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Last active July 30, 2020 16:27
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yggdrasil inside podman
# defaults file for yggdrasil
yggdrasil_admin_listen_address: unix:///var/run/yggdrasil.sock
yggdrasil_config_listen_address: tcp://[::]:46727
yggdrasil_sessionfirewall_on: yes
yggdrasil_node_info: {}
- name: Malha São Paulo
listen_uri: tcp://
- name: Malha São Paulo IPv6
listen_uri: tcp://[2804:49fc::ffff:ffff:5b5:e8be]:58301
- name: Yan's MacBook
public_key: d61bfd196889a8e519522b08d83a8ada40ef5f57274fd6bc3e24955a97c72321
# tasks file for yggdrasil
- name: add yggdrasil scripts
become: yes
dest: "/usr/bin/{{ item }}"
src: "{{ item }}"
mode: 0755
- yggdrasil-podman
- yggdrasil-post
- name: create yggdrasil symlinks
become: yes
src: /usr/bin/yggdrasil-podman
dest: "/usr/bin/{{ item }}"
state: link
- yggdrasil
- yggdrasilctl
# TODO: implement updating existing config files
- name: check if yggdrasil config exists
path: /etc/yggdrasil.conf
register: this
- name: add yggdrasil config
become: yes
dest: /etc/yggdrasil.conf
src: yggdrasil.conf.j2
when: this.stat.exists == False
- name: run yggdrasil post-install
become: yes
command: "bash /usr/bin/yggdrasil-post"
- name: add yggdrasil service
become: yes
dest: /etc/systemd/system/yggdrasil.service
src: yggdrasil.service
- name: ensure yggdrasil service is enabled
become: yes
name: yggdrasil.service
state: started
enabled: yes
masked: no
# Run yggdrasil in a container
# This script will attempt to mirror the host paths by using volumes for the
# following paths:
# * /etc
# * /var/run
# You can add additional volumes (or any docker run options) using
# the $DOCKER_RUN_OPTIONS or $VOLUMES environment variables.
set -e
# Setup volume mounts for yggdrasil config/runtime
VOLUMES="$VOLUMES -v /etc:/etc"
VOLUMES="$VOLUMES -v /var/run:/var/run"
# if [ "$(pwd)" != '/' ]; then
# VOLUMES="$VOLUMES -v $(pwd):$(pwd)"
# fi
DOCKER_RUN_OPTIONS="$DOCKER_RUN_OPTIONS --name=yggdrasil.$(date +%s)"
# Always set -i to support piped and terminal input in run/exec
# Only allocate tty if we detect one
if [ -t 0 -a -t 1 ]; then
# yggdrasil or yggdrasilctl
if [ "${0##*/}" = "yggdrasilctl" ]; then
DOCKER_RUN_OPTIONS="$DOCKER_RUN_OPTIONS --entrypoint=/yggdrasilctl"
exec podman run $DOCKER_RUN_OPTIONS $VOLUMES $IMAGE "$@"
if [ -f /etc/yggdrasil.conf ]; then
mkdir -p /var/backups
echo "Backing up configuration file to /var/backups/yggdrasil.conf.`date +%Y%m%d`"
cp /etc/yggdrasil.conf /var/backups/yggdrasil.conf.`date +%Y%m%d`
echo "Normalising and updating /etc/yggdrasil.conf"
cat /var/backups/yggdrasil.conf.`date +%Y%m%d` | /usr/bin/yggdrasil -useconf -normaliseconf > /etc/yggdrasil.conf
if command -v systemctl >/dev/null; then
systemctl daemon-reload >/dev/null || true
systemctl enable yggdrasil || true
systemctl start yggdrasil || true
exit 0
echo "Generating initial configuration file /etc/yggdrasil.conf"
echo "Please familiarise yourself with this file before starting Yggdrasil"
/usr/bin/yggdrasil -genconf > /etc/yggdrasil.conf
# Listen address for peer connections. Default is to listen for all
# TCP connections over IPv4 and IPv6 with a random port.
Listen: "{{ yggdrasil_config_listen_address }}"
# Listen address for admin connections. Default is to listen for local
# connections either on TCP/9001 or a UNIX socket depending on your
# platform. Use this value for yggdrasilctl -endpoint=X. To disable
# the admin socket, use the value "none" instead.
AdminListen: "{{ yggdrasil_admin_listen_address }}"
# List of connection strings for static peers in URI format, e.g.
# tcp://a.b.c.d:e or socks://a.b.c.d:e/f.g.h.i:j.
Peers: [
{% for peer in yggdrasil_peers %}
{% if peer.listen_uri is defined %}
"{{ peer.listen_uri }}",
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
# Local network interface name for TUN/TAP adapter, or "auto" to select
# an interface automatically, or "none" to run without TUN/TAP.
IfName: ygg0
# Maximux Transmission Unit (MTU) size for your local TUN/TAP interface.
# Default is the largest supported size for your platform. The lowest
# possible value is 1280.
IfMTU: 65535
# The session firewall controls who can send/receive network traffic
# to/from. This is useful if you want to protect this node without
# resorting to using a real firewall. This does not affect traffic
# being routed via this node to somewhere else. Rules are prioritised as
# follows: blacklist, whitelist, always allow outgoing, direct, remote.
# Enable or disable the session firewall. If disabled, network traffic
# from any node will be allowed. If enabled, the below rules apply.
Enable: {% if yggdrasil_sessionfirewall_on %}true{% else %}false{% endif %}
# Allow network traffic from directly connected peers.
AllowFromDirect: true
# Allow network traffic from remote nodes on the network that you are
# not directly peered with.
AllowFromRemote: false
# Allow outbound network traffic regardless of AllowFromDirect or
# AllowFromRemote. This does allow a remote node to send unsolicited
# traffic back to you for the length of the session.
AlwaysAllowOutbound: true
# List of public keys from which network traffic is always accepted,
# regardless of AllowFromDirect or AllowFromRemote.
{% for peer in yggdrasil_whitelist_peers %}
{% if peer.public_key is defined %}
"{{ peer.public_key }}",
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
# List of public keys from which network traffic is always rejected,
# regardless of the whitelist, AllowFromDirect or AllowFromRemote.
BlacklistEncryptionPublicKeys: []
# Optional node info. This must be a { "key": "value", ... } map
# or set as null. This is entirely optional but, if set, is visible
# to the whole network on request.
NodeInfo: {{ yggdrasil_node_info | tojson }}
ExecStart=/usr/bin/yggdrasil -useconffile /etc/yggdrasil.conf
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