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Last active August 29, 2015 14:13
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Python 2.7 script to determine WWF Ecoregions in which a given species has been observed.
Assumes you have downloaded the WWF Ecoregions shapefile.
$ python "Ursus maritimus"
PA1101 Arctic desert
NA0616 Southern Hudson Bay taiga
NA1113 Kalaallit Nunaat low arctic tundra
NA1112 Kalaallit Nunaat high arctic tundra
import sys
import fiona
from shapely.geometry import shape, Point
import requests
def gbif_api(path, **params):
return requests.get('' + path, params=params).json()
def occurrences(species):
kw = dict(
taxonKey=gbif_api('species/match', name=species)['speciesKey'],
return gbif_api('occurrence/search', **kw)['results']
def get_ecoregions(species):
with fiona.collection('wwf_terr_ecos.shp', "r") as source:
ecoregions = [
(feature['properties'], shape(feature['geometry']))
for feature in source if feature['geometry']]
eco_codes = {}
for oc in occurrences(species):
point = Point(oc['decimalLongitude'], oc['decimalLatitude'])
for props, er in ecoregions:
eco_code = props['eco_code']
if er.contains(point):
if eco_code not in eco_codes:
eco_codes[eco_code] = props['ECO_NAME']
return eco_codes
if __name__ == "__main__":
for code, name in get_ecoregions(sys.argv[1]).items():
print code, name
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