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Created January 2, 2018 19:10
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HList type chain
import shapeless._
import shapeless.ops.hlist._
object typeChainCat {
trait Id[A] {
type Out
def apply(l: A): Out
object Id {
type Aux[L, O] = Id[L] { type Out = O }
def apply[L](implicit s: Id[L]): Aux[L, s.Out] = s
implicit def typeChainId[A]: Id.Aux[A, A :: HNil] = new Id[A] {
type Out = A :: HNil
def apply(a: A): Out = a :: HNil
trait Compose[L, R] {
type Out
def apply(l: L, r: R): Out
object Compose {
type Aux[L, R, O] = Compose[L, R] { type Out = O }
def apply[L, R](implicit s: Compose[L, R]): Aux[L, R, s.Out] = s
implicit def typeChainCompose[
L <: HList,
R <: HList,
TR <: HList,
O <: HList](
last: Last.Aux[L, LL],
isHCons: IsHCons.Aux[R, LL, TR],
prepend: Prepend.Aux[L, TR, O]
): Compose.Aux[L, R, prepend.Out] = new Compose[L, R] {
type Out = prepend.Out
def apply(l: L, r: R): Out = prepend.apply(l, isHCons.tail(r))
trait Assoc[A, B, C] {
type Out
def apply(a: A, b: B, c: C): Out
object Assoc {
type Aux[A, B, C, O] = Assoc[A, B, C] { type Out = O }
def apply[A, B, C](implicit s: Assoc[A, B, C]): Aux[A, B, C, s.Out] = s
implicit def typeChainAssociativity[
A <: HList, B <: HList, C <: HList, AB <: HList, BC <: HList, O <: HList
]( implicit
ab: typeChainCat.Compose.Aux[A, B, AB],
o1: typeChainCat.Compose.Aux[AB, C, O],
bc: typeChainCat.Compose.Aux[B, C, BC],
o2: typeChainCat.Compose.Aux[A, BC, O]
): Assoc.Aux[A, B, C, O] = new Assoc[A, B, C] {
type Out = O
def apply(a: A, b: B, c: C): Out = o1.apply(ab.apply(a, b), c)
trait LeftIdentity[A, B] {
def apply(a: A, b: B): B
object LeftIdentity {
def apply[A, B](implicit s: LeftIdentity[A, B]): LeftIdentity[A, B] = s
implicit def typeChainLeftIdentity[A, IDA <: HList, B <: HList](
id: typeChainCat.Id.Aux[A, IDA],
ab: typeChainCat.Compose.Aux[IDA, B, B]
): LeftIdentity[A, B] = (_, b) => b
trait RightIdentity[A, B] {
def apply(a: A, b: B): A
object RightIdentity {
def apply[A, B](implicit s: RightIdentity[A, B]): RightIdentity[A, B] = s
implicit def typeChainRightIdentity[A <: HList, B, IDB <: HList](
id: typeChainCat.Id.Aux[B, IDB],
ab: typeChainCat.Compose.Aux[A, IDB, A]
): RightIdentity[A, B] = (a, _) => a
def testAssoc[
A <: HList, B <: HList, C <: HList, O <: HList
](implicit ab: typeChainCat.Assoc.Aux[A, B, C, O]): Unit = ()
Int :: String :: HNil, // A
String :: Double :: HNil, // B
Double :: Boolean :: HNil, // C
Int :: String :: Double :: Boolean :: HNil // A・B・C
def testLeftIdentity[A, B <: HList](
implicit id: typeChainCat.LeftIdentity[A, B]): Unit = ()
testLeftIdentity[Int, Int :: String :: HNil]
def testRightIdentity[A <: HList, B](
implicit ab: typeChainCat.RightIdentity[A, B]): Unit = ()
testRightIdentity[Double :: String :: HNil, String]
Int :: HNil, // IDa
Int :: Boolean :: HNil, // B
Boolean :: HNil, // IDc
Int :: Boolean :: HNil // IDa・B = B・IDc = B
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