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Last active February 18, 2019 13:14
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minimal cake + tagless final
// domain layer -----------------------------------------------------------
case class Movie(id: Int, title: String)
trait MovieRepo[F[_]] {
def getMovie(id: Int): F[Option[Movie]]
trait UsesMovieRepo[F[_]] {
val movieRepo: MovieRepo[F]
trait MovieService[F[_]] extends UsesMovieRepo[F] {
def getMovie(id: Int): F[Option[Movie]] = movieRepo.getMovie(id)
// application layer -------------------------------------------------
import monix.eval.Task
val db = Map[Int, Movie](42 -> Movie(42, "A Movie"))
object MovieRepoImpl extends MovieRepo[Task] {
def getMovie(id: Int): Task[Option[Movie]] = Task(db.get(id))
trait MixInMovieRepo {
val movieRepo: MovieRepo[Task] = MovieRepoImpl
object MovieService extends MovieService[Task] with MixInMovieRepo
val program: Task[Option[Movie]] = MovieService.getMovie(42)
// runtime ------------------------------------------------------
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.concurrent.Await
Await.result(program.runToFuture, 1.second)
//Some(Movie(42,A Movie))
// test environment -------------------------------------------------------
import cats.syntax.writer._
import cats.syntax.option._
type LogWriter[V] = Writer[Chain[String], V]
val logWriterMovieRepo = new MovieRepo[LogWriter] {
def getMovie(id: Int): LogWriter[Option[Movie]] = for {
_ <- Chain(s"getMovie($id)").tell
} yield Movie(id, "Dummy").some
object TestMovieService extends MovieService[LogWriter] {
val movieRepo = logWriterMovieRepo
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