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Last active December 11, 2015 17:08
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How ring's autoload works?
<rationalrevolt> With ring, can some one help me understand why passing a var
to run-jetty allows me to reload code and have it reflect
immediately? (run-jetty #'handler {:port 8080 :join? false})
<nDuff> rationalrevolt: passing the var object means it's involved in the
lookup, and can be substituted/replaced. [12:59]
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channel #clojure [13:01]
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<tomoj> &(#'+ 1 2)
<lazybot> ⇒ 3
*** mattmoss (~mattmoss@ has quit: Ping timeout: 244 seconds
<rationalrevolt> Doing (+ 1 2) or (#'+ 1 2) gives the same result - but, i'm
not seeing whats different
<rationalrevolt> (+ 1 2) would look up the symbol to obtain the var and then
invoke it with the arguments [13:03]
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ecmendenhall [13:04]
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<tomoj> yes, but if you do e.g. (run-jetty handler ...), handler is resolved
to #'handler, but the var's value, your handler fn, is passed to
<tomoj> if you redef #'handler later, run-jetty will still have the old fn
<rationalrevolt> (#'+ 1 2) expands to ((var +) 1 2) and (var +) is doing a
lookup of + each time (#'+ 1 2) is eval'd - is this correct?
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#clojure [13:06]
<tomoj> when you (run-jetty #'handler ...), the thing passed to run-jetty is
the var, not the fn it points to. when the var is invoked as a
function it just invokes whichever fn the var currently points to
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