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Last active May 26, 2024 05:48
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Create 4-color gradient UI graphics in Unity
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Sprites;
using UnityEngine.UI;
#if UNITY_2017_4 || UNITY_2018_2_OR_NEWER
using UnityEngine.U2D;
using Sprites = UnityEngine.Sprites;
using UnityEditor;
// Custom Editor to order the variables in the Inspector similar to Image component
[CustomEditor( typeof( GradientGraphic ) ), CanEditMultipleObjects]
public class GradientGraphicEditor : Editor
private SerializedProperty spriteProp;
private SerializedProperty topLeftColorProp;
private SerializedProperty topRightColorProp;
private SerializedProperty bottomLeftColorProp;
private SerializedProperty bottomRightColorProp;
private SerializedProperty gradientSmoothnessProp;
private SerializedProperty useSlicedSpriteProp;
private SerializedProperty fillCenterProp;
private SerializedProperty pixelsPerUnitMultiplierProp;
private GUIContent spriteLabel;
private void OnEnable()
spriteProp = serializedObject.FindProperty( "sprite" );
topLeftColorProp = serializedObject.FindProperty( "topLeftColor" );
topRightColorProp = serializedObject.FindProperty( "topRightColor" );
bottomLeftColorProp = serializedObject.FindProperty( "bottomLeftColor" );
bottomRightColorProp = serializedObject.FindProperty( "bottomRightColor" );
gradientSmoothnessProp = serializedObject.FindProperty( "gradientSmoothness" );
useSlicedSpriteProp = serializedObject.FindProperty( "useSlicedSprite" );
fillCenterProp = serializedObject.FindProperty( "fillCenter" );
pixelsPerUnitMultiplierProp = serializedObject.FindProperty( "pixelsPerUnitMultiplier" );
spriteLabel = new GUIContent( "Source Image" );
public override void OnInspectorGUI()
bool isSlicedSpriteAssigned = ( (GradientGraphic) target ).hasBorder;
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField( spriteProp, spriteLabel );
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField( topLeftColorProp );
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField( topRightColorProp );
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField( bottomLeftColorProp );
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField( bottomRightColorProp );
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField( gradientSmoothnessProp );
DrawPropertiesExcluding( serializedObject, "m_Script", "sprite", "m_Color", "topLeftColor", "topRightColor", "bottomLeftColor", "bottomRightColor", "gradientSmoothness", "useSlicedSprite", "fillCenter", "pixelsPerUnitMultiplier", "m_OnCullStateChanged" );
if( isSlicedSpriteAssigned )
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField( useSlicedSpriteProp );
if( useSlicedSpriteProp.boolValue || useSlicedSpriteProp.hasMultipleDifferentValues )
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField( fillCenterProp );
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField( pixelsPerUnitMultiplierProp );
[RequireComponent( typeof( CanvasRenderer ) )]
[AddComponentMenu( "UI/Gradient Graphic", 12 )]
public class GradientGraphic : MaskableGraphic, ILayoutElement
private static readonly Vector2[] s_SlicedVertices = new Vector2[4];
private static readonly Vector2[] s_SlicedUVs = new Vector2[4];
public Sprite sprite;
public override Texture mainTexture { get { return sprite ? sprite.texture : s_WhiteTexture; } }
public Color topLeftColor = Color.white;
public Color topRightColor = Color.white;
public Color bottomLeftColor = Color.white;
public Color bottomRightColor = Color.white;
