binding_mode_indicator no
tray_output primary
# Set window borders and gaps
new_window pixel $border
new_float pixel $border
smart_borders on
smart_gaps on
default_border pixel $border
default_gaps inner $window_gaps outer $window_gaps
client.focused #{$focused_border_color} $border px
client.unfocused #{$border_color} $border px
client.focused_inactive #{$border_color} $border px
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