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Created August 31, 2021 18:55
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from concurrent.futures import Future
from contextlib import AbstractContextManager
from threading import Thread, RLock
from types import TracebackType
from typing import Optional, Type
from hid import Device, enumerate
def hex_fmt(data: bytes):
return " ".join("".join(c) for c in zip(*[iter(data.hex())] * 2))
class Frame:
dev_id: int
feature_idx: int
command: int
app_id: int
data: bytes
def __init__(self, dev_id: int, feature_idx: int, command: int, app_id: int, data: bytes):
self.dev_id = dev_id & 0xff
self.feature_idx = feature_idx & 0xff
self.command = command & 0xf
self.app_id = app_id & 0xf
data = data[:16] = data + b'\x00' * (16 - len(data))
def to_frame_data(self) -> bytes:
data = (
self.dev_id & 0xFF,
self.feature_idx & 0xFF,
((self.command & 0xF) << 4) | (self.app_id & 0xF),
data += b"\x00" * (20 - len(data))
return bytes(data)
def from_frame_data(cls, frame: bytes) -> "Frame":
if len(frame) < 4:
raise ValueError("Invalid data")
data = frame[4:]
data += b"\x00" * (16 - len(data))
return Frame(frame[1], frame[2], frame[3] >> 4, frame[3] & 0xF, data)
def __and__(self, other: "Frame") -> bool:
return (
self.dev_id == other.dev_id
and self.feature_idx == other.feature_idx
and self.app_id == other.app_id
and self.command == other.command
def __str__(self) -> str:
return f"Frame(dev_id=0x{self.dev_id:0>2x}, feature_idx=0x{self.feature_idx:0>2x}, command=0x{self.command:x}, app_id=0x{self.app_id:x}, data={hex_fmt(!r})"
class LogitechDevice(AbstractContextManager):
_req_future: Optional[Future]
_last_request: Optional[Frame]
def __init__(
vid: int,
pid: int,
interface_num: int,
dev_id: int,
app_id: int = 0xB,
debug: bool = False,
self._debug = debug
self._running = True
self._app_id = app_id
self._dev_id = dev_id
path = None
for dev in enumerate(vid, pid):
if dev["interface_number"] == interface_num:
path = dev["path"]
if path is None:
raise RuntimeError("Device/Interface not found")
self._dev = Device(path=path)
self._dev.nonblocking = True
self._req_future = None
self._last_request = None
self._lock = RLock()
self._read_thread = Thread(target=self._read)
def __exit__(
__exc_type: Optional[Type[BaseException]],
__exc_value: Optional[BaseException],
__traceback: Optional[TracebackType],
) -> Optional[bool]:
return None
def _read(self):
while self._running:
res =, 500)
if res:
frame = Frame.from_frame_data(res)
if self._debug:
print("<", frame)
with self._lock:
if (
self._req_future is not None
and self._last_request & frame
self._req_future = None
def send(
feature_idx: int,
cmd: int,
data: bytes,
dev_id: int = None,
timeout: float = 1,
) -> Frame:
if dev_id is None:
dev_id = self._dev_id
frame = Frame(dev_id, feature_idx, cmd, self._app_id, data)
if self._debug:
print(">", frame)
fut = Future()
with self._lock:
self._last_request = frame
self._req_future = fut
return fut.result(timeout)
def close(self):
self._running = False
if __name__ == "__main__":
with LogitechDevice(0x046D, 0xC541, 2, 1) as kbd:
count = kbd.send(0x1, 0x0, b"").data[0]
for i in range(count):
res = kbd.send(0x1, 0x1, bytearray([i]))
feat_id = ([0] << 8) |[1]
print(f"{i:0>2x}, {feat_id:0>4x}")
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