[Range( 1, 5 )]
[Tooltip( "Increasing this value will make the gradient smoother by generating more vertices for the UI mesh; increase it only when needed" )]
public int gradientSmoothness = 1;
public bool useSlicedSprite = true;
public bool fillCenter = true;
public float pixelsPerUnitMultiplier = 1f;
public float pixelsPerUnit
float spritePixelsPerUnit = 100;
if( sprite )
spritePixelsPerUnit = sprite.pixelsPerUnit;
float referencePixelsPerUnit = 100;
if( canvas )
referencePixelsPerUnit = canvas.referencePixelsPerUnit;
return pixelsPerUnitMultiplier * spritePixelsPerUnit / referencePixelsPerUnit;
public bool hasBorder { get { return sprite && sprite.border.sqrMagnitude > 0f; } }
public override Material material
if( m_Material != null )
return m_Material;
if( sprite && sprite.associatedAlphaSplitTexture != null )
if( Application.isPlaying )
return Image.defaultETC1GraphicMaterial;
return defaultMaterial;
set { base.material = value; }
protected override void OnEnable()
protected override void OnDisable()
if( m_Tracked )
protected override void OnValidate()
gradientSmoothness = Mathf.Max( gradientSmoothness, 1 );
pixelsPerUnitMultiplier = Mathf.Max( pixelsPerUnitMultiplier, 0.01f );
protected override void OnPopulateMesh( VertexHelper vh )
Rect rect = GetPixelAdjustedRect();
float width = rect.width;
float height = rect.height;
Vector4 uv = sprite ? DataUtility.GetOuterUV( sprite ) :;
Vector2 pivot = rectTransform.pivot;
float bottomLeftX = -width * pivot.x;
float bottomLeftY = -height * pivot.y;
if( useSlicedSprite && hasBorder )
// Generate sliced Image
Vector4 padding, inner, border;
if( sprite )
padding = DataUtility.GetPadding( sprite );
inner = DataUtility.GetInnerUV( sprite );
border = sprite.border / pixelsPerUnit;
inner =;
padding =;
border =;
Rect originalRect = rectTransform.rect;
for( int axis = 0; axis <= 1; axis++ )
float borderScaleRatio;
// The adjusted rect (adjusted for pixel correctness) may be slightly larger than the original rect.
// Adjust the border to match the rect to avoid small gaps between borders (case 833201).
if( originalRect.size[axis] != 0 )
borderScaleRatio = rect.size[axis] / originalRect.size[axis];
border[axis] *= borderScaleRatio;
border[axis + 2] *= borderScaleRatio;
// If the rect is smaller than the combined borders, then there's not room for the borders at their normal size.
// In order to avoid artefacts with overlapping borders, we scale the borders down to fit.
float combinedBorders = border[axis] + border[axis + 2];
if( rect.size[axis] < combinedBorders && combinedBorders != 0 )
borderScaleRatio = rect.size[axis] / combinedBorders;
border[axis] *= borderScaleRatio;
border[axis + 2] *= borderScaleRatio;
padding /= pixelsPerUnit;
s_SlicedVertices[0] = new Vector2( padding.x, padding.y );
s_SlicedVertices[3] = new Vector2( rect.width - padding.z, rect.height - padding.w );
s_SlicedVertices[1].x = border.x;
s_SlicedVertices[1].y = border.y;
s_SlicedVertices[2].x = rect.width - border.z;
s_SlicedVertices[2].y = rect.height - border.w;
for( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
s_SlicedVertices[i].x += rect.x;
s_SlicedVertices[i].y += rect.y;
s_SlicedUVs[0] = new Vector2( uv.x, uv.y );
s_SlicedUVs[1] = new Vector2( inner.x, inner.y );
s_SlicedUVs[2] = new Vector2( inner.z, inner.w );
s_SlicedUVs[3] = new Vector2( uv.z, uv.w );
float invWidth = 1f / width;
float invHeight = 1f / height;
for( int x = 0; x < 3; x++ )
int x2 = x + 1;
for( int y = 0; y < 3; y++ )
if( !fillCenter && x == 1 && y == 1 )
int y2 = y + 1;
int startIndex = vh.currentVertCount;
