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Created November 2, 2022 02:16
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Partial indexes - example 1
--drop table t2 purge;
create table t2 (
pkey int not null,
val int,
padding varchar2(100)
partition by range(pkey) (
partition p1_on values less than (2),
partition p2_on values less than (3),
partition p3_off values less than (4) indexing off,
partition p4_off values less than (5) indexing off,
partition p5_on values less than (6),
partition p6_off values less than (7) indexing off
insert into t2
with pkeys as (select level pkey from dual connect by level<=6)
,gen as (select level n from dual connect by level<=1000)
select pkey,n,rpad('x',100,'x')
from pkeys,gen;
create index ix_t2 on t2(pkey,val) local indexing partial;
select partition_name as pname,indexing
from user_tab_partitions p
where table_name='T2';
alter session set MAX_DUMP_FILE_SIZE = unlimited;
alter session set events 'trace[SQL_Optimizer.*] disk=highest';
alter session set tracefile_identifier='partial_simple_1';
select count(*) from t2 where pkey in (1,2,6) and val=4;
alter session set tracefile_identifier='partial_simple_2';
select count(*) from t2 where pkey in (1,2) and val=4;
alter session set tracefile_identifier='partial_simple_3';
select count(*) from t2 where pkey in (1,2,3) and val=4;
alter session set tracefile_identifier='dummy';
alter session set events 'trace[SQL_Optimizer.*] off';
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