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yantar92 / openpgp.txt
Created October 21, 2017 06:29
OpenKeychain Linked Identity
This Gist confirms the Linked Identity in my OpenPGP key, and links it to this GitHub account.
Token for proof:
[Verifying my OpenPGP key: openpgp4fpr:4590073c56d47b725e9a6ce66470762a7da11d8b]
yantar92 / openpgp.txt
Created October 21, 2017 06:30
OpenKeychain Linked Identity
This Gist confirms the Linked Identity in my OpenPGP key, and links it to this GitHub account.
Token for proof:
[Verifying my OpenPGP key: openpgp4fpr:4590073c56d47b725e9a6ce66470762a7da11d8b]
yantar92 / openpgp.txt
Created October 21, 2017 06:30
OpenKeychain Linked Identity
This Gist confirms the Linked Identity in my OpenPGP key, and links it to this GitHub account.
Token for proof:
[Verifying my OpenPGP key: openpgp4fpr:4590073c56d47b725e9a6ce66470762a7da11d8b]
yantar92 / openpgp.txt
Created October 21, 2017 06:30
OpenKeychain Linked Identity
This Gist confirms the Linked Identity in my OpenPGP key, and links it to this GitHub account.
Token for proof:
[Verifying my OpenPGP key: openpgp4fpr:4590073c56d47b725e9a6ce66470762a7da11d8b]
yantar92 / openpgp.txt
Created October 21, 2017 06:32
OpenKeychain Linked Identity
This Gist confirms the Linked Identity in my OpenPGP key, and links it to this GitHub account.
Token for proof:
[Verifying my OpenPGP key: openpgp4fpr:4590073c56d47b725e9a6ce66470762a7da11d8b]
yantar92 / openpgp.txt
Created October 21, 2017 06:32
OpenKeychain Linked Identity
This Gist confirms the Linked Identity in my OpenPGP key, and links it to this GitHub account.
Token for proof:
[Verifying my OpenPGP key: openpgp4fpr:4590073c56d47b725e9a6ce66470762a7da11d8b]
yantar92 / openpgp.txt
Created October 21, 2017 06:32
OpenKeychain Linked Identity
This Gist confirms the Linked Identity in my OpenPGP key, and links it to this GitHub account.
Token for proof:
[Verifying my OpenPGP key: openpgp4fpr:4590073c56d47b725e9a6ce66470762a7da11d8b]
yantar92 / org-no-overlay-in-drawers.el
Last active May 4, 2020 09:30
Org-mode patch to use text properties instead of overlays in drawers
;; [[file:~/Git/emacs-config/][Speed up huge org files:1]]
(use-package org
(defun org-flag-region (from to flag spec)
"Hide or show lines from FROM to TO, according to FLAG.
SPEC is the invisibility spec, as a symbol."
(pcase spec
(remove-overlays from to 'invisible spec)
diff --git a/lisp/org-clock.el b/lisp/org-clock.el
index 34179096d..463b28f47 100644
--- a/lisp/org-clock.el
+++ b/lisp/org-clock.el
@@ -1359,14 +1359,14 @@ the default behavior."
(sit-for 2)
(throw 'abort nil))
- (insert-before-markers "\n")
+ (insert-before-markers-and-inherit "\n")
yantar92 / gist:b3ce1e265910b94e478233288636c0fd
Last active May 28, 2020 13:47
Fancy wrapping of headline text in agenda. Requires adaptive-wrap package.
;; macros from
(defun nox-unquote (exp)
"Return EXP unquoted."
(declare (pure t) (side-effect-free t))
(while (memq (car-safe exp) '(quote function))
(setq exp (cadr exp)))
(defun nox-enlist (exp)
"Return EXP wrapped in a list, or as-is if already a list."