if( gradientSmoothness <= 1 || x != 1 || y != 1 )
Color c1 = GetColorAt( ( s_SlicedVertices[x].x - bottomLeftX ) * invWidth, ( s_SlicedVertices[y].y - bottomLeftY ) * invHeight );
Color c2 = GetColorAt( ( s_SlicedVertices[x].x - bottomLeftX ) * invWidth, ( s_SlicedVertices[y2].y - bottomLeftY ) * invHeight );
Color c3 = GetColorAt( ( s_SlicedVertices[x2].x - bottomLeftX ) * invWidth, ( s_SlicedVertices[y2].y - bottomLeftY ) * invHeight );
Color c4 = GetColorAt( ( s_SlicedVertices[x2].x - bottomLeftX ) * invWidth, ( s_SlicedVertices[y].y - bottomLeftY ) * invHeight );
vh.AddVert( new Vector3( s_SlicedVertices[x].x, s_SlicedVertices[y].y, 0 ), c1, new Vector2( s_SlicedUVs[x].x, s_SlicedUVs[y].y ) );
vh.AddVert( new Vector3( s_SlicedVertices[x].x, s_SlicedVertices[y2].y, 0 ), c2, new Vector2( s_SlicedUVs[x].x, s_SlicedUVs[y2].y ) );
vh.AddVert( new Vector3( s_SlicedVertices[x2].x, s_SlicedVertices[y2].y, 0 ), c3, new Vector2( s_SlicedUVs[x2].x, s_SlicedUVs[y2].y ) );
vh.AddVert( new Vector3( s_SlicedVertices[x2].x, s_SlicedVertices[y].y, 0 ), c4, new Vector2( s_SlicedUVs[x2].x, s_SlicedUVs[y].y ) );
vh.AddTriangle( startIndex, startIndex + 1, startIndex + 2 );
vh.AddTriangle( startIndex + 2, startIndex + 3, startIndex );
// Generate multiple small quads in the center
float invSmoothness = 1f / gradientSmoothness;
float _bottomLeftX = s_SlicedVertices[x].x;
float _bottomLeftY = s_SlicedVertices[y].y;
float _width = s_SlicedVertices[x2].x - _bottomLeftX;
float _height = s_SlicedVertices[y2].y - _bottomLeftY;
float _bottomLeftUVx = s_SlicedUVs[x].x;
float _bottomLeftUVy = s_SlicedUVs[y].y;
float _uvWidth = s_SlicedUVs[x2].x - _bottomLeftUVx;
float _uvHeight = s_SlicedUVs[y2].y - _bottomLeftUVy;
for( int i = 0; i <= gradientSmoothness; i++ )
for( int j = 0; j <= gradientSmoothness; j++ )
float normalizedX = j * invSmoothness;
float normalizedY = i * invSmoothness;
Vector3 _position = new Vector3( _bottomLeftX + _width * normalizedX, _bottomLeftY + _height * normalizedY, 0f );
Vector2 _uv = new Vector2( _bottomLeftUVx + _uvWidth * normalizedX, _bottomLeftUVy + _uvHeight * normalizedY );
Color _color = GetColorAt( ( _position.x - bottomLeftX ) * invWidth, ( _position.y - bottomLeftY ) * invHeight );
vh.AddVert( _position, _color, _uv );
for( int i = 0; i < gradientSmoothness; i++ )
int firstTriangle = startIndex + i * ( gradientSmoothness + 1 );
for( int j = 0; j < gradientSmoothness; j++ )
int triangle = firstTriangle + j;
int aboveTriangle = triangle + gradientSmoothness + 1;
vh.AddTriangle( triangle, aboveTriangle, aboveTriangle + 1 );
vh.AddTriangle( aboveTriangle + 1, triangle + 1, triangle );
// Generate normal Image
if( gradientSmoothness <= 1 )
// Generate single quad
vh.AddVert( new Vector3( bottomLeftX, bottomLeftY, 0f ), bottomLeftColor, new Vector2( uv.x, uv.y ) );
vh.AddVert( new Vector3( bottomLeftX, bottomLeftY + height, 0f ), topLeftColor, new Vector2( uv.x, uv.w ) );
vh.AddVert( new Vector3( bottomLeftX + width, bottomLeftY + height, 0f ), topRightColor, new Vector2( uv.z, uv.w ) );
vh.AddVert( new Vector3( bottomLeftX + width, bottomLeftY, 0f ), bottomRightColor, new Vector2( uv.z, uv.y ) );
vh.AddTriangle( 0, 1, 2 );
vh.AddTriangle( 2, 3, 0 );
// Generate multiple small quads
float invSmoothness = 1f / gradientSmoothness;
for( int i = 0; i <= gradientSmoothness; i++ )
for( int j = 0; j <= gradientSmoothness; j++ )
float normalizedX = j * invSmoothness;
float normalizedY = i * invSmoothness;
Vector3 _position = new Vector3( bottomLeftX + width * normalizedX, bottomLeftY + height * normalizedY, 0f );
