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Created January 28, 2014 21:18
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Stripe CTF Level 1 Solution
module Main where
-- Solve Level 1 of Stripe
-- Create a sufficiently difficult git hash
-- ByteStrings are needed for hashing
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B8
import qualified Data.ByteString.Base16 as B16
-- This is stuff for manipulating Git
import qualified System.Process as P
import System.Exit (ExitCode(..))
import System.IO (withFile, IOMode(..), hGetContents)
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import System.FilePath ((</>))
-- Helps us modify LEDGER.txt
import Text.Regex (mkRegex, subRegex)
-- Parallel makes us faster
import Control.Parallel.Strategies (rseq,parMap)
-- so hash such necessary shamaze
import qualified Crypto.Hash.SHA1 as SHA
-- Nothing complicated here; a simple type synonym
type CommitArgs = (String, String, String)
---- Making Git Hashes -----
-- Git object header
header :: B.ByteString -> B.ByteString
header body = B8.pack ("commit " ++ (show $ B.length body)) `B.append` (B.pack [0])
-- Add the git object header
addHeader :: B.ByteString -> B.ByteString
addHeader body = (header body) `B.append` body
-- Make a sha of a commit body
shaify :: String -> B.ByteString
shaify = SHA.hash . addHeader . B8.pack
-- Make a commit body
commitBody :: CommitArgs -> String
commitBody (t,p,n) = unlines [
"tree " ++ t,
"parent " ++ p,
"author Name <email@domain.tld> " ++ n ++ " -0500",
"committer Name <email@domain.tld> " ++ n ++ " -0500",
"Give me a gitcoin"
-- Add an integer to to a commit body
commitCount :: String -> Int -> String
commitCount body cnt = body ++ (show cnt) ++ "\n"
-- Make an infinite list of commits that are different
commits :: CommitArgs -> [String]
commits args = let body = commitBody args
in [body] ++ map (commitCount body) [1..]
-- Make an infinite list of commits that are different and their SHA1's
commitsShas :: CommitArgs -> [(String, B.ByteString)]
commitsShas = map (\b -> (b, shaify b)) . commits
-- Map an infinite list from commitsShas to one that attaches whether its difficult enough (in parallel)
mapDifficultyParallel :: B.ByteString -> [(String, B.ByteString)] -> [(Bool, (String, B.ByteString))]
mapDifficultyParallel diff arr = parMap rseq (\(s,bs) -> (bs < diff, (s, bs))) arr
-- Map an infinite list from commitsShas to one that attaches whether its difficult enough (serially)
mapDifficultySerial :: B.ByteString -> [(String, B.ByteString)] -> [(Bool, (String, B.ByteString))]
mapDifficultySerial diff arr = map (\(s,bs) -> (bs < diff, (s, bs))) arr
-- Filter out the first commit that passes the difficulty check
findDifficultCommit :: B.ByteString -> CommitArgs -> (String, B.ByteString)
findDifficultCommit diff = snd . head . filter fst . mapDifficultyParallel diff . commitsShas
----- Manipulating Git -----
readCommitArgs :: FilePath -> IO CommitArgs
readCommitArgs dir = do
(_,tree,_) <- runGit dir ["write-tree"] ""
(_,parent,_) <- runGit dir ["rev-parse", "HEAD"] ""
(_,time,_) <- runCmd "date" ["+%s"] ""
return (init tree, init parent, init time)
-- Helper to run a git command
runGit :: FilePath -> [String] -> String -> IO (ExitCode, String, String)
runGit dir args body = runCmd "git" (("--git-dir=" ++ dir </> ".git") : ("--exec-path=" ++ dir) : ("--work-tree=" ++ dir) : args) body
-- Helper to run a command
runCmd :: FilePath -> [String] -> String -> IO (ExitCode, String, String)
runCmd = P.readProcessWithExitCode
readDifficulty :: FilePath -> IO String
readDifficulty dir = readFile (dir </> "difficulty.txt")
-- Encodes a difficulty into a form so we can check against it
encodeDifficulty :: String -> B8.ByteString
encodeDifficulty = fst . B16.decode . B8.pack . init
-- Write a commit out using git hash-object
writeCommit :: FilePath -> String -> IO (ExitCode, String, String)
writeCommit dir commit = runGit dir ["hash-object", "-t", "commit", "--stdin", "-w"] commit
-- Reset to a commit sha and push to origin
resetAndPush :: FilePath -> String -> IO Bool
resetAndPush dir sha = do
putStrLn $ "Resetting to " ++ sha
runGit dir ["reset", "--hard", sha] ""
putStrLn "Pushing to origin"
(code,out,err) <- runGit dir ["push", "origin", "master"] ""
putStrLn out
putStrLn err
return (if ExitSuccess == code then True else False)
-- Update the ledger file appropriately
updateLedgerFile :: FilePath -> String -> IO (ExitCode, String, String)
updateLedgerFile dir user = do
let fn = dir </> "LEDGER.txt"
nl <- withFile fn ReadMode (\h -> hGetContents h >>= \l -> putStrLn l >>= \_ -> return $ updateLedger user l)
writeFile fn nl
putStrLn "Updated ledger!"
runGit dir ["add", "LEDGER.txt"] ""
-- Update the ledger contents
updateLedger :: String -> String -> String
updateLedger user ledger =
case getCount copy of
[] -> copy ++ user ++ ": 1\n"
[i] -> subRegex (mkRegex $ user ++ ": " ++ (show i)) copy (user ++ ": " ++ (show $ i + 1))
_ -> error "am i in there more than once?"
copy = map id ledger
getCount = map snd . filter fst . map (\l -> (head (words l) == (user++":"), read (last (words l)) :: Int)) . lines
-- Reset the entire thing to start over (after a failed push)
reset :: FilePath -> IO ()
reset dir = do
runGit dir ["fetch", "origin"] ""
runGit dir ["reset", "--hard", "origin/master"] ""
return ()
-- Main function to mine gitcoins
mineGitcoins :: FilePath -> String -> IO ()
mineGitcoins dir user = do
reset dir
updateLedgerFile dir user
comargs <- readCommitArgs dir
diff <- readDifficulty dir
let bdiff = encodeDifficulty diff
putStrLn $ show comargs
let (commit, sha) = findDifficultCommit (bdiff) comargs
let ssha = (B8.unpack . B16.encode) sha
putStr commit
putStrLn ssha
writeCommit dir commit
success <- resetAndPush dir ssha
if success then putStrLn "SUCCESS!" else mineGitcoins dir user
-- Main function to parse args and run the miner
main :: IO ()
main = do
args <- getArgs
let dir = case args of [] -> "../one-up"
[d] -> d
let user = case args of [_,u] -> u
_ -> "user-id"
mineGitcoins dir user
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