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xy2i/swf.hexpat Secret

Last active November 8, 2024 01:15
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Flash SWF ImHex pattern
#include "std/core"
#include "std/io"
#include "type/color"
#include "type/magic"
import hex.dec;
import hex.provider;
#pragma pattern_limit 10000000
#pragma array_limit 1000000
bitfield Rect {
nSize : 5 [[name("N Size")]];
signed xMin : nSize [[name("X Min")]];
signed xMax : nSize [[name("X Max")]];
signed yMin : nSize [[name("Y Min")]];
signed yMax : nSize [[name("Y Max")]];
/* Will always be decompressed regardless of compression used */
struct UncompressedHeader {
char compressionSignature [[name("Compression"), comment("F - Uncompressed\nC - zlib Compressed\nZ - LZMA compressed")]];
type::Magic<"WS"> signature [[name("Signature")]];
u8 swfVersion [[name("SWF Version")]];
u32 bytesSize [[name("Uncompressed Size")]];
} [[inline]];
struct Header {
be Rect rect [[name("Frame Size"), comment("Needs to be uncompressed to have the correct value.")]];
u8 frameRate [[name("Framerate"), comment("Needs to be uncompressed to have the correct value.")]];
u16 frameCount [[name("Frame Count"), comment("Needs to be uncompressed to have the correct value.")]];
enum Tag: u8 {
End = 0,
ShowFrame = 1,
SetBackgroundColor = 9,
DoAction = 12,
FileAttributes = 69,
Metadata = 77,
bitfield RecordHeaderShort {
Length: 6;
Tag Tag: 10;
} [[inline]];
struct RecordHeader {
RecordHeaderShort short [[inline]];
Tag Tag = short.Tag;
u32 len = short.Length;
if (short.Length == 0x3f) {
u32 LongLength;
len = LongLength;
enum Action: u8 {
Trace = 0x26,
Push = 0x96,
struct ActionPush {
u8 Type [[hidden]];
match (Type) {
(0): char String[];
(1): float Float;
(4): u8 RegisterNumber;
(5): bool Boolean;
(6): double Double;
(7): u32 Integer;
(8): u8 Constant8;
(9): u16 Constant16;
} [[inline]];
struct ActionRecord {
Action Action;
if (Action >= 0x80) {
u16 Length;
match (Action) {
(Action::Push): ActionPush;
(_): if (Action >= 0x80) {
u8 unknown[Length];
} [[name(Action)]];
struct SetBackgroundColor {
type::RGB8 Rgb;
} [[inline]];
struct DoAction {
ActionRecord records[while(std::mem::read_unsigned($, 1) != 0x00)] [[inline]];
padding[1]; // null terminator
} [[inline]];
bitfield FileAttributesBitfield {
padding: 3;
bool HasMetadata: 1;
bool ActionScript3: 1;
padding: 2;
bool UseNetwork: 1;
} [[inline, bitfield_order(std::core::BitfieldOrder::MostToLeastSignificant, 8)]];
struct FileAttributes {
} [[inline]];
struct Metadata {
char Xml[];
} [[inline]];
struct TagRecord {
RecordHeader RecordHeader [[inline]];
match (RecordHeader.Tag) {
(Tag::SetBackgroundColor): SetBackgroundColor;
(Tag::DoAction): DoAction;
(Tag::FileAttributes): FileAttributes;
(Tag::Metadata): Metadata;
(_): padding[RecordHeader.len];
} [[name(RecordHeader.Tag)]];
struct File {
TagRecord Tags[while(!std::mem::eof())] [[inline]];
struct Compressed {
UncompressedHeader h;
std::mem::Section decompressed = std::mem::create_section("Zlib decompressed");
u8 compressedContents[std::mem::size() - 8] @ 0x8;
hex::dec::zlib_decompress(compressedContents, decompressed, 15);
std::mem::Section full = std::mem::create_section("Full decompressed SWF");
std::mem::copy_value_to_section(h, full, 0x0);
std::mem::copy_section_to_section(decompressed, 0x0, full, 0x8, h.bytesSize - 8);
// Write decompressed flag, so next time we open the pattern knows it's decompressed
std::mem::copy_value_to_section("Z", full, 0x0);
u8 d[h.bytesSize] @ 0x00 in full;
builtin::hex::core::add_virtual_file(std::format("dec-{}", hex::prv::get_information("file_name")), d);
std::warning("This SWF is ZLib-compressed, grab the decompressed save from\nthe Virtual Filesystem tab and use this pattern on it.");
struct Main {
char compressed @ 0x0 [[hidden]];
match (compressed) {
('C'): Compressed;
('Z'): File;
} [[inline]];
Main m @ 0x0;
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