Vector2 _uv = new Vector2( uv.z * normalizedX + uv.x * ( 1f - normalizedX ), uv.w * normalizedY + uv.y * ( 1f - normalizedY ) );
vh.AddVert( _position, GetColorAt( normalizedX, normalizedY ), _uv );
for( int i = 0; i < gradientSmoothness; i++ )
int firstTriangle = i * ( gradientSmoothness + 1 );
for( int j = 0; j < gradientSmoothness; j++ )
int triangle = firstTriangle + j;
int aboveTriangle = triangle + gradientSmoothness + 1;
vh.AddTriangle( triangle, aboveTriangle, aboveTriangle + 1 );
vh.AddTriangle( aboveTriangle + 1, triangle + 1, triangle );
private Color GetColorAt( float x, float y )
Color topLerp = topLeftColor * ( 1f - x ) + topRightColor * x;
Color bottomLerp = bottomLeftColor * ( 1f - x ) + bottomRightColor * x;
return bottomLerp * ( 1f - y ) + topLerp * y;
int ILayoutElement.layoutPriority { get { return 0; } }
float ILayoutElement.minWidth { get { return 0; } }
float ILayoutElement.minHeight { get { return 0; } }
float ILayoutElement.flexibleWidth { get { return -1; } }
float ILayoutElement.flexibleHeight { get { return -1; } }
float ILayoutElement.preferredWidth
if( sprite == null )
return 0;
return DataUtility.GetMinSize( sprite ).x / pixelsPerUnit;
float ILayoutElement.preferredHeight
if( sprite == null )
return 0;
return DataUtility.GetMinSize( sprite ).y / pixelsPerUnit;
void ILayoutElement.CalculateLayoutInputHorizontal() { }
void ILayoutElement.CalculateLayoutInputVertical() { }
// Whether this is being tracked for Atlas Binding
private bool m_Tracked = false;
#if UNITY_2017_4 || UNITY_2018_2_OR_NEWER
private static List<GradientGraphic> m_TrackedTexturelessImages = new List<GradientGraphic>();
private static bool s_Initialized;
private void TrackImage()
if( sprite != null && sprite.texture == null )
#if UNITY_2017_4 || UNITY_2018_2_OR_NEWER
if( !s_Initialized )
SpriteAtlasManager.atlasRegistered += RebuildImage;
s_Initialized = true;
m_TrackedTexturelessImages.Add( this );
m_Tracked = true;
private void UnTrackImage()
#if UNITY_2017_4 || UNITY_2018_2_OR_NEWER
m_TrackedTexturelessImages.Remove( this );
m_Tracked = false;
#if UNITY_2017_4 || UNITY_2018_2_OR_NEWER
private static void RebuildImage( SpriteAtlas spriteAtlas )
for( int i = m_TrackedTexturelessImages.Count - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
GradientGraphic image = m_TrackedTexturelessImages[i];
if( spriteAtlas.CanBindTo( image.sprite ) )
m_TrackedTexturelessImages.RemoveAt( i );
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yasirkula commented Sep 8, 2020

Simply add this component to an empty object in a canvas.


There is a slight glitch in the above animation due to gif compression.

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And about sorting layer ? I used your component and it's fantastic. But it hide my sprites :(



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It's designed for the UI system, so you unfortunately can't include it in 2D Sprite Renderers' sorting system.

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kadaxo commented Sep 24, 2022

Is there any way to make it smoother? There is banding.

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@kadaxo If Gradient Smoothness has no effect, then the only solution I can think of is creating a new UI/Image shader that applies dithering to the colors. I've no dithering experience so I don't know for certain if this is even possible, unfortunately. You should also make sure that "Use 32-bit Display Buffer" is enabled in Player Settings.

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